21st June to 24th June 2007
Bochum Total: Metallspürhunde, Xandria, Faun, Rotersand, Secret Discovery, Staubkind, Jesus on Extasy, In strict Confidence, Das Ich, Purwien, Escape with Romeo
The 22nd Bochum Total took place from 21st to 24th June under the motto “Celebrate the Countdown”. Besides 66 bands on four stages, the city festival also offered a lot of different food and drinks; but music was again the main issue. The very best thing with this festival is that you can see all the bands for free. Bochum Total is a festival that presents progressive and original music through all genres not only presenting big names but is also a platform for musical experiments. During the last years, bands like DONOTS, WIR SIND HELDEN, OOMPH!, APOPTYGMA BERZERK, MIA or DIE HAPPY were playing there. Further more the festival gives new bands from the region a chance to perform live in front of a big audience. Bochum Total is the biggest European music festival. During the last years the amount of visitors increased steadily, so there were counted between 650,000 and 850,000 visitors in the last 3 years each.

The four days of Bochum Total again provided magnificent live music through all genres – with free admission! National acts met international ones; newcomer met top-acts. The festival area was as always located in the famous “Bermuda-triangle” where you can find more than 40 pubs and restaurants to party until late night. About 700.000 people celebrated this year’s Bochum Total. Unlike to the last two years, the weather was not so very nice with lots of rain on Friday and Saturday. The Sunday was luckier. It was dry and we had even some sun. Even though there were some rain showers, we could see some very nice concerts. Again, the “Ring-stage” – also called “Schattenreich-stage” – was the place for dark music on Friday and Saturday, but also Sunday had some “dark” bands in stock. So we took our chance again to be part of the festival. Friday on 17.00 it was time for the first band to enter the stage. All in all four bands were presenting their program on the “Schattenreich-stage” on Friday followed by several more on the other days. Next year’s festival will take place from 3rd to 6th July. http://www.bochumtotal.de/
Swiss precision METALLSPÜRHUNDE – the name is implicating something metallic, but it is nothing about Metal with this band. The band could expand their awareness level with several gigs in Germany because the music fits for clubs as well as fort he big festival stages. The debut album was released in 1999 receiving quite positive reactions. After some line-up changes the band consists now of Michel Frasse (vocals, music, lyrics), Patrick Sayer (guitars, music), Marion Altwegg (keyboard, lyrics) and Thomas Baumgartner (keyboards, music). http://www.mshunde.ch/ / www.myspace.com/metallspuerhunde

The band whose name means metal hounds (dogs that were used to seek for mines in the Vietnam War) presents some kind of Electro-metal with German lyrics which are anyway never embarrassing. Catchy and poppy melodies are combined with danceable rhythms and 80s synthesizer sounds not missing the rocking guitar either. METALLSPÜRHUNDE combine elements of EBM, Metal, Industrial, 80s New Wave and Synth Pop not missing out some special effects like the weird sounds of a Theremin.

The live show led by front man Michel is something fort he eye. He was backed up by two keyboard players and additionally by Patrick on guitar. The most remarkable thing within the band’s performance is Michel’s acting and his facial expressions as well as exalted movements. Compared to the last time I’ve seen this band about two years ago, the show improved a lot and the acting of the artists looked more experienced. The band had lots of fun on stage and Michel even took a bath in the audience dancing there with his fans what was highly appreciated. And so, the first band on Friday afternoon already got quite some applause.

01. Amokherz
02. Metamorph
03. Fragmente
04. -196°
05. Blut & Spiele
06. Der Weg zu zweit
07. Obszöne neue Welt
08. Odyssee

With the release of the first album ‘Kill the sun’ in 2003 the band immediately gathered a true fan base around them. After touring through Germany the band released the second album ‘Ravenheart’ and hit German charts on number 36. The video for the title track was rotating on music television for several weeks. Afterwards, the band from Bielefeld/Germany put the album ‘India’ on the market which hit the charts even on rank 32. Nowadays, the band grew really big in the Gothic scene and recently released already the fourth album ‘Salomé - The Seventh Veil’. The band gathered a lot of live experience when touring through Europe, Russia or Mexico. XANDRIA are: Lisa (vocals), Marco (guitar), Philip (guitar), Gerit (drums) and Nils (bass). http://www.xandria.de/ / www.myspace.com/xandria

