26th September 2009
This time, the Pagan-folk band FAUN came within the scope of their unplugged programme to the Tropfsteinhöhle (stalactite cave) Schulerloch. The concert at the 26th September was sold out and so they decided to play a second concert at the next day - this one was sold out too! The band founded in 1999 in Gräfelfing near Munich consists during unplugged concerts of Oliver "Satyr" Pade (vocals, Irish bouzouki, nyckelharpa, Celtic harp, lute, Tar, Saz), Sandra Elflein (vocals, violin, flute, hurdy-gurdy), Fiona Rüggeberg (vocals, bagpipes, flute, Chalumeaux, harmonium, Pomeranian, Rebap, Fujara, Seljefloit) and Rüdiger Maul (Bendir, Darabukka, Riq, Tamborello). http://www.faune.de/ / http://www.myspace.com/paganfolk

Music & Performance
Shortly after 17.00 o'clock, the entrance to the cave was permitted and now the guests could climb down into the cave. The temperature in the cave was only around 10°C and, hence, it was good that the organizer had pointed out before that warm clothes are advisable. Then, FAUN began with their program that they had divided into two parts approx. 45 minutes each to allow a warm-up break with catering to the listeners and themselves. The lighting was extremely atmospheric and fitted to the graceful songs which looked even more fantastic in the cave and more mystic than otherwise. Oliver Pade was again introducing each of the songs with humour and empathy with a small, suitable anecdote and so gave an understanding of the history to anyone, as for example happening with ‘König von Thule’.

They also played a few songs from their new album appearing in November ‘Buch der Balladen’, before after approx. 2 hours everything was over. The listeners went back happily and searching the way to the parking bay with flashlights and who knows: Maybe there'll be a concert of FAUN here again in the next year after the renewed success this year… Unfortunately, not only the instruments not managed so properly with the external conditions, but also, my camera and I could save only a few pictures.
Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: 5
Total: 7.4 / 10

All pictures by Erika Knepper (