January 14th 2005
Nemesea, Imperia, Regicide, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, After Forever
Eurosonic takes place all over Groningen but the ‘Tehuis' was the scène of the metal bands for this evening. Performing tonight were the Dutch bands Nemsea, Imperia, the German bands Regicide and Die Apokalyptischen Reiter and last but not least the Dutch After Forever.All bands were introduced by Nienke, the singer from Autumn (also a Dutch band).
Due to the fact that I had to go back to the car a few times to refill the meter I have only seen three songs of the performance of Nemesea. The venue was not that full at this time, probably to early for all those metal heads. All I can say is they missed out on a good show!
Every time I see Nemesea they seem to sound better and they did again this time. The sound in the venue was good so this helped them get this evening off to a great start.
Fast metal combined with soft melodic tunes and the wonderful voice of Manda. She always sings in tune, though her voice sounds a bit thin sometimes.
Every time I see Nemesea they seem to sound better and they did again this time. The sound in the venue was good so this helped them get this evening off to a great start.
Fast metal combined with soft melodic tunes and the wonderful voice of Manda. She always sings in tune, though her voice sounds a bit thin sometimes.
Manda is definitely the eye catcher of this band. With her long hair and beautiful voice she makes a pretty picture. Unfortunately she still seems a bit insecure in her movements. If she would work on this and put some more effort into her clothes she could make a great front lady.
The other band members were al seeming to have a good time on stage. The light wasn't always perfect but Sonny (the bass player) always seemed to find a spot in the light. Good thinking or just luck?
Due to the fact that the light was not their own responsibility this mark will not be taken into the rating.
Manda is definitely the eye catcher of this band. With her long hair and beautiful voice she makes a pretty picture. Unfortunately she still seems a bit insecure in her movements. If she would work on this and put some more effort into her clothes she could make a great front lady.
The other band members were al seeming to have a good time on stage. The light wasn't always perfect but Sonny (the bass player) always seemed to find a spot in the light. Good thinking or just luck?
Due to the fact that the light was not their own responsibility this mark will not be taken into the rating.
Music 8
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7 (7,4)
Music 8
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7 (7,4)

When the roadies had finished preparing the stage for Imperia we all expected Nienke to enter the stage again, but she didn't. Instead a big man looking like a burglar came on stage. He placed a chair there and put a cup on it. After this he asked for music; the Carmina Burana. He lit some fireworks (small sparkling sticks which you get on special ice creams) some of these he put in the cup, others he held in his hand. He read something of a piece of paper he had with him. Honestly I don't think anyone was able to understand what he was saying, or even what he was doing and why the hell he was doing this. After he left the stage, it was finally Imperia's turn to hit the stage.
Helena is the only singer I have ever seen who can head bang and still sound fabulous at the same time. She has a wonderful voice and knows how to use it. I think she is able to enchant many men with her beautiful body but if you just close your eyes you can hear what a great singer she really is. As well as with Nemesea the sound was good. The guitarists were all totally in to their guitars, you can hear they have some years of experience to back them up.
Helena is the only singer I have ever seen who can head bang and still sound fabulous at the same time. She has a wonderful voice and knows how to use it. I think she is able to enchant many men with her beautiful body but if you just close your eyes you can hear what a great singer she really is. As well as with Nemesea the sound was good. The guitarists were all totally in to their guitars, you can hear they have some years of experience to back them up.
Helena has an unbeatable enthusiasm which nobody can take from her. This enthusiasm is combined with a great amount of energy which at some times she just doesn't seem to be able to control. The energy bursts out of her and she jumps around the stage, shaking and dancing, almost unable to control her body. On the contrary she sometimes seems to totally disappear in a world of her own and hide behind her hair while she sings emotional lyrics.
During their performance some idiot with a mask on and fireworks attached to his arms entered the stage to the joy of the audience.
Backed up by her somewhat elder guitarist she is the eye catcher of Imperia. Helena always makes her audience a part of the show, letting them take part in a shouting contest, holding hands while singing. While seeing Helena perform at first you might think what is this? But during the show she always seems to be able to enchant the entire audience with her child like innocence.
The only setback during this show was the light. There was: or smoke, or darkness, this was a great pity.
