22nd of July
Within Temptation, Heideroosjes, After Forever, Orphanage
Was it a festival or a concert? Well something in-between; 4 bands play on an old part of the harbour. A huge stage is set up as well as a smaller tent stage, food- and drink stands, toilets, merchandise, picnic tables and of course fences to keep unwanted visitors out. At 5 o’clock the gates opened and the first fans run towards the main stage to get their front stage area passes, so they can stand in front when their favourite band is playing. Others check out the merchandise, get their food/drink coupons or their toilet card. When the first huge crowd was inside and everybody had settled down, street theatre was presented to the audience. A queen in a carriage with a slave and two even spirits roamed the terrain, the queen and demons were walking on stilts and later two vampire like creatures on stilts also came to scare and chase members of the waiting audience.
It had been a while since I had seen Orphanage perform so I was curious to see how they would perform this evening. They were the first band to play at the tent stage, which was already quite full with both their own equipment and that of After Forever. The tent was filled with a mixed audience, different ages as well as different styles of clothing and looks. But they were all there to see Orphanage perform.
The performance was off to a rocky start because the bass was so loud it overruled the voices of both George (grunts) and Rosan (vocals). At times even earplugs were not enough to stop it from hurting your ears. Luckily this was somewhat adjusted during the performance, but all in all the sound did not do them justice at all. Rosan has a wonderfully pure voice which collides with the forceful grunts of George, a great contrast of beauty and darkness. Not only their voices contrast, also the music itself contains both heavy, fast tunes and soft sensitive notes.
The performance was off to a rocky start because the bass was so loud it overruled the voices of both George (grunts) and Rosan (vocals). At times even earplugs were not enough to stop it from hurting your ears. Luckily this was somewhat adjusted during the performance, but all in all the sound did not do them justice at all. Rosan has a wonderfully pure voice which collides with the forceful grunts of George, a great contrast of beauty and darkness. Not only their voices contrast, also the music itself contains both heavy, fast tunes and soft sensitive notes.

George always seems to be bursting with energy, as did he this evening. His eyes sometimes almost seem to pop out of his head. He takes the stage, mostly leaving Rosan behind. She is more often then not at the back of the stage as if she is afraid to take the stage. Her movements seem unnatural. But then she takes a step forward and sings intense and she is the focus point of the stage. Both OF 3 guitarists seem to have a great time, they smile at each other and the audience. It was a pity that Guus was hidden in darkness at the side of the stage. The lights were disappointing, the artist had to find the light instead of it finding them and sometimes it just wasn’t there leaving them in the dark. Due to this their back drop had no effect either. No thanks to the circumstances Orphanage gave a powerful performance.
01. My master's Master
02. Dead Ground
03. Grip
04. Black Magic Mirror
05. At the Mountains of Madness
06. Five Crystals
07. Inside
01. My master's Master
02. Dead Ground
03. Grip
04. Black Magic Mirror
05. At the Mountains of Madness
06. Five Crystals
07. Inside
Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 5
Light 6
Total 7
Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 5
Light 6
Total 7