Quite a while ago, XANDRIA already stepped out of the shadow of bands like WITHIN TEMPTATION or NIGHTWISH and cannot be seen just as a clone of those bands. XANDRIA emphasises over and over again that they create their own musical style and are different to the mentioned bands. In Bochum, the band presented several highlight of the past few years like ‘The end of every story’ or the highly demanded ‘Ravenheart’ as well as songs from the recent album such as its title track ‘Salomé’. The musical range spread from soundtrack landscapes over spacey sounds to hard guitar riffs, just the stuff the fans want to listen to.

Even though the weather during the first Bochum Total day was not that nice it stayed at least quite dry during the XANDRIA gig. Luckily no direct sun so you could at least imagine what the light show could look like. Anyone on stage was in very good mood; the guys were posing like hell moshing their hair too like you could expect it from that kind of band. As a special highlight, Lisa was guiding an attractive belly dancer onto stage dressed up in a red oriental looking dress.

01. Intro
02. A New Age
03. Now And Forever
04. Save My Life
05. Snow-White
06. Salomé
07. Firestorm
08. The End of every Story
09. Ravenheart
10. Black Flame

The German band FAUN has been founded in 1999 by Oliver Pade and its music spreads from medieval to Arabic sounds. Like no other band, FAUN’s virtuous musicians are able to combine ancient instruments with modern influences. The band’s name describes a being from the Greek/Latin mythology, associated with Pan/Faunus. According to the band, they have chosen this name as a symbol for their close affinity to nature. Since 2001, FAUN consists of Oliver ‘Sa Tyr’ (vocals, nyckelharpa, Celtic harp, bouzouki, various lutes and diverse percussion instruments), Fiona Rüggeberg (vocals, bagpipes, dombra, rebab, oud, flutes, chalmeux, pommer & various rhythm instruments), Elisabeth Pawelke (vocals, various hurdy-gurdies), Rüdiger Maul (darabouka, davul, bendir, tamborello, riq, berimbao and diverse percussion instruments) and Niel Mitra (computer sampler and synthesizer). http://www.faune.de/ / www.myspace.com/paganfolk

The band itself describes their music as Pagan Folk. Influences of Celtic folk, medieval music and Arabic sounds melt with pushing beats and even some Synth sounds. Far away from the pabulum of other medieval bands, the chants of both female singers as well as different medieval and percussion instruments sound in an adjuratory entity. The band's repertoire reaches from melancholic, serene ballads to exciting, effusive danceable tunes. Besides self-written lyrics, the band uses historic songs from various regions and eras. The songs were sometimes dreamy and lost in reverie, sometimes full of energy, carried the listener away to worlds and places long forgotten. Sad enough that the band had massive sound problems what first caused a delay of nearly half an hour. Thus, the set had to be shortened because of the strict time table. The setlist contained anyway some of the most loved songs like ‘Sirena’, ‘Wind & Geige’ or ‘Rosmarin’.

People in the crowd had to wait quite a while until FAUN finally entered the stage on this evening. The sound problems also affected the show – all band members had to advice the sound engineer during the while show to put the monitor loudness up or different other things. This distracted a bit from the show. But anyway, as always Sa Tyr was talking a lot to the audience telling different little anecdotes to make people smile. Even though it was not quite dark yet, you could see the stage lit up in different colours, which additionally made up for the right mood. Dressed up in medieval kind, Fiona and Lisa stood in front of the audience behind their microphones when singing passionately or they danced around, Fiona with her bagpipe, and Lisa with a hurdy gurdy.

