8th and 9th August 2015
M’era Luna Festival 2015 Day 1: Elvellon, Nachtgeschrei, Versengold, Spielbann, Coppelius, The Other, Ost+Front, Frozen Plasma, Lord of the Lost, Melotron, Deathstars, Merciful Nuns, L’âme Immortelle, Aesthetic Perfection, Saltatio Mortis, In Strict Confidence, Blutengel, [X]-RX, Rob Zombie, Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub, ASP
Once again, about 25,000 people returned to Hildesheim to enter the M’era Luna festival in 2015, making the festival sold-out for the third time in a row. First tents were built up in the early afternoon hours on Friday and of course the legendary opening party was joined by many visitors. There were “private” pre-parties all-over the festival area, wild Swedish people dressed up like PATENBRIGADE:WOLFF, people dressed all in black and of course the concerts taking place at the main stage and inside the Hangar. The weather was really sunny and hot, the nights were really cold – but hey, that’s what festivals are for. While a lot of people caught a sunburn and moaned about the heat, others built up private pools and took a bath. So as you can see the festivals provided several surprises and of course readings and a fashion show.

Like every year, already Friday evening and night had a program. Of course there was the obligatory opening party at the disco hangar and before, like during the last few years, there were some author’s readings. Like in the past years, Markus Heitz was beginning and Christian von Aster was ending the readings. In-between, there were thirty minutes time for David Grashoff. Starting at eight, one of Germany’s most successful fantasy authors, Markus Heitz, was reading from its new book, the second part of ‘Exkarnation’, subtitled with ‘Seelensterben’, and from his eBook series ‘Aera’ to be out as full book in November. David Grashoff afterwards was a big surprise and made all Goths in the hall laughing hard. His texts were evil, provoking, ribald but always honest and entertaining. The grand finale was made by Christian von Aster, presenting some satiric texts about Gothics again. It is always great fun to hear him reading and the title of his program fitted perfectly to a Goth festival!

Elvellon - Main Stage (Dani)
Promising Symphonic Meta newcomer band ELVELLON comes from the Lower Rhine area in Germany. The band won the M’era Luna newcomer contest 2015. It is always hard to be the first band on a festival, especially if you are playing as early as 11 in the morning at the big stage. But already a good crowd gathered in front of the stage to see ELVELLON who did their job pretty well. With orchestral sounds, hard guitar riffs and the remarkable voice of front woman Nele, the band finds a way into the listeners’ hearts. ELVELLON spread some kind of Finnish magic a la NIGHTWISH. // http://www.elvellon.net / https://www.facebook.com/ElvellonBand // Rating: 7 / 10

Nachtgeschrei - Hangar (Susann)
NACHTGESCHREI in new attire. I was very curious about the performance of the new band member Lauren Weser. Can she replace Joe? Yes, she can! To play as the first band of the festival in the Hangar is certainly not that easy. During this early morning time you’d think that the venue would be rather empty… Far from it. The hall was filled very well and in front of the Hangar there was also a screen which live-broadcasted the Hangar shows. A lot of people stood there and enjoyed the concert from outside. The mood was very good inside and outside. In the unfortunately very short appearance time, NACHTGESCHREI introduced some songs of their new album which came out the day before. Even if not everybody was sure about the lyrics, the audience celebrated the performance and for me it was a successful start into a great festival weekend. // http://www.nachtgeschrei.de / https://www.facebook.com/nachtgeschrei // Setlist: 1. Kerberos / 2. Eden / 3. Monster / 4. Das Nichts / 5. Sirene / 6. Schlaflos // Rating: 9 / 10

