Boris May from Klangstabil
In a few days, KLANGSTABIL will play at Dark Munich Festival. Prior to the event, we had a short talk to Boris about the meaning of the band’s name, about the past releases, about the idea behind ‘Shadowboy’ and of course about the upcoming festival. Enjoy!
Reflections of Darkness [RoD]: What does the band’s name KLANGSTABIL mean?
Boris: Stability can be reached only when an object is in motion or active. For example, an album in a player keeps the right key, as long as it is playing with a constant energy, or a planet is on its orbit because it has the necessary speed. KLANGSTABIL is stable thank to the energy we all add with our new ideas and thoughts and also thanks to our friendship.
RoD: How would you describe KLANGSTABIL for people who have never heard of the band?
Boris: KLANGSTABIL is the band which is worthy to be discovered for yourself. No matter what music taste you have.
RoD: Between the release of ‘Math & Emotion’ and the new release has gone five years. What have you been doing all this time, besides music?

RoD: What was the difference between work on a new album and the previous works? ‘Shadowboy’ is more concept work with a book which supports it. But were there some other differences?
Boris: Our works always have a concept. This helps us to create some limits for subject we work on, mostly the subjects are the ones we want to analyse for ourselves. With ‘Shadowboy’ I face my hometown Reutlingen, to realize if this place is good for me or not.
RoD: Who of you usually writes lyrics and who - music?
Boris: Now I’m responsible for everything, but with any other release the situation may be totally different. It doesn’t matter who does what, we’re always KLANGSTABIL.
RoD: In one of your interviews, you mentioned that earlier you had written about the existing world, but in the future you would like to create your own. Did you manage to do this with a new album?
Boris: Yes, we succeeded. ‘Shadowboy’ is a fictional character, with which Maurizio and me can fully associate ourselves. In many situations we think as if you could be seen or done but the shadowboy. The thought “Pay with Friendship” belongs to him. And it’s a pleasure to see that the idea hidden behind this phrase is more and more accepted and understood. We’ve been living for many years according to this principle but couldn’t express it with words before.
RoD: Who is the author of the idea of the clip ‘Shadowboy - the awakening’? And where was it done?

RoD: Was it difficult to convince people to take part in the video shooting?
Boris: No.
RoD: ‘Shadowboy’ is character who is inward and it is difficult for him to adapt to rules of the society. Do you think there are many such "Shadowboys" in the world?
Boris: Yes, I think and hope that there are a lot of shadowboys / girls in our world.
RoD: Do you really think that life is basically a struggle?
Boris: It’s a complicated question. Yes, I think our life is a struggle, but a man can go through it and evolve. This sounds very pathetic, but finally this is true. Maurizio and I came through many fights and we won with our music and our mutual support.
RoD: Is there some difference for you between solo concerts and performances at festivals? Where do you most like to play?

RoD: What has changed in your life and yourself since the beginning of KLANGSTABIL?
Boris: Actually I’m always the same person. KLANGSTABIL is my rock. Thanks to KLANGSTABIL in the second part of my life I managed to understand who I am and who I can be. Besides I see KLANGSTABIL as my family.
RoD: Soon you will play at the Dark Munich Festival. What are your expectations from this show? Will you prepare some surprises or play new songs?
Boris: I was there last year with DIORAMA and I think the festival is really versatile. I think, that will be a pleasure for us. We will play track from all our current albums, but new songs will be only starting with the next year.
RoD: And in closing a few words to our readers.
Boris: Love each other :)
Dark Munich Festival (30th April to 3rd May 2015): http://d-m-f.me
Written by Alisa Devistein, Nataly Night & Daria Tessa (Ukrainian Gothic Portal). The Russian version of the article is available HERE.