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Title: In Requiem
Band: Paradise Lost
Genre: Gothic Metal
Release date: 18th May
Label: Century Media Records


Their career lasts for over two decades now and in this long time they have created a whole new genre - the Gothic Metal - and gone through many different styles. Obviously I'm speaking of PARADISE LOST. In 2007, they released their already eleventh Album entitled 'In Requiem'. The expectations on this Album were really high due to some statements of the band. Drummer Jeff Singer called it “darker, heavier and with lots of double bass attacks” and “more raw, organic, less polished“ is how guitarist Greg Mackintosh describes it.. Let's see if the new album can catch up with the high expectations.


Nick Holmes – Vocals
Greg Mackintosh – Lead Guitar
Aaron Aedy – Rhythm Guitar
Steve Edmondson – Bass Guitar
Jeff Singer – Drums


Song Review

1. Never for the Damned - 5:02
The opener of the album begins with a drum loop and some kind of oriental sound. After a short while the drums and guitars as well as some string sounds in the background join up. The song is really powerful. The speed of the song changes more than once. Nick’s vocals are really powerful and rough but in the middle of the song, the vocal style changes to clean vocals for a little while. I love it when Nick is singing with his clean voice. I nearly forgot Greg’s awesome guitar solo close to the end of the song. Absolutely fantastic!

2. Ash & Debris - 4:16
'Ash & Debris' begins very quiet with a string synth melody but suddenly – out of nowhere – fast drumming, heavy guitar riffs and Nick’s extremely rough vocals hit you right in the face. After the first verses, epic string sounds and some piano chords join the guitars and drums and create a very great atmosphere. Then, Nick starts the chorus with his clean vocals and you really get goose bumps from it. Again there’s a really good guitar solo by Greg Mackintosh. This is something that will happen more than once on this album.

3. The Enemy - 3:39
‘The Enemy’ was already released on the preceding single for the album and some of you are already familiar with it. It starts with distorted guitars and female vocals which are performed by Leah Randi & Heather Thompson. The song is mid-tempo and the vocals overall raw. The song is one that really had to grow on me. Overall this is a really powerful and catchy song but not one of the best Songs on the Album.

4. Praise Lamented Shade - 4:03
It’s starting with something that sounds like a synth guitar sample. The guitars are really deep played and the drums are rumbling. It has the feeling of a Doom Metal song to it because of this. The verses are sung with clean vocals and I really need to mention that I love it when he sings that way. When the chorus starts the vocal style changes to the rougher one I also love.

5. Requiem - 4:25
'Requiem' is a song with a dark choral sound which gives the song a real haunting atmosphere. It’s soon joined by a short guitar melody played by Greg. Then the drumming starts and this is by far the best drumming I ever heard in a PARADISE LOST song. It really shows what a great drummer Jeff Singer is. The drumming in this song is really varied; from double bass attacks to slow parts. Something for everyone! Nick’s vocals are nearly as they were in the 'good old days'. He's almost growling in the verses but when the chorus starts he switches back to the normal rough vocal style. Again there’s a really awesome Greg Mackintosh. He really knows how to use his “Tool”. Absolutely stunning piece of music!

6. Unreachable - 3:39
It begins with more laid-back drums, rhythm guitars and piano chords that are present in the whole song. The vocal style is – once again – changing from clean and beautiful vocals in the verses to a more rough kind in the chorus. The Lyrics - especially in the chorus - are so full of wistfulness and hopelessness; they almost make you cry out loud. The drums are not that present in this song as in the others before. The main focus lies on Nick’s voice.

7. Prelude to Descent - 4:12
'Prelude to Descent' is one of the slower songs on the album and still there’s this feeling of sadness and hopelessness that is present in the whole song. This feeling not only depends on Nick’s vocals. It's the whole instrumentation of the song that creates this unbelievable atmosphere in the whole. The song has a good dynamic. The drums and guitars are in the foreground again and in the middle, the song suddenly speeds up – just to get slower again after a short while to end this song with another guitar solo and chorus. Brilliant work!

8. Fallen Children - 3:38
'Fallen Children' is one of the songs I can't get into. Maybe this is one of the songs that need more time before you like it. It starts of with string sounds and is soon after that joined by heavy riffs, drumming and again piano lines that only appear in the verses. The overall vocal style is more the rough type, in the verses as well as in the chorus. The guitars are very dominant in this song and the synth sounds are mixed in the background.

9. Beneath Black Skies - 4:13
'Beneath Black Skies' is the second track released on the 'The Enemy' single released in April. It starts very dark and menacing with choral and piano sounds. Then the rhythm guitar and the drums set in. Nick starts the verse and you will again notice a different style of singing. Nick sings more deep and gravely than in previous songs. But I like this style of singing a lot. The style changes again when he starts with the chorus. There he returns to his cleaner vocal style.

10. Sedative God - 3:59
A real hymn in my opinion! And – of course it will be a good pleaser at PARADISE LOST concerts. It has all the trademarks of a great PARADISE LOST song: heavy riffs, great drumming, a Nick Holmes in top form and a Greg Mackintosh that once again plays some awesome guitar solos.

11. Your Own Reality - 4:07
The last regular song on the album has a really dense atmosphere due to the extensive use of string synths in this song. The guitars are mixed a little bit more in the background and the synths are dominating most of the song. It works with Nick’s clean vocals. The combination with the mentioned synths and two solos by Greg Mackintosh makes it a great closer for a great album.

Bonus Tracks (Ltd. edition only)

12. Missing - 4:31
The first of the two bonus track is a cover version of the EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL song ‘Missing’. Some already know that song ‘cause it was a big hit about 12 years ago and is still played by many radio stations. The boys made a real good PARADISE LOST song out of it. It is a slow one with melancholic atmospheres, great and really emotional vocals.

13. Silent in Heart - 3:22
The second one is a great but not really outstanding song except the great chorus. It’s not that fast but with heavy riffing and good drumming.

Cover Picture

Technical Information

Total Songs: 11 (Ltd. edition: 13)
Total Playing time: 45:13 (Ltd. edition: 53:07)
Extras: 2 bonus tracks (Ltd. edition only)


Music: 9
Sound: 10
Extras: 8
Total: 9


“The condemned live longer” or “there’s life in the old dog yet”. Both sayings put it down very well I guess. PARADISE LOST proved all those wrong, who complained PARADISE LOST are getting too soft and polished and that they sell themselves to the mainstream. This album is by far the best PARADISE LOST album in years though I really like ‘Symbol of Life’ and ‘PL X’. But this is really a true masterpiece in the band’s history. It has everything, heavy riffs, different vocal styles and Greg Mackintosh plays some of the best solos I've ever heard. I'd also like to mention the Drummer Jeff Singer. His work on the Album is simply fantastic. There’s 1 or 2 Songs I don't like that much but who cares. It's still an absolutely fantastic Metal Album! I almost forgot to mention the beautiful artwork done by an artist called Seth Siro Anton.
