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Interview with

Sascha Konietzko of KMFDM

With 'Krieg', veteran formation KMFDM released a companion disc to their recent album 'Blitz'; holding exclusively renditions of the album songs by other artists, amongst them being some famous names. Reason enough for us to have a little chat with Sascha Konietzko.

Reflections of Darkness (RoD): 'Krieg' is an album with remixes of songs of the last release 'Blitz'. Why did you feel the need to release a remix album anyway?
Sascha: The idea of doing a “companion-release” to BLITZ was something that got cooked up in the KMFDM headquarters in Houston. It was presented to me as a concept and I liked it, not so much as “another remix album is what the world needs”, but because the goal was to get a top-notch line-up of participants that all had more-or-less a relationship with KMFDM. Our activities are often driven by the demands of our fan base. Usually KMFDM release an album every 18 months, or so. With our touring schedule in the recent past and near future, this cycle will take a little longer this time around and the release of KRIEG serves as a means to tide them over the longer period between “real” albums.

RoD: How much time did the project take to be all wrapped up from start to finish?
Sascha: It took about 2 months, the line-up of participants came together surprisingly quick and once work had gotten underway the results started pouring in.

RoD: Why is the album been called 'Krieg'? Is there any deeper meaning behind this choice for the title?
Sascha: BLITZ and KRIEG, a “play on words”, hatched by the boys at HQ.

How did you get in contact with all the remixers of the album?
Sascha: The contact was established by a “producer”, meaning a person who oversaw the execution of the entire project. Since I was on tour at the time of all of this, I had no way of connecting all the dots, and therefore left it in trusted hands.

RoD: Are there any more remixes that didn't make the album and if so why?
Sascha: All mixes were released, there’s nothing “in the back-hand”.

Why was the 'All 4 One Mix' of 'Bait & Switch' chosen to make the opener of the disc?
Sascha: Tossing a coin, any track could’ve been the opener, it’s not important on a remix album, I find. For the same reason the last track is the last track, it’s got nothing to do with ascending (or descending) preferences of each mix, or anything like that. Hence the proximity of certain tracks of the same name, pure coincidence.

RoD: The 'Disco Balls Mix' of 'Strut' is quite an unusual rendition regarding its direction in my opinion. How was your reaction when listening to it for the first time?
Sascha: Andy Selway, KMFDM’s drummer, is internally renowned for his outstanding ability to not only surprise us, but sometimes quite literally knock our socks off. This was one of those treasured moments.

RoD: I've been quite baffled by the direction taken by Koichi Fukuda on his version of 'People of the Lie'. How well it all fits as if the track had been conceived as ballad all along. Was it?
Sascha: A good song, and I mean “song” not “track”, is something that can be rendered any which way: With an acoustic guitar at the campfire, or in a concert-hall by an orchestra. Or by KMFDM. That’s why I find remixing interesting in the first place. I know immediately, upon first listening, whether or not a track is a song, or just a track. When dealing with songs, a remix can go in extreme directions where a track needs to stay “close to home” in order for it to maintain any relation with its original and to still be recognized.

RoD: May be a bit early to ask but has work already started on the next KMFDM full-length?
Sascha: Yes, the next album is being recorded as we speak, 12 tracks are in the box, now the part begins where we transform them (hopefully all of them) into songs ;-)

RoD: Anything else you want to add?
Sascha: Of course: KMFDM will be on their European Tour 2010 from mid-June thru early July, 18 shows in 18 days, all across Europe and the UK. Here are the tour dates:

RoD: Then that's it already. Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions.
Sascha: Cool, short and sweet, thanks for the opportunity! Best regards, Sascha KMFDM