After Forever
Reinforced with their own drummer again After Forever was second to conquer the stage tonight. As I saw many After Forever shirts around me their might have actually been people here tonight who did not just come to enjoy the main act of this evening but who came for a whole night of great music. Well, they got what they came for, and more.
After Forever had some surprises in store for their fans this evening. It is great to see that After Forever has not forgotten their former albums, they always find a balance between old and new. And this evening even newer… We had the honour of being the first audience to hear ‘Come’ a song which will be on their new album ‘Remagine’. Joost (keys) opened the song with his keyboards, which have a more prominent role in this new song. In addition to this Floor (vocals) let us hear a new sound in her voice, which reminded me of the voice of Tarja on the first Nightwish album. This was not the only surprise we were in for. During ‘Beyond Me’ Sharon den Adel joined Floor on stage to perform it together, they kept eye contact to start and stop at the same time, it was clear they hadn’t had much time to practice this but it was a wonderful and beautifully fragile performance of this song. It made me wish they would perform together more often, and I am sure I am not the only one.
I was afraid the sound would ruin this show too but against expectations the sound was well balanced and did the band justice. Keys were to be heard clearly and the balance between the voice of Floor and the rest of the band was just right.
After Forever had some surprises in store for their fans this evening. It is great to see that After Forever has not forgotten their former albums, they always find a balance between old and new. And this evening even newer… We had the honour of being the first audience to hear ‘Come’ a song which will be on their new album ‘Remagine’. Joost (keys) opened the song with his keyboards, which have a more prominent role in this new song. In addition to this Floor (vocals) let us hear a new sound in her voice, which reminded me of the voice of Tarja on the first Nightwish album. This was not the only surprise we were in for. During ‘Beyond Me’ Sharon den Adel joined Floor on stage to perform it together, they kept eye contact to start and stop at the same time, it was clear they hadn’t had much time to practice this but it was a wonderful and beautifully fragile performance of this song. It made me wish they would perform together more often, and I am sure I am not the only one.
I was afraid the sound would ruin this show too but against expectations the sound was well balanced and did the band justice. Keys were to be heard clearly and the balance between the voice of Floor and the rest of the band was just right.

Smoke was propelled on to the stage because the smoke machines were right behind the vans. At first I thought the band would disappear in these white clouds but luckily I was wrong. Dark shadows walked on stage, and then a one shadow took place in the middle of the stage, a shadow which seemed to wear a dress. Could this be Floor? Yes it could, when the lights hit the stage it appeared she was wearing a new creation, with a long skirt which was open at the front attached around her waist. Feminine but strong, just like this leading lady herself. And what a performance she put on tonight, she is not only a great singer but a great performer as well, emotions are to be read on her face and you can see the tension in her body. But not to forget about the men who acted like real rock stars, holding their guitars high in the air. They have fun amongst each other, especially Bas and Sander, whilst al of them are in contact with the audience as well. During ‘Digital Deceit’ it was time for Joost to go wild with his Portable keyboard. Besides the power of the band the lights and smoke added to a strong performance. Sometimes the lights were heavy and moving but at the right times they added a subtle atmosphere to the fragile notes in the songs.
Smoke was propelled on to the stage because the smoke machines were right behind the vans. At first I thought the band would disappear in these white clouds but luckily I was wrong. Dark shadows walked on stage, and then a one shadow took place in the middle of the stage, a shadow which seemed to wear a dress. Could this be Floor? Yes it could, when the lights hit the stage it appeared she was wearing a new creation, with a long skirt which was open at the front attached around her waist. Feminine but strong, just like this leading lady herself. And what a performance she put on tonight, she is not only a great singer but a great performer as well, emotions are to be read on her face and you can see the tension in her body. But not to forget about the men who acted like real rock stars, holding their guitars high in the air. They have fun amongst each other, especially Bas and Sander, whilst al of them are in contact with the audience as well. During ‘Digital Deceit’ it was time for Joost to go wild with his Portable keyboard. Besides the power of the band the lights and smoke added to a strong performance. Sometimes the lights were heavy and moving but at the right times they added a subtle atmosphere to the fragile notes in the songs.
01. Childhood in Minor
02. Beautiful Emptiness
03. Monolith of doubt
04. My Pledge of Allegiance 1
05. Come
06. Digital Deceit
07. Beyond Me
08. Follow in the Cry
09. Forlorn hope
01. Childhood in Minor
02. Beautiful Emptiness
03. Monolith of doubt
04. My Pledge of Allegiance 1
05. Come
06. Digital Deceit
07. Beyond Me
08. Follow in the Cry
09. Forlorn hope
Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 8
Total 8 (7,9)
Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 8
Total 8 (7,9)

