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knorkator36Große Freiheit 36, Hamburg, Germany
29th March 2014

KNORKATOR, the "most band of the world", founded 1994 in Berlin, were on their "We want Mohr"-Tour and stopped at the Große Freiheit 36 in Hamburg. At the beginning of the year, the band published their sixth long-player and could not wait to present the new Fun Metal songs live to the fans. And the fans could not wait, too. The concert was not sold-out, but inside it felt like it, two times. The hall filled itself until the last minutes. Then, the lights went out.


Music & Performance
KNORKATOR does not need a support band. KNORKATOR does not keep their fans waiting for too long. KNORKATOR were standing on stage in time at 7.30 pm and opened the concert with ‘Hymne’, the first verse about the beginning of the concert, and the second about the end. Did not expect anything else. During the second song ‘Schwanzlich Willkommen’, Alf Ator (Alexander Thomas, vocals, keyboard) helped assisted singer Stumpen (Gero Ivers) getting out of his tight overall. The whole procedure happened very acrobatically, with handstands and jumps. At the end, Stumpen was only wearing short leather pants and presented his remarkable tattoos - his left side is almost coloured black, with some big patterns. After the audience was welcomed with "Hello Hamburg!", KNORKATOR went on quickly. The announcements were very short and this would go on like this during the concert. “The most band of the world” loves to play, and not to talk. During ‘Ding inne Schnauze’, Stumpen stole a camera from a fan from the first row. He put the camera first in front of his pants, then at the back, took it into the mouth and then the fan could get this camera back. If it still worked, I do not know.


As next victims, the concert photographer were selected. Stumpen downright dragged them on stage to take some pictures of the band with the fans all waving in the background. The show went on with some "music for dancing". At ‘Du bist schuld’ (‘It's your fault’), Stumpen picked another victim. It was the young Lille, also first row, whose fault it was. Now he and all the audience yelled "it's Lille's fault", simply just because she was there. The first row did not have an easy life this evening. Some songs later, KNORKATOR got a female guest guitarist, Jenn, to gain the band with Buzz Dee (Sebastian Baur, guitars), Rajko Gohlke (bass) and Sebastian Meyer (drums). Jenn stayed for a while on stage, waving her long brown hair while playing. So all the audience had the chance to sing along with the song ‘Fortschritt’, Stumpen got a big white signboard on stage with all the words which were required. I doubt that the guys in the fifth row had any possibilities to see anything, but for a real KNORKATOR fan, this should not have been a big problem. For a little presentation of one of his earlier songs, Stumpen choose a little girl from the audience to get on stage, pull out some lyrics he gave her and read out load. Unfortunately, "Hopp hopp hopp, Pferdchen lauf Galopp" was not written by Stumpen - Alf Ator was the real writer. Went bad for Stumpen.


Matching to ‘Ich hasse Musik’ (‘I hate music’), Stumpen discovered (of course, in the first row again) a guy with earplugs in his ears. Bad for him, he was booed out from the whole audience. The first real highlight was the song ‘L’. Stumpen jumped rope - with four burning sparklers on it, which was really admirable. Next to his athletic talents, he also always showed what he has learned many years ago at his classical vocal training, it definitely was worth it. Unhappily, I have to say that the microphones were set way to loud, because he and Alf had a really good organ and did not need this kind of enforcement. But the performance did make amends. And of course, Stumpen had a magic trick to show the crowd. Wrapped into a big plastic bag with a vacuum cleaner behind him, we wanted to free himself while performing ‘Der Werwurm’. For the time being the last song, Alf gave to ‘Wir werden alle sterben’ one nice solo with his ukulele. After already 23 songs, the fans did not want KNORKATOR to leave. So Stumpen made a deal. If they would scream "Zusilbe" out loud enough, Knorkator would perform more three songs. Because of a slip of the tongue by Stumpen, "Zugabe" became "Zusilbe" ("to-syllable"). The crowd could be convinced and so the last songs started. And of course, there was another highlight. Stumpen jumped into the audience, in a giant inflatable ball and let the fans play with him for a while.


As really last song ‘Ma Baker’, Alf and Stumpen played a round of Badminton, while Jenn, Buzz and Rajko moved unison with their guitars. After almost two hours and 26 songs, KNORKATOR left the stage for this evening.

01. Hymne
02. Schwanzlich willkommen
03. Ding inne Schnauze
04. Schüchtern
05. Du bist schuld
06. Mich verfolgt meine eigene Scheiße
07. Zoo
08. Fortschritt
09. Geld
10. Wenn mir einer was will
11. Alter Mann
12. Refräng
13. Du nich
14. Ich hasse Musik
15. L
16. Konrad
17. Breaking the Law
18. Schmutzfink
19. Der Werwurm
20. Eigentum
21. Der ultimative Mann
22. Weg nach unten
23. Wir werden alle sterben
24. Absolution
25. Böse
26. Ma Baker

Music: 7
Performance: 10
Sound: 6
Light: 8
Total: 7.7 / 10


Full Gallery
  • knorkator01
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All Pictures by Jan Termath (