Artist: Aeon Sable
Title: Visionaers
Genre: Gothic, Dark-Rock
Release Date: 17th October 2014
Label: Solarlodge
Album Review
AEON SABLE is a Dark Rock / Gothic band from Essen/ Germany. Their new record ‘Visionaers’ contains seven very different tracks, with mixed components from wave, gothic, metal and industrial. Some of them are supported by female vocals. The first track on the album, ‘...Dawn of an Era’ contains spoken words in an Asian language. I don`t know what it is about, but sounds like a S/M guide to me. I am not an expert in this kind of music, but for me it is good listenable stuff, with nice melodies and some rocking parts. I cannot judge if it is very creative for them or the copy of a copy, but it is well played and produced. Fans of Gothic and Dark Rock should check them up and support an independent band with ambitions.
01. ...Dawn of an Era
03. Quaalude Tango
04. Transmigration
05. Star Casualties
06. Black Swan
07. A Serpente e o Andarilo
Din-Tah Aeon
Nino Sable
Website /
Cover Picture
Music: 6
Sound: 7
Total: 6.5/ 10
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