Versengold - Main Stage (Susann)
VERSENGOLD was the second concert which I wanted to see this weekend. Until now, I did not have the possibility to see the band live at a concert so I was curious what kind of show they can deliver. However, what I have expected of them was confirmed on stage. VERSENGOLD know how to celebrate and carry away the audience. Furthermore, the Main Stage was already visited very well at this time of day with people furiously motivated to dance and sing along . They went along from the first song on. Unfortunately, the appearance of VERSENGOLD was also too short in my opinion. But well, that is the case with almost all medieval bands which usually play at noon. But also during this short time I could enjoy them a lot and hope to see them soon once again live. // http://www.versengold.de / https://www.facebook.com/Versengold // Setlist: 1. Versengold / 2. Wem uns / 3. Zeitlos / 4. Spaß bei Seite / 5. Paules Beichtgang // Rating: 9 / 10

Spielbann - Hangar (Susann)
SPIELBANN have gone through a big musical change since their foundation in 2006. Away from the medieval instruments to sombre rock. For the fans that’s certainly a big change, but for the band it’s also a possibility to reach new fans. The concert on Saturday was visited very well, inside the Hangar as well as in front of the screen at the outside area, a lot of people were standing and enjoying the show. A little bit disappointing in my opinion was the bad acoustics at the beginning of the concert. The instruments roared quite a bit if one stood further behind. The voice of Nic Frost unfortunately was also a bit too quiet. Nevertheless, this did not ruin the mood in the Hangar and I enjoyed the show from outside because the sound sounded simply a little better there. // http://www.spielbann.de / https://www.facebook.com/Spielbann // Setlist: 1. Intro (Der Hüter) / 2. Auferstehung / 3. Bestie Deiner Welt / 4. Die weiße Frau / 5. Schwesterchen Frost / 6. In alle Ewigkeit / 7. Haus des Vergessens / 8. Herrscher der Nacht / 9. Geschichtentod //Rating: 8 / 10

Coppelius - Main Stage (Susann)
COPPELIUS showed up at the M’era Luna with their new album which was released at the beginning of the year. The show of the seven guys was very furious right from the beginning. As often reported, COPPELIUS are a very good live band. And they confirmed this also on Saturday more than clearly. It is a pity that also COPPELIUS had to fight with some technical difficulties at the beginning. During the concert the sound became more pleasant though. With their costumes and their quite special style they cast a spell over the audience and celebrated memorable performance. The fans agreed that the show was unfortunately too short and COPPELIUS is one of the bands which deserves to appear later with longer stage time. // http://www.coppelius.eu / https://www.facebook.com/CoppeliusHilft // Setlist: 1. Intro (Zauberflöte) / 2. Der Luftschiffharpunist / 3. Schöne Augen / 4. Moor / 5. Charlotte the Harlot (Iron Maiden cover) / 6. Escapade I / 7. Time-Zeit / 8. Contenance / 9. Killers (Iron Maiden cover) / 10. Habgier // Rating: 8 / 10

The Other - Hangar (Dani)
Just two weeks before I had seen this band where they jumped in at Amphi Festival for WESSELSKY. And now I was here again, watching one of the best known Horror-Punk bands in Europe. For more than one decade the monster rockers deliver a good devilish mix of horror, sex, action and Rock’n’Roll. Their live shows are entertaining. Moody punk meets first-class gothic and metal riffs whereas you just have to sing along their catchy songs. Starting once as MISFITS cover band, they still sound somewhat in awe of them. Luckily, the band was placed in the Hangar where it was at least half dark. Darkness fits much more to their ghoulish appearance than bright sunlight. Once more a great show of the guys from Cologne. // http://www.theother.de / https://www.facebook.com/theotherhorrorpunk // Setlist: 1. Nie mehr / 2. Bloodsucker / 3. Back to The Cemetery / 4. Transylvania / 5. Der Tod steht dir gut / 6. Dreaming of the Devil / 7. Puppet On A String / 8. Castle Rock / 9. Doll Island / 10. Black Sails Against a Midnight Sky / 11. Beware of Ghouls / 12. Lover's Lane // Rating: 8 / 10

