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Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden
16th December 2006
electriXmas: Thermostatic, Hype, Modcom, Cat Rapes Dog, And One

Being the follower of Virtual X-mas, electriXmas is taking place every year in December since 2002 and developed to one of Sweden’s most famous synth festivals. The line-up this year was again very mixed between “old” heroes of synth music and new talents. Acts from abroad belonged to the line-up as well as local bands. When we arrived at the venue, which holds about 750 people, at about half past eight, there were still people queuing up. But it went quite fast to get in. As soon as we were entering the venue we got the obligatory electriXmas CD. A very nice tradition I must say. The waiting time until the first act started was filled with DJ music – as it was the same in-between all the bands and so the evening never got boring. This year’s bands on stage were THERMOSTATIC – a new Swedish band, HYPE – featuring ELEGANT MACHINERY’s vocalist Robert Enforsen, MODCOM – a side project of VNV NATION’s Ronan Harris, CAT RAPES DOG – the old-school electro band from Sweden, and AND ONE – one of Germany’s most famous synth bands.


THERMOSTATIC are – in their own words - "a flirtation of electropop with italodisco - electronic music with a charming attitude." The four-piece from Gothenburg/Sweden released their debut album ‘Joy Toy’ in May 2005 and gained huge positive response. In 2006, the received the award for “Best Scandinavian Newcomer” at SAMA. And they surely won’t stop there. The band name itself was suggested by Michael Strandtoft of the band HELM as the “-Perfect name for charming electronic music. The combination of thermo and static actually beckons the style of the music, since it is both warm and strict at the same time”. THERMOSTATIC are VOX (vocals), TiN, CHARLIE and DigiDroid. /  

After an introduction by Alexander Hofman (aka Android from S.P.O.C.K) the evening started with purest synth music. Female singer Vox is accompanied by her male keyboard players / musicians – one on her left side on the keyboard and the other two together on computer / technical stand on her other side. Parts of the sound were played from the laptop but there were also keyboard lines played live by the guys on stage.  There is quite some hype about this Swedish band presenting electro pop for everyone. The band’s influences are – as the band states on their myspace site - a lot of Commodore 64 game classics mixed up with 80ies and electro stuff as well as some house influences too. The music takes you back in time but also is new and unique. And the songs make that you never can stand still – they are energetic danceable Synth pop on its best. Some say that their debut album ‘Joy Toy’ is the best Synth pop album in Sweden for years. Well, it is not totally wrong ;) The set consisted of songs from the debut album as well as the yet untitled upcoming single release and another untitled new song – so there were a few surprises for the audience. The album opener ‘As Stars we belong’ with its melody riffs was also the opener for the evening. Once again (like in previous years) I was impressed of the good sound in the venue. It was well balanced between instruments and vocals, clear and voluminous – during the whole evening. All sound technicians did a very good job. Respect!

If you expected just another steady performance of a Synth band you have been surprised in a positive way. The show was anything else than steady. Especially vivid front woman Vox drew the attention of the audience with her expressive behavior on stage. She was jumping around, dancing and shaking her short hair. And she was smiling all the time. Very simpatico! But also the two guys behind the computer arrangements on her right side freaked out, danced and clapped a lot. Only the other keyboard player on her left was a bit calmer, but then again he provides some very nice backing vocal tunes. The audience was into the set right from the start. No matter that THERMOSTATIC was the first band of the evening they gained well deserved applause. Surprisingly also the light show was very good for the small venue – and the first band. Only from time too time the use of smoke was too extensive and especially singer Vox was hard to see on stage.

01. As Stars We Belong
02. Private Machine
03. "Coming single"
04. Reasons
05. New song...
06. Metal Skin
07. So Close So Near
08. Private Machine

Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 9
Light 7
Total 8


Led by ELEGANT MACHINERY’s vocalist Robert Enforsen, HYPE had a hectic schedule in 2006 with a debut album release – ‘Desperately yours’ – featuring collaboration work with artists such as Eskil Simonsson / COVENANT, INTERLACE and ALICE IN VIDEOLAND. HYPE started out as a project of Robert Enforsen and Carl Steinmarck (SAFT vocalist and song writer). But the only remnant from that early time is the track ‘Winterday’ which also appeared on an electriXmas compilation. Today, HYPE are Robert Enforsen (lead vocals, additional synths), Sanna Lundberg (Synths, backing vocals) and David Elg (Synths, backing vocals). /  

