June 4th 2005
Megadeth, Dimmu Borgir, Metal Church, Life of Agony, Soilwork, Messugah, Accept, Epica, Scarve, Entombed, Strapping Young Lad
Although Waldrock was not sold-out, it was considerably busy on the festival ground. There even arose traffic-jams in front of the parking place in the little town of Burgum. Because of the mud it even went slower then I hoped. As a result, I missed the kick off of the festival, the ‘Frisian’ band: Icepick. The tone was set when the Christian demonstrators started to distribute cards and ‘provoking’ young people who came from the campsite and waited for the entrance, had some nice discussions.
The first band which I saw in action was not Mastradon or Cephalic Carnage (which I heard, but I was too far away so it seemed only noise) but Epica. The Goth-metal band appears on many summer festivals and this was one of them.
The first band which I saw in action was not Mastradon or Cephalic Carnage (which I heard, but I was too far away so it seemed only noise) but Epica. The Goth-metal band appears on many summer festivals and this was one of them.
The sound in the Tent was better then I expected (in comparison to a couple of years ago when there was too much noise) and also the light was better, so it was a positive start. In the beginning the mix of the sound wasn’t that well: there were problems with the bass and Simone was too loud in the sound mix, but it was pure. Also the grunt parts of Mark greatly audible. The band was relaxed on stage and the whole tent was enjoying the show with songs from the last record. Simone sang clearly and her performance was more targeted.
It was good to see that the band has more experience in acting on festivals. From the start Simone was very concentrated on her movements. They were more controlled and that was better for her voice. She had no problems with the high parts and she was very natural on stage. Mark also has seen the Christian protesting people outside. He dedicated the song “Mother of Light” to them. He was so enthusiastic that he even forgot to sing the first parts.
Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 6
Light 6
Total 7

All in all a good warming up for Scarve. This French metal band around drummer Dirk Verbeuren (also on the road with Soilwork) had been added to line-up very unexpected. Black Label Society had to cancel the gig (Something with the allergy of Z.Wilde).
The band played a violent set with a lot of new songs from the last record. Also a couple old songs were played. There are not many people who know that this band already existed for more then ten years, but they enjoyed the old songs. It was a strong set with the best in the end with songs like “Irradiant.” The sound of the guitars and drums were very good. Also both vocalists were audible so there was nothing to complain.
The performance turned out better on the large stage, because the two singers used the space very well. They were running around and there was more ability for the guitarists to move a bit more. Quite rapidly there were was a strong ‘mud- pit’ : the prove that the audience liked it.
Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 6
Total 8

In the tent Entombed made its entry. These ‘oldies’ have spent many years in the scene, but there is no talk of old age. They have, also recently, delivered some strong metal songs and also live they are solid as a rock.
The sound of the singer can not always charm me, but he makes up for it with his energy and enthusiasm. The set list existed mainly of old acquaintances and thus the tent was considerably full.
There is a lot of energy on stage: not that you can see it often, but it reflects in the music. The bit more energy in the guitar parts or the more aggressive voice of the front man. He moves a lot and his sweaty face proves that he gave everything he's got.
Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 6
Light 6
Total 7

Strapping Young Lad
Halfway I had to go running through the mud to be on time for Strapping Young Lad which has delivered an impressive new record and also live it has the necessarily impact. It is a band which you like or not and that has to do with the attitude of the front man.
Although his voice is raw and sounds aggressive it did not persuade me. The rest of the band played well and the audience was very enthusiastic about all the new numbers. I had the feeling that they played on automatic pilot and the real energy was not there. They were pushing it too much.
The singer seems to be a ADHD person with his uncontrolled energy. With his “fuck your god” and a couple of incomprehensible cries he seems a bit strange. He tries to shock people during his gig, but his live sound is not bad at all. He really tries to do his best and the interaction with the audience was good.
Music 7
Performance 5
Sound 6
Light 5
Total 6

As Nienke de Jong of Autumn (Dutch metal band) already announced in the tent: Soilwork have made an impressive last album and they are one of the highlights of the festival.
The tent was filled completely and when the band entered the stage, everyone started to scream. They played a mixed set with many old and new songs, which were all played in a quick tempo. The sound was very good and the voice of the singer was more then impressive. He can easily sing high and low parts, screams and clean vocals.
The bald front man stood on stage very sweaty, mist steaming up from his head. He gave everything he had and it was a big surprise to see what the consequences were: the entire audience was in trance and it was almost a perfect show. Both guitarists were also energetic on stage with their movements. The keyboard player and the drummer (Dirk from Scarve) had their own party in the back, but it was a united group, a strong music machine.
Music 8
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 6
Total 7

