9th April 2014
Diary of Dreams & In Strict Confidence
I'm following the live shows of DIARY OF DREAMS for about over 10 years now and every time I'm looking forward to the next one when they have released a new album. Whatever happened with the last album when they have played at the FZW in Dortmund in the smallest of both rooms in there for just a few hundred people... This time with more self-esteem they booked the Zeche in Bochum which turned out to be the perfect place and I was quiet happy for them to see such a big audience. A TV team from the WDR channel interviewed some fans before the show started.
In Strict Confidence
IN STRICT CONFIDENCE started out as a quartet, but stripped down to a duo (Dennis Ostermann and Jörg Schelte) in 1992 releasing two demos tapes on the way to their debut release 'Cryogenix' on Zoth Ommog in 1996 (the initial pressing of this album sold out in one week), shortly followed by an EP 'Collapse'. The band left the label after releasing follow-up effort 'Face The Fear' in 1998, releasing their third album 'Love Kills!' on Bloodline two years later. Founding member Stefan Vesper then re-joined the group in time for 'Mistrust the Angels' in 2002 with subsequent albums 'Holy' and 'Exile Paradise' appearing at two-year intervals. These albums saw the project's sound diversify further, notably with increasing use of female vocals from Antje Schulz, vocalist of the band CHANDEEN and later on, the addition of female vocalist Nina de Lianin. Today the live line-up of IN STRICT CONFIDENCE consists of Dennis Ostermann (vocals, songwriting, lyrics), Jörg Schelte (songwriting, programming, keys), Steve Stefan (rhythms, programming, drums), Nina de Lianin (vocals) and Haydee Sparks (guitar). http://www.instrictconfidence.com / https://www.facebook.com/instrictconfidence
Music & Performance
With a video screen in the background and two beautiful ladies at the front - Haydee Sparks on guitar and Nina de Lianin on vocals - Jörg Schelte, Stefan Vesper and Dennis Ostermann started this evening. Nina joined the stage a bit later with the second song 'Promised Land'. The band got a warm welcome and Dennis remembered that they had played in 97/98 for the first time in the Zeche. Though Dennis and Jörg made a good job with being concentrated on the music and singing it was Nina who animated the fans to clap the hands and to sing along with the band. She also brought the erotic to the show with her black latex dress and her sexy moves. Of course they didn't left the stage without the one and only 'Zauberschloss'. The special favourite song of the fans and it was always played in 14 years.
01. My Despair
02. Promised Land
03. Tiefer
04. Seven Lives
05. Forbidden Fruit
06. Set Me Free
07. Morpheus
08. Engelsstaub
09. Zauberschloss
Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 8
Light: 6
Total: 7.7 / 10
Diary Of Dreams
DIARY OF DREAMS is a German Darkwave band around Adrian Hates who is a classically trained guitarist and pianist who started out as the bass player for GARDEN OF DELIGHT. He initiated the DIARY OF DREAMS project in the late 1980s, taking the name from one of his early classical guitar compositions, "Tagebuch der Träume". The first album, ‘Cholymelan’, appeared in 1994 on the Dion Fortune label. Encouraged by this success, Adrian formed his own label called Accession Records and released a series of albums over the following years building a loyal fan base each step of the way. After 12 albums (including the E.P.'s) they have released 'Elegies In Darkness' this March. DIARY OF DREAMS in stage is Adrian Hates (vocals, guitar), Gaun:a (guitar, big bass, backing vocals), Flex (guitar, cello, backing vocals), Dejan (drums)and Julius (keyboard, bass, backing vocals). http://www.diaryofdreams.de / https://www.facebook.com/officialdiaryofdreams
Music & Performance
About half an hour later it was time for DIARY OF DREAMS to enter the stage. Adrian appeared with a hood jacket maybe to look mysterious. The first song 'Malum' - which is also the first song on the new album - was played with more rock than on CD. While the others played their instruments so well Adrian made the action on stage and gave some more expressions to the songs with his gesture. You could definitely hear more guitar sound as electronic elements and also a contrabass and a cello were used. They made some songs still much more emotional. When Adrian says that he needs his chemicals be sure you want the 'Chemicals' as well. It was a different version this time. A very old treasure was played with 'Babylon'. A song they have never played before on another tour, because they thought they can't play that because it's too long with 10 minutes.
But now they just had done it and I don't think that there was someone who haven't enjoyed it. They wanted to help us so loose our demons so it was time for 'Daemon' and with 'StummKult' and 'Dogs Of War' we got three songs in a row from the recent album. With 'Undividable', the main part of the show ended. The encore part started quiet with 'A Day In December'. Has anyone seen the video they have done for this song? If not have a look on their official YouTube channel. With 'King Of Nowhere' and 'The Curse' they made everyone really happy. Another break before the show had found an end with such an intensive feeling while listening to 'Gassen Der Stadt' with contrabass and cello and an acoustic version of 'Traumtänzer' that let us sing all together before we all went out into the dark of night.
02. Psycho-logic
03. Kindrom
04. Rumours About Angels
05. O’ Brother Sleep
06. Play God!
07. Chemicals
08. A Dark Embrace
09. Haus Der Stille
10. Babylon
11. Daemon
12. StummKult
13. Dogs Of War
14. Lebenslang
15. The Luxury Of Insanity
16. Undividable
17. A Day In December
18. King Of Nowhere
19. The Curse
20. Die Gassen Der Stadt
21. Traumtänzer
Music: 10
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: 7
Total: 8.5 / 10
All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)
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