For several years it has been very calm about Swedish Synth pop band ELEGANT MACHINERY – despite a few live appearances. But singer Robert Enforsen was not was lazy and delivered a great debut album with his band HYPE in 2006 after several songs of the band had appeared on several compilations during the last few years. Knowing Robert’s vocal qualities from ELEGANT MACHINERY, you exactly know what to expect: strong, clear and powerful vocals! Also within HYPE versatile Synth and Electro pop tunes are the essential ingredients here and lead to very strong songs – i.e. ‘Modern Impact’, ‘Bounce’ or ‘Winterday’ - a high speed delicacy with bursting hit power and strong vocals - which all have been played during the evening. But not only Robert is acting as singer, also his companions on the keys have their fair share providing backing vocals (as mostly Sanna did) or even taking over bigger lyrical parts. Especially Robert’s male voice and the female vocals of Sanna perfectly match each other. Most of the tracks are up-tempo numbers so you can imagine how people were dancing along. The debut album as well as the tracks performed on the evening present two sides of HYPE’s work: the potent, melodic, glimmering and sparkling world of Synth pop as well as more experimental aspects. But after these entire remarks one thing is very sure: Robert’s voice it the heart of HYPE. The set ended with HYPE’s version of ‘Do they know it’s Christmas’ – a special gift according the motive of the evening.

Again we had the typical Synth band setting with a singer in the center and two keyboards right and left. Both keyboard stands were decorated appropriate to the festival with illuminating Christmas decoration which created a very nice and cozy mood. While David and Sanna were mostly bound to they instruments, Robert conquered the stage for himself. And yes, this band had fun on stage! Real fun! Robert for his matter was constantly smiling or shaking hands with the audience. Very charming! One moment was most heartfelt for me when he sat down on the floor for quite a while and just looking totally happy smiling to the audience which did not stay unimpressed by the mood on stage. The good feelings swapped over and you saw happy people all around dancing, singing and clapping. HYPE, go on like this! You’ll capture people’s hearts instantly!

01. Modern Impact
02. Winterday
03. Hurt
04. Your kind
05. Love-o-lution
06. Bounce
07. Do they know it’s Christmas

Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 9
Light 7
Total 8


MODCOM is a new solo project of VNV NATION’s Ronan Harris which made his debut on this year’s WGT in Leipzig. So far, there has not been a release by the project, but some rare live performances including this one at the eX 2006. As Ronan himself stated, the name MODCOM comes from a term used in radio technology and is a shortened version of “Modulated Communication”. /

The concept of MODCOM is quite simple – and different to the one of VNV NATION even though Ronan is using modular synths there as well because he loves the vibe that they have – and ordinary pre-patched synths don’t. Ronan Harris uses analog modular synthesizers and analog sequencers to generate live sound. The idea is to patch, manipulate, effect, re-patch and mix sequences and sounds live as it was common to 70s Synth pioneers who were using walls of synthesizers and cables to make sound. MODCOM uses these technical installations now to create 21st century electronic beats, rhythms and soundscapes. The stage installations showed exactly the picture you would imagine now: a desk with laptop and some mixing gear and behind a huge wall of cables and machines. In-between Ronan was acting during the show. He used all this stuff for creating complex sounds, sweet harmonies and even insane noises. As he told himself, he was fiddling around with his synths for hours coming up with weird sounds – and he had fun doing this. Out of this all he had born the idea to do there kind of music as a project which uses them all for sounds and does everything live. In his own words he “wanted to be limited by this technology's limitations (there's very little automation, no way to save sounds), but use them for the kinds of sounds that they are good for”. The stuff he created live on that evening was rhythmic, spherical, and partly even catchy. Only song people might have known was the MODCOM mix of VNV NATION’s ‘Chrome’. When you saw Ronan fiddling around with the synths or turning some buttons it was quite hard to imagine that all the sound was created live. Presenting these sounds live is not playing a keyboard but a lot of sound tweaking, re-patching and playing the controls to make the music. Used percussions were triggered on a sampler; lots of samples have been used and mixed live.

This performance was probably the one which split the audience’s opinion the most. There was this man standing in-between his desk and this huge wall of technical stuff, turning from his laptop towards the wall and fiddling around there with the back to the audience. Several people left the place in front of the stage; others were staying and liked it a lot. For myself I can say that I did not find it interesting as a show act, bur it was very interesting to see how the sounds were created. And as Ronan promised, you were able to dance to it. So, you saw not only people whipping their feet but also enough dancing to the songs. Even if you might state this performance a bit boring you must acknowledge that people in front of the stage and especially Ronan on stage had quite some fun. Haha… but what I really wonder is how there huge technical installation are transported. I guess that might not be too easy and so, MODCOM shows might not happen too often.