Helena has an unbeatable enthusiasm which nobody can take from her. This enthusiasm is combined with a great amount of energy which at some times she just doesn't seem to be able to control. The energy bursts out of her and she jumps around the stage, shaking and dancing, almost unable to control her body. On the contrary she sometimes seems to totally disappear in a world of her own and hide behind her hair while she sings emotional lyrics.
During their performance some idiot with a mask on and fireworks attached to his arms entered the stage to the joy of the audience.
Backed up by her somewhat elder guitarist she is the eye catcher of Imperia. Helena always makes her audience a part of the show, letting them take part in a shouting contest, holding hands while singing. While seeing Helena perform at first you might think what is this? But during the show she always seems to be able to enchant the entire audience with her child like innocence.
The only setback during this show was the light. There was: or smoke, or darkness, this was a great pity.
Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 5
Total 7
Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 5
Total 7

Regicide - http://www.regici.de
The first of the two German bands on stage tonight was Regicide.
Their violinist sure knew how to play her instrument; she was able to play incredibly fast riffs. Their male singer seemed a bit more secure than the girl he was singing with, when they sung together it sounded good, they were really tuned in to each other. His part in the songs was mostly a bit bigger but his raw and her sweet voice were a great combination.
Their first song was a bit slow. It didn't immediately grab the attention of the audience, this changed when they started their second song, a faster song with a catchy rhythm. The sound was well balanced.
Their violinist sure knew how to play her instrument; she was able to play incredibly fast riffs. Their male singer seemed a bit more secure than the girl he was singing with, when they sung together it sounded good, they were really tuned in to each other. His part in the songs was mostly a bit bigger but his raw and her sweet voice were a great combination.
Their first song was a bit slow. It didn't immediately grab the attention of the audience, this changed when they started their second song, a faster song with a catchy rhythm. The sound was well balanced.
There was a lot of interaction going on between the members of Regicide. The supported each other and had fun. Their violinist was a bit shy. When she did a fantastic solo the entire band formed half a circle around her and gave her the space she deserved. All through the performance smiles and winks were flying across the stage. There was no direct interaction with the audience but they were absolutely playing for us. They weren't playing just for fun; they were there to entertain us.
The lights during their show were fine; we were able to see everyone on stage. No special effects, just lights to light the stage.
There was a lot of interaction going on between the members of Regicide. The supported each other and had fun. Their violinist was a bit shy. When she did a fantastic solo the entire band formed half a circle around her and gave her the space she deserved. All through the performance smiles and winks were flying across the stage. There was no direct interaction with the audience but they were absolutely playing for us. They weren't playing just for fun; they were there to entertain us.
The lights during their show were fine; we were able to see everyone on stage. No special effects, just lights to light the stage.
Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7
Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - http://www.reitermania.de
The next German band was Die Apokalyptischen Reiter Nienke had asked them how to announce them; "prepare for love, prepare for war, prepare for Die Apokalyptischen Reiter"
This band has many sides to it. They can play folk like soft tunes as well as thundering metal.
Their songs are a mixture of these sides, a song will for instance start out like a song which makes you think of a bar filled with sailors and the next minute thundering riffs will blow you away. The sound was great, not just one blur of guitars which is often the case with such heavy guitar sounds. Fuchs is a great singer, only his high notes might need a little work, but since he used these notes only once, they were easily forgotten.
This band has many sides to it. They can play folk like soft tunes as well as thundering metal.
Their songs are a mixture of these sides, a song will for instance start out like a song which makes you think of a bar filled with sailors and the next minute thundering riffs will blow you away. The sound was great, not just one blur of guitars which is often the case with such heavy guitar sounds. Fuchs is a great singer, only his high notes might need a little work, but since he used these notes only once, they were easily forgotten.
They have just released their new album ‘Samurai'. On stage there were banners showing a samurai surrounded by Japanese Signs. Their singer was dressed in an outfit which looked like a samurai outfit, only simplified. Their guitar and bass player had regular clothes on but their keyboard player wore a leather mask with spikes on it, a metal chain hanging over his shoulders and a leather whip.
Their enthusiasm was overwhelming and they expected the same from their audience. Considering the moss pit that was formed during several songs I think the audience lived up to their expectations. The lights were great, they really added something to the show, they were there to support the performance.
