14th October 2017
Diary of Dreams & Slave Republic
Eden is no place. Eden is a machine - so it says in the beginning of the liner notes to the 13th album by DIARY OF DREAMS. If you thought you could grasp the lyrical contents of ‘hell in Eden’ with a quick glance, these words prove differently and offer a first taste of the actual scope. Musically, ‘hell in Eden’ is as energetic and monumental as no other DIARY album has ever been before, but at the same time, it is also warm, dark and fragile. Adrian already promised a lot about the tour in our latest interview and now we finally could experience the band during their tour. A full report of the Krefeld show will follow. For now, we have a lot of pictures from the gig in Hamburg for you.
Slave Republic
http://www.slave-republic.com / https://www.facebook.com/SlaveRepublic.Official
01. Walking Ghost
02. Welcome (To the Slave Republic)
03. Sinner
04. Godspeed
05. Promises And Broken Hearts
06. Primärreiz
07. Paint My Heart Black
08. Klarer See
09. Something Inside You
Diary of Dreams
http://www.diaryofdreams.de / https://www.facebook.com/officialdiaryofdreams
01. Made in Shame
02. Epicon
03. Kindrom
04. The Wedding
05. Charma Sleeper
06. Hiding Rivers
07. Echo in me
08. Malum
09. Hell in Eden
10. AmoK
11. Decipher Me
12, Sister Sin
13. Traumtänzer
14. Endless Nights
15. Undividable
16. Grau im Licht
17. the Curse
18. Butterfly:Dance!
All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)
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