01. Skywaves
02. One Zero
03. Chrome (27.2Mhz mix by modcom)
04. The joy of Tx
05. Tokyo Satellites
06. EMP
07. Critical Frequency
08. End Transmission

Music 8
Performance 6
Sound 9
Light 7
Total 7.4

Cat Rapes Dog

"Five years have passed. Five years of famine and hardships, five years of trying to make a living from stony fields and slash-and-burn farming. But also five years of seclusion, serenity and harmony. Reality never comes closer than when you let your bare hands dig deep into the cool, dark earth. But finally they are back. CAT RAPES DOG has returned from the trackless wilderness, from the company of gnomes and trolls, from picnics at hanging rocks. CAT RAPES DOG has returned to rock your world." After transforming several times in style and line-up, the last output of the band was ‘People as Prey’ in 1999 and since then, several “last shows” were announced. But there's life in the old dog yet and so CRD were playing again at the eX 2006 and even better: according to the myspace appearance, the band is right now working on new tracks. CRD are John Lindqwister (vocals), Jonas Avertoft (guitar), Annelie Bertilsson (bass) and Magnus Fransson (keyboard, guitar). (which provides also information about CRD)

This band was the first (and only) one during the evening using guitars on stage. And it was good that way because the mix of guitars and keyboard sounds brought the right drive to the CRD performance. Founded as a duo by Joel Rydström and Magnus Fransson, CRD released their first record ‘Maximum Overdrive’ and 1989. From the beginning they proofed how good they are in creating their own style - high-energy electronic punk music including elements of other musical genres like speed metal, reggae, techno and hiphop. ‘God, guns & gasoline’ – the second album of CRD – showed the bands lyrical talents which focused on social and political satire. This album was a dark journey into the heart of today's American culture and lifestyle delivered with the CRD typical irony. Later on, the band line-up was extended by Annelie Bertilsson who brought a new dimension of guitars and vocals into the band.

The first release together with her was the album ‘Moosehair underwear’ which was a perfect blend of Synth pop and hardcore. The next new band member Jonas Avertoft coming from a death metal act added even more fuel to the fire. In 1995, founding member and singer Joel left the band and soon Magnus took over his part until a vocal match was found 1997 in John Lindqwister who is until now the lead vocalist of the band. The next release – ‘The secrets of God’ in 1998 – came with wonderful literate lyrics and a quite soft sound compared with other CRD releases. Finally 1999 came - the year of the latest CRD output ‘People as Prey’ which displayed elements of punk and grunge even which provided songs as ‘How the country falls’ or the opener for the eX evening ‘Eating people is fun’. The live show was dominated by guitars and bass, only Magnus was overtaking the keyboard from time to time. Besides that, several rhythmic elements seemed to be played by backing tapes. Vocal-wise, Annelie took over some parts and was caring for the right contrast to John’s voice.

After MODCOM’s quite steady show, CRD burned down a firework of energy. They were subversive, rebellious with their anti-mainstream attitude. I guess not all attendees of eX were happy with that guitar driven show but in my opinion it was just fantastic. There was constant move on stage. Especially with Annelie as a Venus in furs, the live performance became a smashing success. She was so full of energy - not that the others were not – banging her long blonde hair and rocking around. The whole show was supported by some nice video screenings which added an extra pinch of salt. The whole band was not taking itself too serious. For one song they put on long frocks with a pointy hood; later on all (even Annelie) put on artificial mustaches what looked really weird. The show was just Rock’n’Roll. John was rolling on the floor, Jonas and Magnus were posing like real rock stars. Also the audience contact was magnificent. There were a lot of handshakes and smiles. Anyone on and off the stage had fun. People were jumping and screaming and so the band even was convinced to do encores. The last one - ‘Moosehair underwear’ - just accumulated the energy of the songs before. Great, great, great!

