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DSC 7207Den Atelier, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
19th December 2019
Northlane - “Alien World Tour” 2019 - Support: Void Of Vision, Polaris

NORTHLANE are celebrating ten years of band jubilee this year, so it seems all the more logical that after the successful albums ‘Node’ (2015) and ‘Mesmer’ (2017) they now released ‘Alien’. They do not tie up to the past albums. With ‘Alien’ they entered new territory, a hybrid between Tech Metal, booming Drum’n’Bass beats and hardcore synthesizers, but they didn’t lose their typical NORTHLANE sound. ‘Alien’ is probably the most personal, but also most disturbing album of the band. Reason enough to go on tour with it. On Thursday the Australians visited the Grand Duchy with their compatriots POLARIS and VOID OF VISION.

Void Of Vision

VOID OF VISION is an Australian Metalcore band from Melbourne, formed in 2013. The band consists of guitarists James McKendrick and Mitch Fairlie, drummer George Murphy, and vocalist Jack Bergin. VOID OF VISION has released two studio albums: ‘Children of Chrome’ (2016) and ‘Hyperdaze’ (2019).

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Music & Performance
The evening kicked off at 7pm with VOID OF VISION from Melbourne. The four-man combo played itself quite free in the beginning and provided for first movement in the not yet filled location. In 2013 the band around frontman Jack Bergin was formed, who keeps shouting his nasty shouts out into the audience. With his short hair the singer moved from left to right across the stage. Powerful and energetic, VOID OF VISION managed to warm up the audience for the evening with their mixture of Hardcore and Metalcore.

Music: 6
Performance: 6
Sound: 3
Light: 4
Total: 4.8 / 10

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POLARIS is an Australian Metalcore band. They released their debut album ‘The Mortal Coil in 2017’ and it was nominated for the 2018 ARIA Award for “Best Hard Rock / Heavy Metal Album”.

Music & Performance
The Australians of POLARIS have gained a big fanbase recently: “How many of you have seen us live before?”, singer Jamie Hails asked and quite a few arms went up. The A was already a little fuller at that time. The five-man combo from Sydney had been on the road since 2012 and had a surprisingly large number of supporters in Luxembourg too.

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Immediately the spark jumped over to the fans, immediately the hands were in the height and movement in the audience. The reason for this was probably the concert of ARCHITECTS in January, where POLARIS were already support act. The band hurled their mixture of Metalcore, Post-Hardcore and Djent towards the fans with full force. POLARIS mixed songs from their 2016-EP ‘The Guilt And The Grief’ with songs from their debut album ‘The Mortal Coil’, but also have their brand new single ‘Masochist’ in the set. Fans were happy because live the band convinced in any case, there was a lot of movement in the audience and the first stage divers were proof enough.

01. Casualty
02. The Remedy
03. Hypermania
04. Crooked Path
05. Regress
06. Masochist
07. Consume
08. Lucid

Music: 7
Performance: 7
Sound: 3
Light: 5
Total: 5.5 / 10

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NORTHLANE is an Australian Metalcore band from Sydney, formed in 2009. The band comprises guitarists Jon Deiley and Josh Smith, drummer Nic Pettersen, bassist Brendon Padjasek and vocalist Marcus Bridge. NORTHLANE have released five studio albums.

Music & Performance
At shortly before 10 pm there was time for the main act. NORTHLANE believed the audience to be in deceptive safety, the tippling intro of ‘Talking Heads’ broke out into a storm when the band stepped on the gas pedal. NORTHLANE took the name of their tour seriously, ‘Alien’, their new album played a central role on this evening. Nine songs made it onto the 14-song setlist this evening.

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In addition to that, there were also some older hits like ‘Obelisk’, ‘Intuition’ and ‘Red’. Among YouTube videos of the band, it is often discussed whether the former frontman Adrian Fitipaldes (he left in 2014) or the current one, Marcus Bridge, is the better singer. The solution in this case is simple: both singers bring their facets to the band. With ‘Alien’ the band took an exciting path and opened their sound for synthesizer sounds and effects without damaging the DNA of the band or losing sight of the way. Songs like ‘Details Matter’, ‘Jinn’, ‘Freefall’ and ‘Obelisk’ were the successful mixture of hardness and soulful passages, with stroboscope light the songs were staged perfectly in the A. Marcus Bridge sang one moment soulfully, the next moment he screamed his heart out.

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After almost an hour, a convincing performance by the Australians ended with ‘Sleepless’, stretched with drum and bass snippets, which starts slowly and only erupts eruptively towards the end, and one of the band's greatest hits, the tricky, brutal ‘Quantum Flux’, which once again provided the audience with plenty of movement.

01. Talking Heads
02. Intuition
03. Details Matter
04. Jinn
05. Red
06. Citizens
07. 4D
08. Freefall
09. Obelisk
10. Vultures
11. Eclipse
12. Bloodline
13. Sleepless
14. Quantum Flux

Music: 8
Performance: 7
Sound. 3
Light: 5
Total: 5.8 / 10

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All pictures by Elena Arens