Artist: Syrens Call
Title: Raging Waters
Genre: Progressive Metal
Release Date: 12th November 2010
Label: Brennus
Album Review
‘Raging Waters’ is SYRENS CALL’s third album. The band debuted in 2000 with ‘Fantasea’, followed in 2004 by ‘Emoceans’. They use three words to describe themselves and their music: Power, Melody, Emotion. And all three are omnipresent in their latest release ‘Raging Waters’. For a prog rock album I found it very accessible, but to be honest, I found it a bit too smooth. I have to admit that all songs sound great, but I cannot get rid of the feeling that the album has a lot more potential than it shows. No, I don’t think it’s bad or mediocre. I just don’t think it’s great. But it kinda grows on you, I cannot deny it. The more you listen to it, the more you get drawn towards it. The instrumental parts are monumental, sometimes even genius. Listen to the intro and the solo in ‘Ashes of Destiny’: amazing. The remainder of the song feels a bit bland. It could use more spice, e.g. by roughing up the female voice. ‘Cruel Love’ is a nice song, but it sounds like I’ve been here before. Not bad, not good.
‘Perfidious Paradise’ is one of my favourites. Nice intro, great keyboard solo, but again the feeling that it could / should be lifted up to the next level. I love the solo in ‘Never Come Back Home’. Some instrumental parts remind me of NIGHTWISH (Bye Bye Beautiful), maybe in too many songs. And after a while it becomes too much of the same. Even the instrumental track ‘Relapse’ doesn’t come through. Having heard all the instrumental parts in the previous songs, I was hopeful, but again, in my opinion, they didn’t push their limits. Which is a pity, because - I’ve said it before - I strongly believe the group can do so much better. Luckily you can find ‘The Dance of Light’ at the end of the album, some kind of magnum opus. It shows what the band can do, great atmosphere, more complex structures, nice lyrics and fine instrumentals… and vocals that fit.
My conclusion: great potential, but dare to be different, dare to be more outspoken. Promising and I certainly hope to hear more of this band in the near future.
01. Hang On To Life
02. I'm Your Only One
03. Ashes of Destiny
04. Cruel Love
05. Perfidious Paradise
06. Never Come Back Home
07. Desecrated Past
08. One Bloody Kiss
09. Relapse (instrumental)
10. The Dance of Light
Thibaut Coisne - Lead Guitar
Stéphane Thuriot - Rhythm Guitar
Eric Serre - Bass
Sébastien Paul - Drums
Frank Manier - Keyboards
Soraya Hostens - Vocals
Cover Picture
Music: 8
Sound: 8
Extras: -
Total: 8 / 10