A little bit breaking ranks, though not concerning his apparition, was Niel behind his laptop in the background of the stage, who delivered the pushing, but still very convenient, beat. Trying not to care too much of the technical problems, FAUN showed fun on stage anyway and played with the passion you know this band for. So, the audience joined in singing and dancing and rewarding the group's efforts with extensive cheering and applause.
Setlist (planned)
01. Intro Gaia
02. Rad
03. Andro
04. Sirena
05. Cuncti Simus
06. Rosmarin
07. Wind & Geige
08. Iyansa
09. Tinta
10. Rhiannon

Last band on Friday night on the open air stages was ROTERSAND. THE FAIR SEX member Rasc put together this project with long-time collaborator Gun in 2002. When Rasc and Gun came together, they wanted to realize their own concept of electronic music - intoxicating, modern and anyway timeless. Soon after the band was joined by sound man Krischan E. Wesenberg - first live on stage and later as full-time band member. With him in the band, the formation gained even more dynamic and power. Right the first EP ‘Merging Oceans’, released in spring 2003, brought them international resonance. Third and latest long player ‘1023’ was released some days ago. http://www.rotersand.net/ / www.myspace.com/rotersand

Even though ROTERSAND themselves described as “the Scooter of Electronic Body Music”, just a tongue-in-cheek remark, they produce not only simple dance music just for the sake of it. The band has much more to offer, like ‘Merging Oceans’ which is a great pop tune with a techno approach, or the real noise bastard ‘Exterminate Annihilate Destroy’ kicking asses on every dance floor. But not only dance floor fillers belong to the band’s repertoire. The recent album offers also ballads even presented with acoustic guitar played by Rasc - what was also presented live on stage.

The new songs were celebrated as much as the older ones. ROTERSAND simply have a pop feel and danceable techno beats as well as hard and dark stuff in best EBM tradition besides the already mentioned ballads. What more to expect from the audience? Well… something different to other shows was there: Krischan could not be on stage at Bochum Total because he was in the USA as sound engineer of VNV Nation during that time. For the Bochum show, Lukas of AUTOAGGRESSION jumped in.

Until short before the ROTERSAND show was supposed to start, we were really lucky with the weather during that evening. But then it started pouring down when the band had to enter the stage. But well, no one really care. Anyone was enjoying the show - on and off stage. As we know it, Rasc had very close contact to the audience, jumping into the dancing crowd just like Michel of METALLSPÜRHUNDE earlier that day. He was rewarded with lots of handshakes and hugs by the people down there. I think it is always something special to be that close to the artists. Singer Rasc obviously does enjoy being on stage and did his best to impersonate Mr. Showman.

Great moment of the show was also the point during ‘Exterminate, Annihilate, Destroy’ when the whole band was pointing at different people spitting out those words. Rasc again presented himself as perfect front man. Besides that, Gun did a great job too changing from keys to guitar or only backing vocals at the stage rim. Also Lukas was fitting into the show quite well. ROTERSAND once more convinced with their energetic, pounding songs that got a crowd going. As you know by now, Rasc was playing in THE FAIR SEX before and since both bands are located in that area we got a little surprise as encore. Myk Jung and Blonder of TFS performed the TFS song ‘Not Now, Not Here’ together with ROTERSAND. It was so energetic up there on stage during that moment.

Finally it was also dark enough for the light show to take effect. Bright light and smoke flooded the stage during several songs while the ballads were lit up with moodier spots. ROTERSAND once again proved that they are an entertaining and energetic live act. Great finish of the open air day in Bochum! But there was still something more to come…
01. Almost Violent
02. The Last Ship
03. Electronic World Transmission
04. One Level Down
05. Don't Know
06. Exterminate Annahilate Destroy
07. Lost
08. Undone
09. Not Now, Not Here (The Fair Sex)
10. Merging Oceans

Secret Discovery
It is kind of tradition that this band performs at the Bochum Total. This year, the show took place at Friday night in the ‘Riff’. The Dark-Rock band was founded back in 1989 by brothers Kai (voc) and Falk Hoffmann (guitar) together with Mathias Glathe (bass) and Michael Gusky (guitar). The first release ‘Way to Salvation’ was released in self production in the same year. One year later a small tour followed with the addition of a live drummer. The official debut ‘Darkline’, release din 1992, gained them more and more fans. After the success of the 2004 album ‘Pray’ and the enthusiastic reactions according the few gigs the band played, the boys were really motivated again for the latest album ‘Alternate’ released in February 2006.

