17th October 2020
Diary Of Dreams
Just a little about 1.5 months after finally being able to attend live shows again after a really long break, the situation became more worrying again and the numbers of people infected by Covid-19 started rising after a phase that felt almost “okay” and we started to get used to the small steps back to the life we were used to while still following the rules and guidelines, of course. But due to the rising numbers and the fact that Gelsenkirchen just recently became a risk area, also the rules for events were changed - only 250 people at maximum were allowed to attend the shows in the tent of Circus Probst while previously there were up to 350 tickets available.

We were quite nervous about what will happen with the mostly sold-out shows that were still planned here and especially the next one coming up - DIARY OF DREAMS. Just a little over a month ago they played in Leipzig and were for me also one of the first shows after lockdown that felt very special and I was very grateful for. The crew and band did everything to still be able to play the show and not to cancel some of the sold tickets and me and everyone else attending are so grateful as the solution was nothing I would have had expected - DIARY OF DREAMS and the whole crew agreed to make two out of one show and so to make it possible for everyone to attend.

DIARY OF DREAMS are with their music history of about three decades a very important band in the genre and scene. The DIARY OF DREAMS music world is deep, evolving, mostly dark, still giving strength and hope while not forgetting the dystopian world. The last album, ‘hell in Eden’, made it even after 1.5 decades of following their music to one of my favourite albums inspiring with songs like ‘Epicon’ or ‘Hiding Rivers’ that show the whole variety and magic of their music. https://www.facebook.com/officialdiaryofdreams

Music & Performance
Travelling to this show felt again different compared to the one just a couple of weeks ago. The cautious optimism changed to a worrying mood and many questions about how many of the already planned concerts this autumn still could take place following the news and current development. We only made it to the second show. I was sure that the professional musicians as they are, DIARY OF DREAMS will manage the challenge of two full-time shows. However this is a huge one playing two full shows in a row while having decided so just a few days ago. Due to the restriction in the number of visitors the circus was of course even emptier than before and something else was also different - we all had to wear masks throughout the whole show. I was not sure what to expect of the evening, but nevertheless this became actually one of the most intense evenings this year for me.

Everywhere there was a lot of gratefulness. I can only imagine how many calls and discussions and worries there must have been beforehand. Now this still could happen. And here we are, in the dark lights of the surroundings of a circus tent, midst in the pandemic, wearing masks and still being able to see DIARY OF DREAMS perform. Felix and Hilger found matching circus outfits which I loved and Dystopia rarely felt so real. But we were all still, maybe just for a little while, be able to be here more or less together. ‘Kindrom’, ‘MenschFeind’ or for many a real highlight ‘Charma Sleeper’ - they all were just creating the perfect soundtrack for the times we live in. More than once I felt goose bumps all over and maybe, just maybe, there were sometimes tiny tears filling the eyes - because of the incredible emotions that DIARY OF DREAMS filled the venue with, because of the music I love, the feeling of gratefulness and worry about what will be further. This year feels just so unreal and every second that moments like this bring back the joy are so valuable.

Also Adrian thanked the audience for supporting the band, by being here, with words of support and love and by buying merch. Just a reminder that we all should consider who are the people we want to help in these really hard times - and also don’t forget the ones behind the scene please! They are all so important - every single one of them. Please do, whatever you are able to. We really need them all. The setlist was great - every single song felt so strong and different in that specific context, got another meaning for me. And even after having played almost two full-time shows by the moment when they came back to give an encore - the energy was so huge. And the last song could not have been chosen more wisely - I always loved ‘She And Her Darkness’. For the mood it spreads, for the fragile & beautiful melodies, for the most wonderful lyrics:

“... Let me say thank you for all that you have given me
Thank you for everything you’ve done
Forgive me for saying one last thing
I miss you and I hope you hear this song…”
Thank you for giving all of us this unforgettable moment, hoping for all of this to be over - better sooner than later.
Setlist (both shows)
01. Made In Shame
02. Epicon
03. kindrom
04. MenschFeind
05. Charma Sleeper
06. Malum
07. listen and scream
08. Daemon
09. Grau im Licht
10. Ikarus
11. Traumtänzer
12. The Curse
13. Decipher Me
14. Undividable
15. Butterfly:Dance!
16. Endless Nights
17. She And Her Darkness
Music: 10
Performance: 10
Light: 9
Sound: 9
Total: 9.5 / 10

All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)