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ghost ifyouhaveghost
Artist: Ghost BC
Title: If you have Ghost EP
Genre: Occult Rock/ Heavy Metal
Release Date: 22nd November 2013
Label: Loma Vista Recordings

EP Review

GHOST BC formerly known as GHOST were formed in 2008, they self-released their first demo in 2010. The band also spawned a 7”-vinyl-single with the songs ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Death Knell’ in the same year. Shortly after they signed a contract at the British label Rise above Records and published the debut album ‘Opus Eponymous’ in Europe. Barely three years after this debut, they conjured their second album and shortly after that this very EP I am reviewing. Every band member of this mysterious outfit is completely disguised on stage only the lead singer Papa Emeritus 2 (Papa Emeritus the first appointed an unknown to be his successor in 2012) is almost recognizable though with heavy makeup in his face.

Very little is known about the band itself and that’s a good thing in my opinion because it gives even more weight to the musical experience. The whole style reminds of KING DIAMOND and BLUE OYSTER CULT with the whole occult demeanour. It`s fun to listen to this guys and their musical black masses. The clear voice of Papa Emeritus the second is a nice contrast to the sometimes evil song material. My favourite moment on this Dave Grohl produced EP is ‘Crucified’ a cover version of ARMY OF LOVERS. Naturally the rest of the record is awe inspiring too. If you worship GHOST BC, this EP is a must buy.


01. If you have Ghost
02. I`m a Marionette
03. Crucified
04. Waiting for the Night
05. Secular Haze (Live)

Line- Up (Present Day)

Papa Emeritus 2 – Vocals
A Nameless Ghoul – Guitar
A Nameless Ghoul – Guitar
A Nameless Ghoul – Bass
A Nameless Ghoul – Keyboard
A Nameless Ghoul – Drums

Website /

Cover Picture

ghost ifyouhaveghost


Music: 7.5
Sound: 8
Extras: -
Total: 8.75 / 10

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