While the last notes of After Forever were still sounding the main stage was already opened by the Heideroosjes. A Dutch punk band which has had some great hits here. Such as ‘Hooligan’ which is a song about a hooligan promoting his dam club. Besides the fun lyrics they also have some serious songs, for instance about life in Bosnia. Sharon has performed with them some times but tonight it wasn’t possible for she was already getting ready for her own show.
Marco (vocals) spits out his lyrics, he knows what he is singing and clearly presents his message to the audience. Because the lyrics are mostly in Dutch they are easy to understand, and to sing along to. Even though ‘Regular Day in Bosnia’ was in English many sung along for it has often been on the radio. Another English song did well this evening, 15 years old but still capable of reaching and capturing the audience in its energy was ‘I’m Not Deaf, I’m Just Ignoring You’. The backing vocals (provided by the guitarists) were tuned in a bit soft which was a pity because they sounded great.
Marco (vocals) spits out his lyrics, he knows what he is singing and clearly presents his message to the audience. Because the lyrics are mostly in Dutch they are easy to understand, and to sing along to. Even though ‘Regular Day in Bosnia’ was in English many sung along for it has often been on the radio. Another English song did well this evening, 15 years old but still capable of reaching and capturing the audience in its energy was ‘I’m Not Deaf, I’m Just Ignoring You’. The backing vocals (provided by the guitarists) were tuned in a bit soft which was a pity because they sounded great.

The Heideroosjes had brought a huge amount of energy with them; running around the stage, jumping off of the drum platform and playing as if their lives were depending on it. Marco had a large supply of jokes in his pocket this evening; constantly joking around. The message of this evening was very positive: “one day you’ll have to choose between the oven and a coffin… until that day I hope you have fun! Smile, it is allowed, there are enough grumpy people around already”. There was little interaction between the band members, all their energy was directed at the audience. Because it was still light the lights did not have as much effect, though during the performance it got darker and they became more visible. The light was just as energetic as the band it self; bright colours were flashing around the stage. Marco announced that it was bullshit to say that punk and metal can’t go together and he was right for this band brought a huge amount of joy to the audience this evening.
The Heideroosjes had brought a huge amount of energy with them; running around the stage, jumping off of the drum platform and playing as if their lives were depending on it. Marco had a large supply of jokes in his pocket this evening; constantly joking around. The message of this evening was very positive: “one day you’ll have to choose between the oven and a coffin… until that day I hope you have fun! Smile, it is allowed, there are enough grumpy people around already”. There was little interaction between the band members, all their energy was directed at the audience. Because it was still light the lights did not have as much effect, though during the performance it got darker and they became more visible. The light was just as energetic as the band it self; bright colours were flashing around the stage. Marco announced that it was bullshit to say that punk and metal can’t go together and he was right for this band brought a huge amount of joy to the audience this evening.
Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 5
Total 7
Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 5
Total 7