Lyrically and musically the band has moved forward. But still there are heavy guitars and catchy keyboard sounds within the charming voice of Kai. After lots of albums, live shows and line up changed the band now consists of Martin Hirsch (bass) who replaced Mattes Glathe at the end of 2005, Lars Graebe (drums), Kai Hoffmann (vocals), Falk Hoffmann (guitar), Ramses Razmjoo (guitar) and Dirk Riegner (piano, keys, guitar, backing vocals). http://www.secret-discovery.de/ / www.myspace.com/secretdiscovery

Even though there are similarities and comparisons to bands like THE SISTERS OF MERCY or FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM, there is this self-reliance in SECRET DISCOVERY’s music too. The sound is based on guitars, but the keyboard notes give a little extra to it so it differs from those entire pure guitar based Goth-Rock bands. The setlist during the evening in Bochum contained several songs out off the latest two albums, such as ‘Away’ and ‘lass mich los’ from the ‘Alternate’ album. ‘Away’ reminded me again a bit of David Bowie - musically and according to Kai’s voice - and this is meant as a compliment. Even though you still could hear that he was ill. With ‘Down’ and the Mel C. cover ‘Turn to you’ also the album ‘Pray’ was given credit. The whole set was marked by Kai’s charismatic deep and melodic chant, the extremely good and contemporary guitar play of Falk and Ramses, decent keyboard sounds and a solid and well accentuated rhythm landscape presented by Martin and Mattes as well as Lars on drums. Traditionally, the encore consisted of the BILLY IDOL cover ‘Rebel Yell’, the audience favourite ‘Hello Goodbye’ and the U” cover ‘With or without you’.

SECRET DISCOVERY playing in their home town has always something special. It was more like a party with fans than a usual concert. And the band was in real party mood, ordering Jim Beams several times whereof not all flew into the throats but also over the floor, haha. When the band entered the stage, it was totally flooded with smoke; you really could not see anything. Reminded a bit of SISTERS OF MERCY - *lol*. Especially Dirk behind his keyboard was covered with smoke nearly during the whole show. But no one cared about that. Anyone had fun. During this typical rock show, again the eyes of the audience were laying on the very attractive brothers Hoffmann. Watching Kai you saw that he’s very aware of his charisma. The mix of old and new songs and of Germany and English lyrics was well appreciated by the audience. Besides ‘Hello Goodbye’, the cover version of ‘Rebel Yell’ was once more one of the most celebrated songs during the evening. The whole set was underlined with mostly red and blue lights while a few light spots were focused on Kai - something we know from shows before.

01. Away
02. Lass mich los
03. Tanz mit mir
04. Nichts ist mehr wahr
05. Forever in you
06. Slave
07. Kleiner Tod
08. Another World
09. Down
10. Love Kills
11. Turn to you (Mel C.)
12. New Generation
13. Follow me
14. Pray
15. Color my live
16. Same Way
17. Weck mich auf
18. I don’t care
19. Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)
20. Hello Goodbye
21. With or without you (U2)

Since 2001, Louis Manke is member of the dark electro-rock formation TERMINAL CHOICE. The co-operation with Chris Pohl (BLUTENGEL) and his label Fear Section offered the possibility for a personal development and in 2003 the decision was made to make the own ideas to music. The first single ‘Keine Sonne’ and the debut album ‘Traumfänger’ were released. Avoiding just copying other artists, Manke orientates on artists such as EVANESCENCE, OOMPH!, LINKIN PARK or ZERAPHINE - his personal favourites. STAUBKIND are Louis Manke (vocals, programming, lyrics), Rico (guitars), Bassty (bass) and Friedemann (drums). http://www.staubkind.de/ / www.myspace.com/staubkindsite

Musically influenced by the above mentioned bands, Manke’s music can be described as a catchy mixture of harsh guitars, bombastic melodies and emotional chant. With the debit release ‘Traumfänger’ the band already gained a lot of fans. Besides some favourites out of the debut album, such as ‘Keine Sonne’ or ‘Mein Herz’ also two new songs from the upcoming album, set to be released in autumn, have been played. The songs of Manke’s solo project have nothing to do with TERMINAL CHOICE. Instead harsh electro stuff, listeners can expect melancholic-rocking-melodic songs which combine elements of electro and Synth Pop with harsh modern guitars and the melancholic mood of Dark Wave.