Ost+Front - Main Stage (Dani)
OST+FRONT is such a band you love or hate. It is not just about the fact finding their music good, it is the overall appearance and performance. But still if you don’t like them (I even heard people saying their shows are disgusting) you have to admit that there is a special entertainment factor. And let me tell you, people in front of the stage lived the show! The music can be described as Neue Deutsche Härte a la RAMMSTEIN, combining harshness, morbidity, electronic and guitar sounds under a bloody banner. During the second song ‘Fleisch’ you could find nearly the whole band in the photo pit, in-between a good crowd of photographers, and handing pieces of meat to the audience. Overall, a matter of taste, but attending fans surely found the performance entertaining. // http://www.ostfront.tv / https://www.facebook.com/ostfrontberlin // Setlist: 1. Intro (Auferstanden aus Ruinen) / 2. Ost+Front 2014 / 3. Fleisch / 4. Liebeslied / 5. Feuerwasser / 6. Denkelied / 7. Ich liebe es / 8. Mensch / 9. 911 / 10. Bitte Schlag' Mich / 11. Outro (Auferstanden aus Ruinen) // Rating: 6 / 10

Frozen Plasma - Hangar (Josie)
Having seen them the Friday before Amphi Festival and finding both Vasi Vallis and Felix Marc in a really good mood, the band appeared to M’era Luna festival even more smiling and joking around. Maybe because the videos worked well this time and the audience was in really great mood, too. Felix Marc was entertaining as hell once again, cause of jumping around like crazy and sometimes doing funny moves like a clown. The band played one of their older tracks ‘Crossroads’ one of my personal favourites but had some struggles with the sound during their show. But hey, Felix smiled all the technical problems away. Of course one thing couldn’t be missed: The wave. And yes, half of the people in the Hangar joined in during ‘Irony’. It’s not a secret that I really dislike ‘Tanz die Revolution’, the melody is great, but the lyrics are that weird, I always end up in laughter. Usually I try to keep my ears shut when this song is played but on this Saturday afternoon I really enjoyed the track. Maybe cause of the sunshine, the people around me or cause of a Felix Marc clowning around. Who knows. Maybe it was a mixture of all those things. // http://www.frozenplasma.com / https://www.facebook.com/FrozenPlasma // Setlist: 1. Age after Age / 2. Maniac / 3. Crossroads / 4. Irony / 5. Living on Video / 6. Murderous Trap / 7. Tanz die Revolution // Rating: 9 / 10

Lord of the Lost - Main Stage (Josie)
No other band can be described as that much entertaining as LORD OF THE LOST are in the – let’s call it Dark Rock area. They always get their audience sweat and shout their lyrics and they don’t take themselves too seriously. All of this gained them a huge fan base who appeared to the main stage on this Saturday to celebrate themselves as black Lolitas somehow. Yes, the band once again proved their status and that their audience is willing to do whatever they want them to do. Well done, Chris Harms and fellows, well done! During the last song ‘La Bomba’, whoever hadn’t joined the choruses at that point, who still stood still and just wanted to watch the show went totally crazy – and this happened during the afternoon heat risking a hard sunburn. // http://www.lordofthelost.de / https://www.facebook.com/lordofthelost // Setlist: 1. Full Metal Whore / 2. Black Lolita / 3. Die Tomorrow / 4. Six Feet Underground / 5. Afterlife / 6. Kill It With Fire / 7. Dry the Rain / 8. Sex on Legs / 9. La Bomba // Rating: 9 / 10

Melotron - Hangar (Josie)
I really have to tell that I found their performance plain boring this time. And I heard it from others stating the same opinion. Sad, cause I saw them last year at Darkflower Live Night in Leipzig and was really entertained. Maybe it was cause of the heat, the audience being tired too or just because it were the early afternoon hours - but nothing of their energy came over and made me feel like “Great performance”. But hey, everyone can have a bad day and maybe they’ll return soon with a new album and then they’ll probably let us all dance with the devil again. There’s still some hope left in Synth Pop County. // http://www.melotron.com / https://www.facebook.com/Melotron.offiziell // Setlist: 1. Love is calling / 2. Du bist es nicht wert / 3. Gib mir alles / 4. Der Anfang / 5. Das Herz / 6. Kindertraum / 7. Dein Glück / 8. Stuck in the Mirror / 9. Brüder // Rating: 7 / 10

