Artist: Wolf
Title: Devil Seed
Genre: Heavy Metal
Release Date: 22nd August 2014
Label: Century Media
Album Review
Since nearly twenty years WOLF play true Metal, they combine influences from the 70s and 80s Metal without the pop and plastic smell of HAMMERFALL and co., the vocals are from the love it or hate it case. With ‘Devil Seed’ they release their seventh studio long-player. The album contains eleven tracks featuring one intro and ten full songs. The songs are forward rocking Metal in its purest form. Screaming guitars, pounding drums and good compositions were a trademark of WOLF and are celebrated again in perfection. In times when many bands try to sound retro, WOLF don`t follow the trend they just play Metal in the way they like it. A must have for all fans of pure Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, not for those modern plastic rock fans.
01. Overture in C-Shark
02. Shark Attack
03. Skeleton Woman
04. Surgeons of Lobotomy
05. My Demon
06. I am Pain
07. Back from the Grave
08. The dark Passenger
09. River Everlost
10. Frozen
11. Killing Floor
Vocals & Guitar - Niklas Stalvind
Guitar - Simon Johansson
Bass - Anders Modd
Drums - Richard Holmgren
Website /
Cover Picture
Music: 8
Sound: 8
Total: 8 / 10
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