01. Eating People is Fun
02. Country Gods
03. How the country falls
04. American Dream
05. Mark of the Devil
06. Allt jag har
07. Speeding Jesus
08. Human Remains
09. Mother Goddess
10. Trojan Whores
11. Doomed
12. American Jesus
13. Scizofrenia
14. Moosehair Underwear

Music 9
Performance 9
Sound 9
Light 9
Total 9

And One

AND ONE released their brand new album ‘Bodypop’ earlier this year and climbed up German alternative chats scoring high positions. Now, the “German Synth Superstars” were back in Sweden once again to headline eX. One of the first compositions - ‘Metalhammer’ which Steve produced with his friends Chris – was immediately a dance floor filler in Berlin’s clubs. 1990 this song developed to a dance floor burner in the whole country and short after the first album ‘anguish’ was released. On the 1992 released album ‘Flop’ song writer Naghavi turned more towards German lyrics. The music is now a mix between EBM and Synth pop. ‘Technoman’ became another club hit. Over the band history several line-up changes (when i.e. Chris left or Annelie Bertilsson joined the band) and a development towards mot poppy tunes as well as the change of the label for a Major followed. Now – after several difficulties and throwbacks especially for Steve, AND ONE is back to the roots so to say with Out Of Line as Independent label and with Chris as a founding member back in the band which is completed by Gio. 2006 AND ONE are back maybe stronger than before which is proofed by several sold-out concerts during their ‘Bodypop’ tour this autumn. AND ONE are Steve Naghavi (voice, music, production), Gio van Oli (keyboards, backing vocals) and Chris Ruiz (keyboards, vocals). / / 

Back from guitar driven sounds we were just back to pure electronic stuff as it fits to the festival name. The stage setting was simple with Chris and Gio behind the keyboards in the back and Steve in front. No additional stage decoration as during the previous tour. The set started with ‘Stand the Pain’ and ‘Military Fashion Show’ out off the current album ‘Bodypop’ which made the audience move from the very beginning. The reign of current songs was completes with the catchy ‘Body Company’ and the controversial song ‘Steine sind Steine’ which can be found on the ‘Frontfeuer EP’ – a bonus CD of the limited ‘Bodypop’ edition. The rest of the set was completely reserved for old highlights – like the EBM numbers ‘Technoman’ and ‘Deutschmaschine’ or the ballad ‘High’ where Steve’s voice sounded just great! A real development compared with former times.

The main set also included a cover version of PROJECT PITCHFORK’s ‘Timekiller’. Even though Steve is the lead vocalist, he passed this duty over to Chris for the pushing ‘Fernsehapparat’ – the only song out off ‘Agressor’ which was presented – und took over Chris’ place behind the keyboard while ‘Terchnoman’ was performed by both guys together. Last song of the main set was the energetic ‘Take some more’ before the band came back for an encore and another cover version: RICK ASTLEY’s ‘Together Forever’. The whole set was the well-known mix of catchy Synth pop tunes and harder EBM tracks.

But now to the performance which was turning out to be a very funny ending of this festival night. When Steve, Chris and Gio entered the stage, anything seemed to be as always - Chris and Gio behind the keys and Steve on the microphone. But the turn just came at the third song ‘High’ when Ronan Harris entered the stage with a bottle of Moskowskaja and first accompanied Chris joking around. Then he moved further to Steve to sing with him and share his Vodka. There were only laughing faces on stage and in front of it. It was even funnier when Ronan threw “Mrs. Harris” over the stage. The ice was broken and there was a huge party in the venue. People were singing along – I found it quite funny to here the Swedes singing the German lyrics – and dancing.

Steve was very close to his fans, doing a lot of handshakes. There were not so many slow moments in the show; the mostly danceable songs pushed the speed up. When the band left the stage after ‘Take some more’ people wanted more. The band came back fiddling around with the keyboards, trying to choose one more song. Ronan came back once more too pushing up the audience. Then they all started with the RICK ASTLEY classic ‘Together Forever’ where Ronan joined Steve on the mic. It turned out to be very funny because Ronan was assuming to court Steve – accompanied with expressive gestures and facial expressions. The audience said goodbye with huge applause and a great night ended.

01. Stand the Pain
02. Military Fashion Show
03. High
04. Timekiller (PROJECT PITCHFORK)
05. Technoman
06. Sometimes
07. Deutschmaschine
08. Body Company
09. Bodynerv
10. Für
11. Get you closer
12. Steine sind Steine
13. Fernsehapparat
14. Take some more
15. Together Forever (RICK ASTLEY)

Music 8
Performance 9
Sound 9
Light 8
Total 8.5

More pics at Black-Cat-Net

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