Deathstars - Main Stage (Dani)
It is a while ago that I saw the Swedes for the last time. But they are always rocking the crowd and so they did this time. With every album released, the latest one was ‘The Perfect Cult‘ in 2014, they expand the borders of Industrial Rock. But still they stay true to their sound of piecing guitars, whirring synths and dark disturbing vocals. They are great entertainers on stage and especially fronter Whiplasher never disappoints. The appearance on stage is somewhat military and the band has always close contact to their fans. The band played lots of their greatest hits on earth, the show, mostly dealing with glitter and death, was fun to watch. // http://www.deathstars.net / https://www.facebook.com/deathstars // Setlist: 1. Night Electric Night / 2. Metal / 3. Death Dies Hard / 4. Tongues / 5. All the Devil's Toys / 6. The Perfect Cult / 7. Chertograd / 8. Blitzkrieg // Rating: 9 / 10

Merciful Nuns - Hangar (Linda)
Every iconic band has its clones. There are so many bands comparable to the SISTERS OF MERCY style that it's getting hard to separate the copy from the original. That´s why one has to pay special tribute to, a band which is able to copy and create a new style at the same time - like MERCIFUL NUNS which were formerly known as GARDEN OF DELIGHT in a slightly different line-up. This German band consists of Artaud Seth (singer), Jawa Seth (bass) und Jón (guitar). MERCIFUL NUNS’ characteristics are that kind of cold, laconic drums, a growling bass, an echoing guitar full of yearning and that punchy voice of Artaud. He has something special in his voice, giving it a special kind of sound that I can´t describe. Paired with the abstraction of his lyrics, goose bumps are guaranteed. By adding the echoes to his singing, the atmosphere is perfect. To me personally it´s a pity that they don´t have live drums on stage because the drums are a very fundamental part of their songs. Altogether, the atmosphere at the Hangar stage was awesome and the fans definitely had a whole lot of fun. // http://www.mercifulnuns.com / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Merciful-Nuns/145696075454608 // Setlist: 1. Speed of Light / 2. Karma Inn / 3. Body of Light / 4. Ancient Astronauts / 5. Genesis Revealed / 6. Supernovae / 7. Occultation / 8. The Maelstrom // Rating: 8 / 10

L’âme Immortelle - Main Stage (Linda)
For the third time this year I saw L’âme Immortelle from Austria and to me it is a good mix of a premiere and old love every time. Sonja Kraushofer convinced as always with her unique voice and an emotional aura. At her side was a sovereign and authentic Thomas Rainer. Together they are unbeatable - feelings were prompted through the air so that even the audience in the back rows were able to feel the emotional struggle going on between the two of them. That was 100% L’âme Immortelle! The audience was partying and singing along all the time. The spirit was unbeatable. Even though they had some technical issues they kept calm and carried on. Sonja´s microphone had to be changed three times because something disturbed the radio frequencies. Thomas and Sonja are thoroughbred musicians. Together with Gregor Beyerle and Chris Fox they made a perfect round up. A band like no other in my opinion. // http://www.lai-music.com / https://www.facebook.com/LAI.official // Setlist: 1. Intro (L'Étang Mâlo ) / 2. Tiefster Winter / 3. Judgement / 4. Bitterkeit / 5. Eye of the storm / 6. Life will never be / 7. Stumme Schreie / 8. Es tut mir leid / 9. Phönix / 10. 5 Jahre // Rating: 10 / 10

