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devintownsend epicloud
Artist: Devin Townsend Project
Title: Epicloud
Genre: Progressive Rock
Release Date: 24th September 2012
Label: Insideout

Album Review

I miss the times when QUEEN or PINK FLOYD were popular bands. So popular, that in spite of their long complex multilayer compositions, they were kind of pop-band. I miss the times, when people could value the real musical compositions, not just the successful schemes and mixtures of sounds. People and not just a number of music lovers who won’t need a minute to figure out who Devin Townsend is. I wish I could play ‘Epicloud’ to the first person I meet on the street, and he would appreciate it.

It is no need to say the thousand first time about Townsend’s genius. He is an incredible musician, singer and songwriter indeed. If you heard at least one of his works you don’t need any other proves. If you didn’t – you’ve missed like a half of brilliant music in this world, which one day will be hopefully called classics. Like any other person, he has the whole universe in his head, but he’s the one of the few who’s not just proud of it, but also realize the rich potential of this luck of being a human and are able to ride this universe, using it for his own purposes, which are in his case belong to music-sphere.

The album ‘Epicloud’ is epic… and loud from the very beginning to the very last seconds. Each song is an independent piece of art and reminds on a theatrical play, as if you could hold the universe in your fist. Each composition is a complex construction of the richest progressive arrangements and choirs. As well as Anneke van Giersbergen joined Devin and presented the ethereal touch to the album. On the one hand it might be difficult to apprehend the whole work from the first time. It works like Stendhal syndrome. One moment it’s just too much for the same person to realize and take all the songs in running. It could happen to feel yourself tired or pressed by the wall of the sound, doesn’t matter how much it inspired you in the beginning – it is still quite epic and pretty loud. However with time it is easy to recognize the grandeur of this work. As the Russians say, you can see the great thing only from away.


01. Effervescent!
02. True North
03. Lucky Animals
04. Liberation
05. Where We Belong
06. Save Our Now
07. Kingdom
08. Divine
09. Grace
10. More!
11. Lessons
12. Hold On
13. Angel


Cover Picture

devintownsend epicloud


Music: 10
Sound: 10
Total: 10 / 10