Within Temptation
On televisions this evening was announced as the concert of the year and expectations were high. Their own special island, their own little festival, what more did they have in store for us this evening? It seemed the entire day was leading up to this final performance and not just this day but the entire career of Within Temptation. Elements of their whole career were part of the show. Within Temptation always has a decorated stage as did they today. The entire stage was white and had many different heights on which for instance cages were placed, their usual angels and several instruments such as Stephens drums, Martijns keys and another set of drums which would prove their purpose later. All around Java Island boats lay in the water and many people were watching the show that way. When it got dark al the lights on the water were a great sight.
A great setlist, very extensive. Twenty songs were on the list for us tonight. The show started as it had for all those years since the release of ‘Mother Earth’ and before the release of ‘The Silent Force’, with ‘Deceiver of Fools’ which has a wonderful tension in its intro. Then 2 familiars of ‘The Silent Force’ were played which were succeeded by the first surprise of the evening, it was the first time they performed ‘Fear of the Dark’ live, to great pleasure of the audience. After ‘Angels’ three monks entered the stage to come and play the drum set I had been wondering about. It was a great intro to the next song, very powerful. Heavy songs were alternated by a break with two sweet and soft songs, ‘Somewhere’ and ‘Memories’. Robert announced that this concert was not just a finale to a great year but also to a great career so far. They started out different, with other band members and they had brought them along for a trip down memory lane with ‘Candles’, ‘Enter’ and ‘The Other Half’. With George from Orphanage to reinforce them they performed these golden oldies causing many in the audience to frown because they did not recognise these songs. These are form their first albums ‘The Dance’ and ‘Enter’ which are unknown to many recent fans. But for those who had been following them a bit longer this was a great moment in the show. But then after 19 songs it was time for the grand finale with, how could it be anything else: ‘Ice Queen’. At points during the show Sharon sounded insecure, which is not necessary for she is a great singer. The sound was good although I might add; the arrangements of all songs are softer these days which I find to be a great pity.
A great setlist, very extensive. Twenty songs were on the list for us tonight. The show started as it had for all those years since the release of ‘Mother Earth’ and before the release of ‘The Silent Force’, with ‘Deceiver of Fools’ which has a wonderful tension in its intro. Then 2 familiars of ‘The Silent Force’ were played which were succeeded by the first surprise of the evening, it was the first time they performed ‘Fear of the Dark’ live, to great pleasure of the audience. After ‘Angels’ three monks entered the stage to come and play the drum set I had been wondering about. It was a great intro to the next song, very powerful. Heavy songs were alternated by a break with two sweet and soft songs, ‘Somewhere’ and ‘Memories’. Robert announced that this concert was not just a finale to a great year but also to a great career so far. They started out different, with other band members and they had brought them along for a trip down memory lane with ‘Candles’, ‘Enter’ and ‘The Other Half’. With George from Orphanage to reinforce them they performed these golden oldies causing many in the audience to frown because they did not recognise these songs. These are form their first albums ‘The Dance’ and ‘Enter’ which are unknown to many recent fans. But for those who had been following them a bit longer this was a great moment in the show. But then after 19 songs it was time for the grand finale with, how could it be anything else: ‘Ice Queen’. At points during the show Sharon sounded insecure, which is not necessary for she is a great singer. The sound was good although I might add; the arrangements of all songs are softer these days which I find to be a great pity.