Life of Agony
The adrenaline level was already rising, but with Life of Agony it was a climax. The band did a lot of festivals last year, they did Dynamo Open Air in the Netherlands and now they play even more. They had three festival gigs that weekend. So it is sure that this band found a new power, a new devotion and a new goal. After seven years they are back with a strong new record.
Broken Valley is the name of the new record and wasn’t released yet on the day of the festival. Nevertheless they played some new songs. They started with 'Love To Let You Down' a catchy song which made the rainy clouds disappear. Also old, well known songs were played, sometimes with some new arrangements. The sound was good and the band played very powerful. They filled the whole main stage with their sound and with their energy.
The audience was frenzied to hear the old stuff and made a nice party by jumping around and screaming along with Keith. Talking about this man, he still does surprise me, he is small, but that doesn’t mix very well with his energy level. He runs back and forth, but kept himself quietly (that is the impression I had). Sitting on the boxes, but a face distorted with emotion. Especially during "Wicked Ways" he seems fragile. It was good to see that the four men enjoyed the show. Then Keith also jumped off the stage, with a big smile he walked to the first row of people. The show was brought to a higher level.
Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 8

Meshuggah whad in the meantime already started in the tent. They played raw and directly. Because the tent was full I had to see it from the left side. Unfortunately I was too small to rate it well. It seemed that it wasn’t that good, because the sound was depressingly bad: deformed and noisy but I believe that the enthusiastic audience believed the opposite.
Accept were one of the old bands who would stand on the festival. The audience was immediately a bit older, but still enthusiastic. The entire day the environment was relaxed and in spite of a heavy downpour, the weather helped a lot.
It was funny to see these men in action. The front man with his hoarse voice, running and screaming at the same time, is still very active. They play a lot of well known stuff and the sound quality is not bad at all. It’s more that I can’t stand the voice. He more screaming than singing. The other musicians still play their songs without any mistake.
The front man with a leather cowboy jacket and frayed nail trousers: an eccentric person. Then the guitarist who laughs a lot and does not take it all very seriously. You can say much concerning this band, but they still play a technically good show and the atmosphere was good.
Music 6
Performance 7
Sound 6
Light 7
Total 6

Metal Church
Afterwards it was time for the other elderly band called Metal Church. Again the tent was full, but it’s unclear if that was due to the rain or the quality of the band. They had a nice party inside, that’s for sure. An enthusiastic front man kept it interesting and was back to the old school metal with traditional trash riffs.

Dio a name which commands only admiration. At the age of 63 he still can make such a good show, which is only admirable. Because the weather wasn’t that good in the beginning, I decided to see the gig from the side of the stage. Many artists of that day were found there also. Not amazing: Dio is a real rock icon.
They played a lot of old and new songs. The voice of Dio is still amazing and the rest of the band knows the material very well. It comes from their fingertips and in a trance they play a fast and motivating set. It’s amazing that artists who doesnt have to prove anything still want to give more then a hundred percent and have a lot fun. The sound is perfect and the chemistry between the men creates a real good vibe.
The band played a perfect show: the light was good, all the instruments sounded very well and they gave a captivating performance. The small singer still has an impressing voice and also the jet ears and reviews were virtuoso. The mass enjoyed it and all numbers were sung along.
Music 9
Performance 9
Sound 8
Light 8
Total 9

Dimmu Borgir
A totally different band is the black metal formation Dimmu Borgir. I was a bit sceptic to see them again, because they often had bad sound (read: noisy sound and no keyboards) and the shows were a bit boring in the past. This time they convinced me: the sound was good, a lot of old material and most important; the voice of the front man was great.
The gig was very dark, fierce with an amazing sound. For the first time the keyboards were good to hear and that’s very exceptional, especially because they played in the tent. It was quite amazing that they didn’t play on the main stage, the tent was too small because it seemed that everyone came for this band. The sound of voice was not untidy. The backing vocals from the bass player gave a deeper dimension to the songs. The set list contained a lot of old songs and when they end with ‘Morning Palace’ it’s complete.
The front man is a impressive figure with his beautiful corpse-paint and spikes. It is not overdone. This band is nowadays the master of black metal and it is good to see why. They have a natural feeling in those clothes and it’s not too much. Again it was more important that the voice was good this time. Also the drummer and the keyboard player have their own party in the back. There is a lot of smoke, but together with the dark sound, it creates a good atmosphere for this music. The audience enjoys every second of it and the band has definitely grown in their sound.
Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 8
Light 7
Total 8

It was a festival of surprises. Bands who were big didn’t impress that much as others. The expectations were sometimes a bit too high. A good example is the band Megadeth. Big by name but small in convincing the audience. Everybody knows songs from this band, they were big in the past, but they had their best.
The guitars have a clear sound and also the other musicians were technicaly good, but I missed the spirit to prove that they still had the motivation. They were the headliner so they had a good sound on the main stage. Also there was nothing wrong with the voice, but it was so boring. Maybe it has to do with the fact that is was late and many people went home, but there was almost no reaction in the crowd. They play a lot of old songs, although they still have a new record.
The band doesn’t need to prove anything and that is good to see. They do what they have to do without any special feeling. It’s technical and fast, well when you like that then it’s no problem. But I had the feeling they were a bit lazy. There is some contact with the audience when the font man screams that he is very happy to be back, but that’s all. The crowd is somewhat awake when the band plays a cover of Black Sabbath, but it’s a relief when finally the lights die down.
Music 6
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7