Even though STAUBKIND were performing as first band on Saturday afternoon, the space in front of the stage was very well filled with lots of fans of the band as well as people who just wanted to know what this band is doing. While Bassty on bass was playing “Mr. Cool” during the whole show, the rest of the band were wearing big smiles in their faces. Surely gigs in bright daylight are visually not that extraordinary if there are “only” the musicians performing on stage not supported by a great light show. But musically STAUBKIND did a good job as opener and the weather was friendly enough to stay dry… so far.

Jesus on Extasy
Already playing at last year’s Bochum Total, JESUS ON EXTASY (JOE) got again the chance to perform in front of a big audience. Young, loud and sexy - that’s probably the best description you can give about JOE. The look is not everything but it’s also no secret that Dorian and Chai make women’s hearts beating faster while the two girls on stage are something for the men’s eyes. But that’s only a positive side effect - JOE are more than an insider tip regarding Industrial-Rock today. The debut album ‘Holy Beauty’ was released some weeks ago and got very good critics so far. JOE are Dorian Deveraux (vocal X-tasy, synths, samples), Chai (6-string X-tasy, backing box, synths, programming), Alicia Vayne (guitar) and Ophelia Dax (keyboard and synths). http://www.jesusonextasy.com/ / www.myspace.com/jesusonextasy

Musically, the band follows the footsteps of MARILYN MANSON, NINE INCH NAILS etc. without copying them. The four-piece around Dorian Deveraux features an innovative mixture of electronic sounds together with hard or playful, soft guitar sounds and club capable beats. When Dorian and Chai built up the band, they wanted to start a musical revolution by creating an industrial Rock’n’Roll band far away from rusty old confessions. Heavily distorted guitars are mixed with synthesizer sounds.

Sweet melodies full of melancholy and pain meet destructive beats. The music is fresh and old-school at the same time. The band presented a nice selection of songs out off the debut ‘Holy Beauty’ grasping the title track of the album as well as the single ‘Assassinate me’, which was also remixed by well-known industrial heroes KMFDM. Some goody for all the 80s-lovers was presented as well: ‘Nowhere girl’. Newly, the band is supported by a drummer live on stage as well who is putting additional drive into the songs.

When the two boys and two girls entered the stage women’s and men’s hearts were probably beating faster at the same time. Eye catcher was of course Dorian who had this special charm. He was really expressive on stage, singing and shouting with full passion. And in fact, the band had to celebrate something on the festival… Bochum Total two years ago was the hour of birth for the band and the festival just a year ago was the first ever live appearance of the band. As Dorian said it was planned to spread out champagne over the audience… but they did not have some so water had to do it.

Like the band deserved it, as Dorian stated, the sun was shining. Hm, maybe he shouldn’t have said so and he shouldn’t have laughed about god… because it started raining just like some kind of revenge during the second half of the set. Compared to the last year’s Bochum Total show, the live appearance of the band has improved a lot, Chai was really vivid and both girls were posing a lot and waving their long hair. Quite a nice view!
01. Drowning
02. Nuclear Bitch
03. Nowhere Girl
04. 2nd Skin (+ Piano)
05. Alone
06. Holy Beauty
07. Puppet
08. Reach Out
09. Assassinate me
10. Neochrome

In Strict Confidence
Quite famous German Dark-wave and Electro-industrial band IN STRICT CONFIDENCE (ISC) was founded in 1989/1990 and is probably best know for the ‘Love Kills’ album. ISC are well-known for extensive touring through many different countries such as Mexico, Russia, ISA or Israel what resulted in a big fan base all over the world.