As was to be expected Sharon had many changeovers during this show. At least four dresses passed by, some familiar some new. Most of the time she was at a part of the stage which was reaching out into the audience. The band took the stage and made contact with the audience as well. Both Ruud (guitar) and Robert (guitar) came and surprised Sharon once and joined her on that part of the stage. But all in all they were not as big a part of the show as they usually are, it seemed to be more about Sharon this time who was of course a great eye catcher. During many songs the stage was lit by huge flames, the warmth could be felt everywhere. During ‘Aquarius’ huge clouds of smoke were propelled into the air through some sort of smoke cannons. Many songs held special surprises this night. And not all were planned; during ‘Jillian’ Sharon received a red stuffed heart from the audience which fitted perfectly to they lyrics she was singing. Even underwear was thrown on stage, Robert seemed to like this but he did want to know whether it was clean or not. When the intro of ‘Towards The End’ was playing Sharon entered the stage in a dress made of tulle in pastel colours. She had a huge piece of tulle connected to her dress which was carried by the two stilt walking vampire like creatures. They took it off stage with them and after three songs they came to chase her of the stage again. ‘Caged’ had a big surprise for us in store this evening. Both Robert and Ruud were standing in the cages which were placed on the stage, but Sharon was nowhere to be found. Then a huge cage was lifted out of the floor of the stage, containing Sharon. It was a great sight to see her there in mid air in a cage (to which Robert said he would like to have the keys). The cage went down again, but the song wasn’t finished. Sharon kept on singing and for a while the men ruled the stage. During ‘Mother Earth’ some old friends showed up, the inflatable trees were quickly blown up and filled a huge part of the stage for this song. Robert then told us this show was almost cancelled due to the winds of the day before, the entire stage had been shaking but luckily it laid down tonight. Then it was time for the old band members to take their place on stage, as well as some twenty monks with torches in their hands adding a great mystique atmosphere to the song ‘Candles’ and this was reinforced by green lights and smoke which filled the stage. The light show of this evening was perfectly adjusted to all songs. The next two songs were grunted by George, he might be a little man but he knows how to present himself on such a huge stage, you couldn’t miss him. Sometimes there were so much fire works it seemed a miracle the stage did not catch fire. During ‘Ice Queen’ white confetti was blown into the audience, everybody was covered in it. After this grand finale all bands (except for the Heideroosjes) who had been performing that day came on stage again and all together they bowed for the audience, which was screaming their lungs out and applauding as loud as they could.
As was to be expected Sharon had many changeovers during this show. At least four dresses passed by, some familiar some new. Most of the time she was at a part of the stage which was reaching out into the audience. The band took the stage and made contact with the audience as well. Both Ruud (guitar) and Robert (guitar) came and surprised Sharon once and joined her on that part of the stage. But all in all they were not as big a part of the show as they usually are, it seemed to be more about Sharon this time who was of course a great eye catcher. During many songs the stage was lit by huge flames, the warmth could be felt everywhere. During ‘Aquarius’ huge clouds of smoke were propelled into the air through some sort of smoke cannons. Many songs held special surprises this night. And not all were planned; during ‘Jillian’ Sharon received a red stuffed heart from the audience which fitted perfectly to they lyrics she was singing. Even underwear was thrown on stage, Robert seemed to like this but he did want to know whether it was clean or not. When the intro of ‘Towards The End’ was playing Sharon entered the stage in a dress made of tulle in pastel colours. She had a huge piece of tulle connected to her dress which was carried by the two stilt walking vampire like creatures. They took it off stage with them and after three songs they came to chase her of the stage again. ‘Caged’ had a big surprise for us in store this evening. Both Robert and Ruud were standing in the cages which were placed on the stage, but Sharon was nowhere to be found. Then a huge cage was lifted out of the floor of the stage, containing Sharon. It was a great sight to see her there in mid air in a cage (to which Robert said he would like to have the keys). The cage went down again, but the song wasn’t finished. Sharon kept on singing and for a while the men ruled the stage. During ‘Mother Earth’ some old friends showed up, the inflatable trees were quickly blown up and filled a huge part of the stage for this song. Robert then told us this show was almost cancelled due to the winds of the day before, the entire stage had been shaking but luckily it laid down tonight. Then it was time for the old band members to take their place on stage, as well as some twenty monks with torches in their hands adding a great mystique atmosphere to the song ‘Candles’ and this was reinforced by green lights and smoke which filled the stage. The light show of this evening was perfectly adjusted to all songs. The next two songs were grunted by George, he might be a little man but he knows how to present himself on such a huge stage, you couldn’t miss him. Sometimes there were so much fire works it seemed a miracle the stage did not catch fire. During ‘Ice Queen’ white confetti was blown into the audience, everybody was covered in it. After this grand finale all bands (except for the Heideroosjes) who had been performing that day came on stage again and all together they bowed for the audience, which was screaming their lungs out and applauding as loud as they could.

Set list
00. Intro (Mother Earth)
01. Deceiver Of Fools
02. Stand My Ground
03. Jillian
04. It's the fear
05. Forsaken
06. Angels
07. Towards The End
08. Somewhere
09. Memories
00. Intro (Silent Force)
10. See Who I Am
11. Aquarius
12. Running up that hill
13. Pale
14. Jane Doe
15. Caged
16. Mother Earth
17. Candles
18. Enter
19. The Other Half
20. Ice Queen
00. Intro (Mother Earth)
01. Deceiver Of Fools
02. Stand My Ground
03. Jillian
04. It's the fear
05. Forsaken
06. Angels
07. Towards The End
08. Somewhere
09. Memories
00. Intro (Silent Force)
10. See Who I Am
11. Aquarius
12. Running up that hill
13. Pale
14. Jane Doe
15. Caged
16. Mother Earth
17. Candles
18. Enter
19. The Other Half
20. Ice Queen

Music 8
Performance 9
Sound 8
Light 9
Total 9 (8,6)

Music 8
Performance 9
Sound 8
Light 9
Total 9 (8,6)