E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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subwaytosally schwarzinschwarz
Artist: Subway To Sally
Title: Schwarz In Schwarz
Genre: Medieval / Folk-Rock / Metal
Release Date: 23rd September 2011
Label: Subway to Sally (Universal)

Album Review

This outstanding band nearly lost me in the last years with their last two studio releases ‘Bastard’ and ‘Kreuzfeuer’. Being a fan since their first release, I was quite excited what SUBWAY TO SALLY has to offer to their audience in these days. The title of this album promised a sullen and sepulchral release…so the first thing I have to admit that the new release is the darkest album within the career of SUBWAY TO SALLY so far.

The mood ‘Schwarz In Schwarz’ is radiating is that one of pouring pure darkness out of your speakers trying to devour everything crossing path. Finally STS return to the values, I simply adored them for plenty of years - what a solution! It seems like all of the song on this new release are like a desideratum of all the extraordinary and distinctive parts of SUBWAY TO SALLY´s repertoire. The conglomerate of all these wonderful qualities STS showed over the years are now combined and presented on one single album. ‘Schwarz In Schwarz’ is the consequent development of all the strengths, SUBWAY TO SALLY showed up in the career. Somehow it seems like ‘MCMXCV´s’ ‘Grabrede’, ‘Hochzeit´s’ ‘Böses Erwachen’, ‘Herblut´s’ ‘Wenn Engel hassen’ and ‘Engelskrieger´s’ ‘Narben’ were thrown in a witches’ cauldron and stirring constantly until suddenly ‘Schwarz In Schwarz’ saw the light of the day. It’s almost like a ‘Best of’-album without being a one!

There’s no particular song I can emerge to show these regained aspects, because all of the songs spread this spirit of power and an atmosphere of devastating eclipse. The typical power parts and guitar riffs, the “ancient” instrumentation, the perfect harmonies and choral parts… where should I start? There’s no doubt about it, that ‘Schwarz In Schwarz’ is a must have, not only for fans of SUBWAY TO SALLY but also for lovers of this genre. For my own part, this band regained my affection in all respects! I’ll take a bow…!


01. Das schwarze Meer
02. Schlagt die Glocken
03. Kämpfen wir!
04. Bis in alle Ewigkeit
05. Nichts ist für immer
06. Ins Dunkel
07. Wo Rosen blüh'n
08. Tausend Meilen
09. Mir allein
10. Am Ende des Wegs
12. Alles oder nichts


Eric Fish (Eric Hecht) - Vocals, Bagpipe, Flute
Bodenski (Michael Boden) - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Hurdy Gurdy, Geyerleier
Simon (Simon Levko) - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Trumscheit
Ingo Hampf - Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, several string instruments
Frau Schmitt (Silke Volland) - Violin
Sugar Ray (Silvio Runge) - Bass
Simon Michael (Simon Michael Schmitt) - Drums, Percussion


http://subwaytosally.com/ / http://www.myspace.com/subwaytosally / http://www.facebook.com/subwaytosally

Cover Picture

subwaytosally schwarzinschwarz


Music: 10
Sound: 10
Extras: -
Total: 10 / 10

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