Title: Vanitas
Artist: My Friend Skeleton
Genre: Gothic / Visual Kei / Melodramatic Pop-Song
Release Date: 12th March 2010
Label: Danse Macabre Records
Album Review
MY FRIEND SKELETON, a newcomer band from Germany… some guys and gals behind masks and with bizarre costumes… and then there’s the riddle: Who the hell caches BEHIND these masks? And what kind of music is going to swirl our ears? No solutions, just questions! Let’s hear what shattered grounds from twilight zone are brought to us by this mysterious formation… On the first CD’s intro, there are ghostly voices blazing a trail to surface… still foggy and encrypted. But the next song solves in which direction MY FRIEND SKELETON musically wants to grow. Beautiful female voices paired with electronic sounds and baroque elements, according to their album title ‘Vanitas’ (hollow shine, voidness, futility, also: lie, boast - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanitas).
Whatever: the whole CD is one of the most atmospheric releases I’ve ever listened to and I’m quite probably not capable to express how much I got choked up about it! Finally this is an album, my heart was longing for aeons of time! Only a few releases have the ability to catch a mood and attitude in such a dense and intensive way - and here’s definitely one! And as that would not be enough, on their second CD MY FRIEND SKELETON just letting go their Alter Ego My Skeleton Friend…! Throughout this release, electronic and industrial sounds are dominating in combination with distorted male voices. It’s just like the second side oft he medal… the “animal” inside…
I’m really lacking in words to describe, what this release evokes… so I’ll make way for Orson Welles: “…it is how poetry has indefinite sensations to which end music is an essential. Since the comprehension of sweet sound is our most indefinite conception…! Music… when combined with a pleasurable idea is poetry. Music without the idea is simply music.” In this case… it’s not simply music! This is just beautiful art and poetry!
CD 1 Hinter der Maske der Schönheit...
01. The Nightmare Within
02. The Dead One
03. Black Widow
04. Charonpenny
05. Funeral of a broken Doll (Her Version)
06. Alice
07. Requiem
08. Schwester im Spiegel
09. Caroline
10. Spinning Dream
CD 2 ...lauert der Tod
01. Roboterblut Ouverture
02. Roboterblut Act 1
03. Roboterblut Act 2
04. Roboterblut Act 3
05. Roboterblut Act 4
06. Roboterblut Act 5
07. Funeral of a broken Doll (His Version)
08. Fassadenbaustelle
09. Ochita Tenshi
10. Cherie
10. Missed Calls
Amayah Sakinah Skeleton - Vocals
Archimed S. Skeleton - Keys
Kay Ozz Skeleton - Vocals
Serena Skeleton - Drums
Leontes Skeleton - VocalsVioletta Skeleton - Vocals
http://www.my-friend-skeleton.com/ / http://www.myspace.com/myfriendskeleton
Cover Picture
Music: 10
Sound: 10
Extras: -
Total: 10 / 10
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