6th May to 8th May 2009
Diary of Dreams touring Russia
The second part of our tour special leads us to Siberian city Omsk via Tumen to Perm. Again we got help of several fans to collect some impressions for you. But be aware: these are personal experiences… ;)
XL, Omsk, 6th May 2009
I’m just coming back from the concert of DIARY OF DREAMS… It was something incredible! I have no words! Honestly, I can hardly remember the moment when they came out on stage. Far better I remember that they started with ‘The Wedding’. I was overwhelmed with this song. I mean the sound of it… this song sounded like on CD and it pulled us in, bewitched us. I can hardly remember what happened next... I was just spun in a whirlpool of their sounds and was thrown into the sea of their music. ‘Chemicals’, ‘AmoK’ (it was played in an alternative version, it took me time to recognize it), ‘The Curse’, ‘The Chain’, ‘Odyssey Asylum’, ‘King of Nowhere’, ‘The Plague, ‘MenschFeind’, ‘Butterfly:Dance!’ (the audience was really swept away with this song!), explosive ‘Kindrom’ which took us all beyond the borders of reality with its “can’t bring me down!”, ‘Reign of Chaos’, ‘Soul Stripper’ and ‘Poison Breed’... I can’t forget it seemed as if they finished the show, thanked us and left the stage.

The audience applauded like hell; everyone started to scream “Diary! Diary!” Each and everyone did it, time went by, and we all yelled “Diary!” And then they appeared on stage again! Adrian told something in English, the band played two more songs, thanked us again and left the stage. But we did not give up, we screamed again, we asked for ‘PaniK?’, the hall of the club was convulsed by our “Panic! Panic!” and the guys - tired as they were - came out on the stage again. Adrian with joyful countenance told “Yeah, Russians, you know how to party! Thank you, friends!”. They played again and then aliened, gave us a bow and left the stage.

What can I say? I’ve got the best impressions, it was like in a fairy-tale, it was such a multifaceted feeling of happiness which can’t be described, one can only have firsthand knowledge about it! I want to express again my biggest gratitude to the guys - to Adrian, D.N.S. and Gaun:A - for this immense feeling of unity with their magical music and for incredible energy of this great show! Please come back soon, we are already waiting for you! Waiting for DoD!
Unsorted Setlist
The Wedding
The Saint
The Chain
Reign of Chaos
Soul Stripper
King of Nowhere
Odyssey Asylum
The Plague
The Curse
Poison Breed

written by Stopko_0 (http://vkontakte.ru/id1371177)
pics by RaMms1k
Batman, Tumen, 7th May 2009
As soon as we entered in the hall we understood that no one get out of here alive. The stage below was so small that one could hardly put there the drums! So, the drums were just draped in black and the others were... on the second floor!!! We had to see the whole show with our faces lifted up to the second floor! Of course, we were shocked! The start of the show was delayed; it began only around 21:30, but what a start it was! Everybody recognized the first notes of ‘The Wedding’! Adrian was in a beautiful jacket, Gaun:A was as usual in black trousers and shirt (I was surprised that his guitar was tacked on his leg). Should I tell that each and everyone excellently greeted the band this time? And it was several reasons for it:
1) it was more people than it was in 2008
2) the audience didn’t become silent obeying every gesture of Adrian
3) the band played so wonderful, so awfully great!

The crowd fell into a great excitement when ‘Chemicals’ started to sound. All in all it was really good that the band played swinging constantly from the new songs to the old ones. There were almost no breaks; DIARY really tried their best giving us all their energy. It was impossible to catch Gaun:A in the camera lens, he never stood on one place, he ran along the stage smiling at us and together with Adrian bantering with the keyboarder. When did I think that the audience goes mad?! It was when the first accords of ‘Soul Stripper’ began to sound! Adrian showed us the miracles of acrobatics standing on the second floor and everybody went mad hailing him and taking with their whole hearts the guitar solos of Gaun:A. Adrian apologized for impossibility to play downstairs and to be closer to the audience.

But he tried to come down to us: on a small place in size of circa 20 centimetres he sang two songs - ‘The Curse’ and ‘Butterfly:Dance!’ Moreover, he very nearly reached with his head to the joist of the second floor. I even heard worried shouts of the people standing around me. Adrian grasped for the joists, leaned over forwards looking up at Gaun:A who stood upstairs. And Gaun:A, in his turn, leaned over downwards and laughed at Arian. Everybody looked at Mr. Hates and I looked at Gaun:A! In the end they left stage but came back very soon because we didn’t cease to scream and call them! They returned smiling! They all smiled, Adrian smiled too, he even laughed.

They played two more encores; finally they played ‘Traumtänzer’ - with the help of the entire audience. They smiled, waved us with their hands standing there, on the second floor, then they bowed unto us, stood there a long while hearing our applauses and conclamations and finally left the stage to take a rest.

written by Marie Johnna Lawliet (http://vkontakte.ru/id650352)
pics by Julia Shilko (http://vkontakte.ru/id26862573)
New Star, Perm, 8th May 2009
DIARY OF DREAMS’ show in Perm was amazing! The audience encored them twice. ‘AmoK’ was performed very unusual... If on CD this song was danceable and on DVD it was lyrical, so on stage in Perm this song sounded aggressively, Adrian performed it very emotionally. It was a little lack of guitar-drive in ‘Reign of Chaos’ because the guitar sounds were pushed a bit backwards. The guys rocked every minute of the show! My friends liked DoD’s drummer especially. Though he played rather plain, he made ample amends for it with his frantic drive. He even performed a funny gimmick: he drank from the can of “Red Bull” not taking it in his hands. One of encore songs was ‘Traumtänzer’ and Adrian let the audience sing only the last line of the refrain.

01. The Weeding
02. Chemicals
03. AmoK
04. MenschFeind
05. Reign of Chaos
06. King of Nowhere
07. The Chain
08. Soul Stripper
09. Kindrom
10. The Plaque
11. Odyssey Asylum
12. The Saint
13. Butterfly: Dance!
14. The Curse
15. Traumtänzer

written by Lisa Zavodnikova
pics by Juri Baranov (http://www.yhunter.ru)
Translations by Morgana Himmelgrau (http://www.morganaswelt.ru/)