Fuchs was fooling around with his microphone, swinging it around by his cord so hard that at one point it just stopped working, which was solved very quickly by taking the microphone of the guitarist. His eyes were just shining with enthusiasm; jumping and rolling around the stage he sure knew how to get the attention. At one point during the show he asked us to sing after him. He first sung a low tune which was easy to sing, then a weird little tune in a very high voice. The entire audience sung after him after which he told his band "watch out men, these guys are crazy". The audience loved their show and they had to come back for an encore which they were happy to give us.
They have just released their new album ‘Samurai'. On stage there were banners showing a samurai surrounded by Japanese Signs. Their singer was dressed in an outfit which looked like a samurai outfit, only simplified. Their guitar and bass player had regular clothes on but their keyboard player wore a leather mask with spikes on it, a metal chain hanging over his shoulders and a leather whip.
Their enthusiasm was overwhelming and they expected the same from their audience. Considering the moss pit that was formed during several songs I think the audience lived up to their expectations. The lights were great, they really added something to the show, they were there to support the performance.
Fuchs was fooling around with his microphone, swinging it around by his cord so hard that at one point it just stopped working, which was solved very quickly by taking the microphone of the guitarist. His eyes were just shining with enthusiasm; jumping and rolling around the stage he sure knew how to get the attention. At one point during the show he asked us to sing after him. He first sung a low tune which was easy to sing, then a weird little tune in a very high voice. The entire audience sung after him after which he told his band "watch out men, these guys are crazy". The audience loved their show and they had to come back for an encore which they were happy to give us.
Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 8
Light 8
Total 8

After Forever
Last but not least After Forever took the stage.
The intro of the show promised something good. However when Floor started to sing, it was obvious there was something wrong with the sound. Floor signed to the sound engineer and the problem was solved. During the rest of the performance the sound was ok but I have heard better. Floors voice was not as strong as usual; maybe she had a cold or something. Luckily the guitarists were in good shape and ready to support her.
The intro of the show promised something good. However when Floor started to sing, it was obvious there was something wrong with the sound. Floor signed to the sound engineer and the problem was solved. During the rest of the performance the sound was ok but I have heard better. Floors voice was not as strong as usual; maybe she had a cold or something. Luckily the guitarists were in good shape and ready to support her.
Even though her voice might not be as strong as usual, Floor was. She is still the leading lady, and the stage is hers. Eccentric was performed by her and Joost, she entered the stage with a red rose in her hand. During this song she made the entire audience get goose bumps. After the song she gave the rose to a girl in front of the stage. All this gave a very nice touch to the song.
The lights during the show were sometimes blinding but overall they were good.
Not many people were dancing, but when Floor asked the audience to clap with her everybody claps along (who could refuse her?).
Over all the performance was good as always, time flew by.
Even though her voice might not be as strong as usual, Floor was. She is still the leading lady, and the stage is hers. Eccentric was performed by her and Joost, she entered the stage with a red rose in her hand. During this song she made the entire audience get goose bumps. After the song she gave the rose to a girl in front of the stage. All this gave a very nice touch to the song.
The lights during the show were sometimes blinding but overall they were good.
Not many people were dancing, but when Floor asked the audience to clap with her everybody claps along (who could refuse her?).
Over all the performance was good as always, time flew by.
Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7 (7.3)
Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7 (7.3)

Het Tehuis
Food and drinks
There was no food available to my knowledge but there was a bar where you could get drinks. They had reasonable prices. Just like a normal bar, maybe even cheaper because the glasses were not as small.
There was no food available to my knowledge but there was a bar where you could get drinks. They had reasonable prices. Just like a normal bar, maybe even cheaper because the glasses were not as small.
The stage was high enough to be able to get a good view even in the back. It was about 7 meters wide and 5 deep.
The stage was high enough to be able to get a good view even in the back. It was about 7 meters wide and 5 deep.
Audience area
The audience area was quite big. There were little tables where you could put your drinks and nice clean toilets.
The audience area was quite big. There were little tables where you could put your drinks and nice clean toilets.
The staff was very helpful and friendly.
The staff was very helpful and friendly.
Facilities 7
Accommodation 7
Staff 8
Total 7 (7.2)
Facilities 7
Accommodation 7
Staff 8
Total 7 (7.2)