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Interview with

Markus (drums and programming) from Crematory

Shortly before the publication of CREMATORY’s newest record ‘Infinity’, I had the chance to do an e-mail interview with drummer and programmer Markus. Read what he had to say about their newest CD but also about their upcoming 20th jubilee. This interview also showed me, in comparison to other questioning, how different questions can be answered.

Reflections of Darkness (RoD): Hi and thanks for taking the time for this interview. Firstly: How would you describe your style in music to a person who has never heard CREMATORY before?
Markus: Gothic Metal emerged from 80’s Death Metal with melodious keyboards from the pop wave era in the 80s. For strangers, I would describe it as RAMMSTEIN meets DEPECHE MODE with varied deep and normal vocals. Suitable for everyone who thinks TOKIO HOTEL and LAFEE are too soft and RAMMSTEIN are too commercially orientated.

RoD: With next year’s beginning, you will be looking back upon 20 years of band history. In retro perspective: what were the biggest surprises, disappointments, in general highlights or lowlights?
Markus: We can look back upon a sensational career, of which we are very proud. When the band was founded in 1991, nobody reckoned with this success, which we mainly owe our fans. We love you for this and are very grateful for experiencing moments which are not to be paid with money.

RoD: Apart from your releases concerning the jubilee, are there other plans to celebrate your anniversary, for example within the band?
Markus: We are known to be a party-band and will have a blast. Until now, I do not know any details but I will surely come up with something wicked.

RoD: You are about to release your newest record, ‘Infinity’. How satisfied are you with the result until now?
Markus: Up to now, the reactions have been overwhelming and it could hardly be going any better. The press is talking about the best CREMATORY record ever and the advanced orders from the distributors are bursting at the seams.

RoD: Where would you see the most significant differences from ‘Infinity’ of its predecessors?
Markus: ‘Infinity’ is not supposed to be any different; it is just a seasonable advancement to the previous records. The fans can snatch the offer without thinking, because everything titled CREMATORY also includes CREMATORY.

RoD: For you as a band, in which sectors would you see your main influences?
Markus: There are hardly any influences, because ever since the second album, we have found our own style and enlarged it constantly, with some experiments every now and then.

RoD: For the future, are there any plans to tour with certain bands or are there any unfulfilled dreams?
Markus: CREMATORY is a headlining band and until now, we have not supported any big band. Now RAMMSTEIN or METALLICA would be something. For me, personally, BILLY IDOL or DEPECHE MODE would be a life’s dream coming true.

RoD: How important would you measure the connection between music and lyrics?
Markus: It has to be a unit. You cannot play heavy music and then sing a children’s lyric along. It all has to be fitting to transfer the complete song in a compact way.

RoD: Are any members of the band active in side projects and if yes, in which way do they influence the working process?
Markus: Nowadays, we are all fully concentrating on CREMATORY and do not have time for jokes next to it, since CREMATORY is run very professionally.

RoD: How is the relationship towards your fans? Are there any special stories or encounters to mention?
Markus: We love our fans and are we appreciate them, because they turned us into what we are today. You should not forget that the fans decide how big a band can become. During our concerts, we have lots of fun with our fans, which we would not like to miss.

RoD: For the future, do you have any special plans or desires for the band?
Markus: We hope to keep this group alive for another while, but this is influenced by the fans buying our CDs. Illegal downloading destroys us, due to this thievery, we cannot acquire shareholdings of licenses. Copy kills music. Next year, we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary, because of which a greatest hits CD will be released as well as a DVD including yet unpublished material, a must-have for every fan, who would like to take a look behind the scene.
