Genre: Epic Metal
Release date: 2005-04-21
Record company/label: Transmission Records
Finally it has arrived, the second Epica album. This album is partly inspired by the ancient Mayan culture which is greatly admired by Mark Jansen (guitar) the other half of the songs are inspired by the heart and soul of Simone (vocals).
When listening to this album you might feel the urge to compare Epica to other bands. But whatever the outcome may be, it is clear that Epica has developed their own sound. With the use of cinimatic sounds and a huge amount of choir participation ‘Consign to Oblivion’ is a masterpiece presenting everything Epica is today and promising great things for the future.
Line up
When listening to this album you might feel the urge to compare Epica to other bands. But whatever the outcome may be, it is clear that Epica has developed their own sound. With the use of cinimatic sounds and a huge amount of choir participation ‘Consign to Oblivion’ is a masterpiece presenting everything Epica is today and promising great things for the future.
Line up
Simone Simons - Vocals
Mark Jansen – Scream/grunts, guitar
As Sluijter – Guitar
Jeroen Simons – Drums
Coen Janssen – Keyboard
Yves Huts – Bass
Song review
1. Hunab K’u “A new Age Dawns” ~ prologue - 1:44
This prologue would suit any great movie. It makes you feel as if you are flying across extensive landscapes in which there is danger and adventure to be found. Which is exactly what you will find on this cd.
2. Dance of Fate – 5:13
‘Dance of Fate’ has a fast kick off with rolling drums which will be heard more on this album promising good things for those of us who like to bang their heads. Fast drums alternated by Simone’s singing. The lyrics are very audible which makes the song easier to understand.
‘Dance of Fate’ has a fast kick off with rolling drums which will be heard more on this album promising good things for those of us who like to bang their heads. Fast drums alternated by Simone’s singing. The lyrics are very audible which makes the song easier to understand.
3. The Last Crusade “A new Age Dawns” # 1 –-4:21
Like ‘Dance of Fate’ this is also one of the songs Epica has been playing during concerts already. ‘The Last Crusade’ has a very catching chorus; it is a refrain you long for while listening to the song for it is a great release of energy. During this song Simone really hits the high notes as we have been used to on their first album.
Like ‘Dance of Fate’ this is also one of the songs Epica has been playing during concerts already. ‘The Last Crusade’ has a very catching chorus; it is a refrain you long for while listening to the song for it is a great release of energy. During this song Simone really hits the high notes as we have been used to on their first album.
4. Solitary Ground - 4:22
This is the heartbreaker of the album. ‘Solitary ground’ has been performed acoustic at most shows but the band version sounds just as vulnerable. After a soft and sad intro Simone sets in and besides the vulnerability there is also strength to be heard, strength to go on and find solid ground.
This is the heartbreaker of the album. ‘Solitary ground’ has been performed acoustic at most shows but the band version sounds just as vulnerable. After a soft and sad intro Simone sets in and besides the vulnerability there is also strength to be heard, strength to go on and find solid ground.
5. Blank Infinity - 4:00
A soft piano opens the song but soon beats join in. There is a forwards driving force in this song, it marches on. In this song Simone shows us she is not only capable of singing high notes but can also sound great singing an great deal lower, her singing is alternated by choirs.
A soft piano opens the song but soon beats join in. There is a forwards driving force in this song, it marches on. In this song Simone shows us she is not only capable of singing high notes but can also sound great singing an great deal lower, her singing is alternated by choirs.
6. Force of the Shore - 4:01
After a choir intro, Mark sets in with deep and dark grunts. You might be fooled by the softer intermezzos of the siren like singing of Simone and the singing of the choirs but this song contains some fast and dark beats. Mark shows us his screaming skills and they are amazing, he is able scream so fast it will be quite a challenge for those who like to join in during a concert.
After a choir intro, Mark sets in with deep and dark grunts. You might be fooled by the softer intermezzos of the siren like singing of Simone and the singing of the choirs but this song contains some fast and dark beats. Mark shows us his screaming skills and they are amazing, he is able scream so fast it will be quite a challenge for those who like to join in during a concert.
7. Quietus - 3:45
A lovely medieval intro sets the base for this song. Here Simone let’s us hear her quality’s as a soprano. Again the lyrics are very audible which adds to the understanding of this song. During the bigger part of the song there is a driving beat.
A lovely medieval intro sets the base for this song. Here Simone let’s us hear her quality’s as a soprano. Again the lyrics are very audible which adds to the understanding of this song. During the bigger part of the song there is a driving beat.
8. Mother of Light “A new Age Dawns” #2 - 5:55
Again a heavy song. The choruses are very special I think for Mark grunts the lyrics while Simone is singing them, giving it a dark layer. ‘Mother of Light’ has a catching chorus, and great choir pieces and some head banging will surely take place when this will be played live.
Again a heavy song. The choruses are very special I think for Mark grunts the lyrics while Simone is singing them, giving it a dark layer. ‘Mother of Light’ has a catching chorus, and great choir pieces and some head banging will surely take place when this will be played live.
9. Trois Vierges - 4:40
Supported by a harpsichord this song is a beautiful duet with the Roy Kahn, the singer of Kamelot. It provides a peaceful relief from all the heaviness before.
Supported by a harpsichord this song is a beautiful duet with the Roy Kahn, the singer of Kamelot. It provides a peaceful relief from all the heaviness before.
10. Another Me “In Lack’ech” - 4:39
This song sets in with a huge choir which will come back during the entire song. Simone is accompanied by the choir during the entire song; strong lyrics make his a powerful song
This song sets in with a huge choir which will come back during the entire song. Simone is accompanied by the choir during the entire song; strong lyrics make his a powerful song
11. Consign to Oblivion “A new Age Dawns” #3 - 9:45
A threatening intro, as if you are waking through a desolate forest but you still feel as if you are followed. Then sensitive violins set in, followed by thundering drums. Dark grunts and fast drums are alternated by beautiful choirs and the singing of Simone. Even thought it is a long song, it will grab your attention and it won’t let you go till the end. Rolling drums and trombones halfway through the song almost make you think someone is being led to the gallows. And again Marks proves to be one of the fastest screamers and darkest grunters around.
A threatening intro, as if you are waking through a desolate forest but you still feel as if you are followed. Then sensitive violins set in, followed by thundering drums. Dark grunts and fast drums are alternated by beautiful choirs and the singing of Simone. Even thought it is a long song, it will grab your attention and it won’t let you go till the end. Rolling drums and trombones halfway through the song almost make you think someone is being led to the gallows. And again Marks proves to be one of the fastest screamers and darkest grunters around.
Three versions of this album will be published, one normal version, one with a bonus dvd and one super audio cd.
Cover Picture

Technical Summary
Total playing time: 52:42
Total songs: 11
Total songs: 11
Almost every song on this album has a rough and a soft side to it. There is something there for everyone, whether you like screams and grunts or just the siren like vocals of a woman, it is all there. It might take some time to adjust to this new album, or to some of the songs but take a chance and let yourself be blown away by this thundering, delicate, heartbreaking and powerful album. This album takes you hostage without mercy!
Music 9
Sound 9
Extra’s -
Total 9
Sound 9
Extra’s -
Total 9