Aesthetic Perfection - Hangar (Linda)
This Electro Pop / EBM project from the US was founded in 2000 by Daniel Graves and during about 14 years of their existence they became quite well-known to fans of the American and European dark scene. Aesthetic Perfection at the M’era Luna was a first for the guys. Daniel Graves (vocals), Tim van Horn (Drums) and Elliot Berlin (keys) were standing for the first time on the Hangar stage and they destroyed the stage and the crowd as if it were their home crowd. Those guys really disassemble everything. Daniel is a vocal whirlwind, Elliot clambers up his keyboard just to jump off of it and Tim plays his drums as if there was no tomorrow. Those guys aren't a best kept secret anymore since quite some time which was proven by the number of people who filled the Hangar. It was full, it was loud, it was fantastic. // http://www.aesthetic-perfection.net / https://www.facebook.com/aestheticperfection // Setlist: 1. All Beauty Destroyed / 2. A Nice Place to Visit / 3. Inhuman / 4. Antibody / 5. The Siren / 6. Never Enough (New track) / 7. The New Black / 8. Spit it Out // Rating: 10 / 10

Saltatio Mortis - Main Stage (Susann)
The appearance of SALTATIO MORTIS was my personal highlight on Saturday. Unfortunately, the band also played during the early afternoon hours and therefore only had a short stage time. A pity for a band like this. Alea is, as usual, a bundle of energy on stage even if his voice sounded a little bit raspy during one or the other song. However, this did not change the mood. It was celebrated on and in front of the stage. It was the first concert on Saturday which went by without bigger technical problems. The well-known songs of SALTATIO MORTIS were played as well as some songs from the new album which appears on the 14th August in the stores. These were already quite well-known to the fans. // http://www.saltatio-mortis.com / https://www.facebook.com/saltatiomortisofficial // Setlist: 1. Früher war alles besser / 2. Idol / 3. Sündenfall / 4. Wachstum über alles / 5. Willkommen in der Weihnachtszeit / 6. Eulenspiegel / 7. Koma / 8. Satans Fall / 9. Wo sind die Clowns? / 10. Habgier und Tod / 11. Prometheus / 12. Spielmannsschwur // Rating: 9 / 10

In Strict Confidence - Hangar (Susann)
To see IN STRICT CONFIDENCE live once again was a big joy to me. Above all, they did not play their vintage show this time but stood on stage with their complete line-up. Unfortunately, also here I must criticise the bad sound in the Hangar again. The acoustics were clearly better in there the years before. Nevertheless, the Hangar was well-filled and the people enjoyed the show. One could enjoy the appearance really very much and IN STRICT CONFIDENCE played many of their old classics which were received very positively by the audience. A little more interaction with the audience certainly would not have harmed the performance. Thus the setlist was a bit too mixed up to me, however, the larger part of the fans enjoyed it nevertheless. // http://www.instrictconfidence.com / https://www.facebook.com/instrictconfidence // Setlist: 1. Intro / 2. My Despair / 3. Kiss your shadow / 4. Seven Lives / 5. Forbidden Fruit / 6. Set me free / 7. Morpheus (Clubmix) / 8. Engelsstaub / 9. Zauberschloss // Rating: 8 / 10

Blutengel - Main Stage (Linda)
The band BLUTENGEL from Berlin, Germany was founded in 1998 out of the fetish electro project SEELENKRANK and consists of Chris Pohl and Ulrike Goldmann. Their last tour for the new LP 'Omen' ended in May and now they perform at different festivals like the WGT or M’era Luna. The stage performance consisted mainly of the two artists singing in front and some sort of fetish show by two or three girls who always entered the stage in different clothes in order to strip them off to their underwear, heating up the audience by fondling and dancing. Unfortunately, I found Ulrike to be vocally a bit too weak in accordance with the remaining volume of the show. Still, the audience celebrated BLUTENGEL, they danced and were noisy. // http://www.blutengel.de / https://www.facebook.com/BlutengelOfficial // Setlist: 1. Intro / Sing 2. The war between us / 3. Lucifer / 4. Save us / 5. Dein Gott / 6. Krieger / 7. Bloody Pleasures 8. Engelsblut / 9. You walk away / 10. The Siren / 11. Asche zu Asche / 12. Holy Blood / 13. Reich mir die Hand // Rating: 6 / 10

[X]-RX - Hangar (Josie)
This band came to replace SUICIDE COMMANDO as they had to cancel cause of a hospital stay. Well, they did well. I was highly entertained and only complained for three songs, that they were having tracks with too many lyrics this time. Not meant in a bad way, I was just expecting the more sing-along-tracks. Of course we all missed Johan van Roy and his colleagues and even [X]-RX were sending some get-well wished to Belgium. Seems like we will have to wait till next year to see them perform live. But back to [X]-RX and their performance. I had a really lazy afternoon with hanging around at our camp, searching for beer and talking - so there was a lot of energy in need to get out. And what is better than losing some energy than dancing and singing along? Nothing. I kidnapped some friends and danced until we all ended in sweat. I must confess that I liked their performance last year more, but maybe it was just like that because I was expecting SUICIDE COMMANDO to play. Well done, boys! I would always come to your shows again! // https://www.facebook.com/XRxmusic // Rating: 9 / 10

Rob Zombie - Main Stage (morTICIA)
In contrast to other festivals who seem to prefer to run the safe way by presenting alternately almost the same bands and musicians, the M’era Luna understood it to surprise with some extraordinary acts as headliner. So last year there was the chance to see MARILYN MANSON and this year we had the pleasure to see ROB ZOMBIE. The US American is a multi-talented artist who is not only notorious for being a musician and singer-songwriter, but also a film producer/ director and creator of a comic book series. His musical career started in the mid 80’s when he founded WHITE ZOMBIE. Especially the third and the fourth and last album reached multi- platinum status and entered the charts worldwide in the early 90’s. In 1989 ROB ZOMBIE started his solo career which is also very successful. His music is a blend of Metal/ Alternative/ Industrial/ Glam Rock/ Shock Rock. His love for horror films is also reflected in the lyrics.

While we were waiting for the beginning of the show we had the chance to admire the stage decoration with huge posters of well- known monsters like King Kong, Frankenstein, etc... Finally Rob and his band entered the stage and started the show. While the first song started more slowly with the next one he started to rock the place, that was packed of course. Despite being an experienced performer you didn’t get the feeling that ROB ZOMBIE was reeling a routine program off as the band was not only playing its greatest hits, but understood it very well to integrate several cover songs as medleys into its own songs, which was rewarded with thunderous applause by the audience that was dancing and singing along during the whole show. Especially when ROB announced that he “wanna fucking party” followed by ‚Sex machine‘ (JAMES BROWN cover) hell broke loose.

The guitar player does not only like fancy gimmicks at his guitars like colourful blinking LED lights or one shining in bright white, he also proved that he is an amazing player when he was virtuously playing his guitar solo. The fantastic show ended far too soon for my taste and actually I think it is a big shame that this band was not the headliner of the day so that he would have more playing time. // http://robzombie.com / https://www.facebook.com/RobZombie // Setlist: 1. Teenage Nosferatu Pussy / 2. Super-Charger Heaven (White Zombie song) / 3. Superbeast / 4. Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine (James Brown cover) / 5. Living Dead Girl / 6. Dead City Radio and the New Gods of Supertown / 7. Drum Solo / 8. More Human Than Human (White Zombie song) / 9. Pussy Liquor / 10. Never Gonna Stop (The Red, Red Kroovy) / 11. Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones cover) / 12. School's Out (Alice Cooper cover) / Encore: 13. Dragula // Rating: 10 / 10

Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub - Hangar (morTICIA)
Much to my regret the band had already started to perform when I left the place of the main stage as the schedule included some overlapping times. And thus the Hangar was already packed so that there was no way to get in. But fortunately the organisers had built up a huge monitor in front of the Hangar where also a lot of people were watching the show. Founded in 1984, the German band is an old stager. Though the band quickly entered the Independent charts in Germany after the release of its first album, it gained more recognition in the UK. Deeply influenced by the British Punk and New Wave music PHILLIP BOA & THE VOODOOCLUB understood it to create its own unique blend of sound that can be described as Avant-garde/ Independent/ Punk Rock with dominant percussions, PHILLIP BOA’s sprechgesang and female vocals on the high notes as counterpart.

With 17 studio albums in the back it surely is not a big problem to present a setlist rich in variety and so we were presented an excellent mixture of old and new songs. The choice of songs was well done and allured the audience in- and outside the venue to dance and sing along. The show was also underlined by the extravagant performance of PHILLIP BOA with his shaking and trembling. As I have seen the band perform last year at a concert I noticed that Pris, the singer, eventually has arrived in the band and radiates more self-confidence now at her performance. Of course we didn’t have to miss the drum/ percussion solo of THE VOODOOCLUB. To my greatest sorrow I had to leave the place, before the stunning show ended, in order to change over to the main stage. // http://www.phillipboa.com / https://www.facebook.com/phillipboaandthevoodooclub // Setlist: 1. Speed / 2. Annie Flies The Love Bomber / 3. Deep In Velvet / 4. Fine Art In Silver / 5. This Is Michael / 6. Love On Sale / 7. Diana / 8. Standing Blinded On The Rooftop / 8. Container Love / 10. Albert Is A Headbanger / 11. And Then She Kissed Her / Encore: 12. Kill Your Ideals // Rating: 9 / 10

ASP - Main Stage (Linda)
ASP is a rock band from Frankfurt / Main which was founded in 1999 and they are assigned to the black scene on account of their appearance and style. The band name was taken from the nickname of the singer Alexander Spreng. Alexander Spreng (voice), Andreas 'Tossi' Gross (E-bass), Oliver 'Himmi' Himmighoffen (drums) and both new guitarists Lutz Demmler and Sören Jordan came on stage. I always wanted to see ASP, ever since I was 15. But sadly I haven't had the chance yet. But then I finally stood at the M’era Luna and all my expectations were exceeded. From the first tune the sound was perfect, the voice of Asp came across clearly and the audience raved. The programme offered a nice mixture of older songs, but also some of the new ones, which are more rock. The crowd was extremely safe in singing the lyrics along; they clapped and danced where it went along and enjoyed the creeps-moments.

For the song 'Werben', guest singer Nic Frost of SPIELBANN came on stage and performed a fantastic duet with Alexander Spreng. The pyro effects fitted perfectly, the lightshow enhanced the mood of the songs and the whole stage setting and decoration was simply beautiful. // http://www.aspswelten.de / https://www.facebook.com/AspsWelten // 1. Intro (Das Dröhnen) / 2. Wechselbalg / 3. Kokon / 4. Krabat / 5. Und wir tanzten / 6. Ich bin ein wahrer Satan / 7. Lykanthropie (Es tobt ein Krieg in mir) / 8. Astoria (New Song) / 9. Sündige Heilige / 10. Werben (Additional Vocals from SPIELBANN) / 11. Schwarzes Blut / 12. Ich will brennen / Encore: 13. Schwarzer Schmetterling (acoustic) // Rating: 10/ 10

So, the first concert day ended with a fantastic ASP concert. But the festival day was long not over. Either you could celebrate at the Hangar party or you celebrated at the camping ground. Finally in the early morning hours it went silent over the area… for a few hours until the next bands would enter the stage on Sunday.
Written by Daniela Vorndran, Josie Leopold (www.facebook.com/josieleopold.interviewt), Susann Lucas, Linda-Jane Moedebeck and morTICIA
All Pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)