Also visually the band is extraordinary just according the motto “The eye listens too”. So, fans are convinced with exceptional artworks, video clips or live projections. IN STRICT CONFIDENCE are Dennis Ostermann (vocals, song writing), Jörg Schelte (song writing, programming), Stefan Vesper (drums, song writing) and Antje Schulz (vocals, lyrics, bass). For the live show they were supported by guitar player Timon Birkhofer, known for his work in the band LEAVES’ EYES. http://www.instrictconfidence.com/ / www.myspace.com/instrictconfidence

The mix of electronic and acoustic elements like guitar or drums in combination with the unmistakable voices of Dennis and Antje is convincing. The set on the Bochum Total stage presented several songs out off the latest release ‘Exile Paradise’ as well as a potpourri of songs from different periods of the band history. Highlights of the show were the well-known songs like ‘Zauberschloss’ or ‘Kiss Your Shadow’. Dennis Ostermann and Antje Schulz alternated in singing and sometimes they sung together in two voices. One fact I was quite surprised about: Antje was playing bass-guitar as well… different to earlier times.

ISC were using the JOE drum set which was arranged in the background of the stage. On one side, the keyboard was placed and on the other one, Timon, who just had his second appearance with the band, took his place. I must say that he fitted quite well into the band and you did not recognize that he was not working with the others for long. The foreground of the stage was reserved for the two singers, who presented the songs in the powerful and passionate way we know of them. There was a great chemistry between each other and with her charisma, Antje Schulz, stole most of the show.

Das Ich
It was already the second performance of DAS ICH at the Bochum Total. Officially, the band was founded by Kramm (music and backing vocals) and Stefan Ackermann (lyrics and vocals) in Bayreuth/Bavaria and belongs since early nineties to the most important bands of the Gothic scene in Germany. Hits like ‘Gottes Tod’ or ‘Destillat’ belong to any Gothic club not only in Germany and still the band has the status of an innovative and experimental electronic band. Third member on stage was as usually Kain. Recently, the band released a best of album grasping all the big hits of the band. http://www.dasich.de/ / www.myspace.com/dasich

DAS ICH know how to combine electronic, symphonic and early industrial elements to an explosive cocktail. The mixture of Electro, Classic and Avant-garde together with Stefan’s spit out lyrics seems unrestrained, sometimes even infamy and vulgar. The songs are controversial and shocking but always with a balanced sense for suspense between harmony and disharmony. The songs always link between filling up the dance floors and artistic profundity.

The pure electronic set contained songs like ‘Reanimat’, ‘Die Propheten’, ‘Kain und Abel’, ‘Garten Eden’, the dance-floor filler ‘Destillat’ as well as ‘Gottes Tod’ which cannot be missed on any DAS ICH show. The band is different to other electro bands. Yes, the use keyboards… but in a different way mounted on a movable metal construction. There is constant movement on stage, not only by singer Stefan but also by Bruno and Kain behind their keyboards. Bruno and Kain elicit all the strange noises out of their instruments while Stefan screams his messages about god and death out into the crowd.

As always, the stage show of DAS ICH is a pure eye catcher. Stefan’s body was again totally covered in red paint and I was wondering, when it started raining, if this paint would stick, and it did. In the middle of the stage there was a huge rusty metal construction as well as some kind of metal cross where Stefan’s microphone was mounted. Stefan is surely an impressive person on stage. Additionally to his outfit, his eccentric dance style is the most important thing to mention. He was jumping and moving on the stage like a little devil.

Then behind the keys there is Bruno with devilish hair an outfit which could have been taken from a church. Both keyboard players were stationed behind their boards but they participate by singing along, and acting out songs, mostly in their faces and moving this metal construction where the keyboards were fixed to. During ‘Gottes Tod’ Stefan was climbing up his metal construction in the middle and gave some kind of strange crucified. The audience had as much fun as all artists on stage moving and screaming a lot.

01. Der Schrei
02. Kain und Abel
03. Krieg im Paradies
04. Garten Eden
05. Reanimat
06. Sodom und Gomorra
07. Engel
08. Kindgott
09. Gottes Tod
10. Destillat

Last day of Bochum Total did not offer a special program fort he dark scene like the days before, but anyway there were some bands fans of dark music could enjoy. One of them was Christian Purwien with his band. Christian Purwien - the singer and mastermind of PURWIEN is recently still better known as the singer of SECOND DECAY, his former band which was founded in 1987 and released seven albums and several singles. The solo debut of PURWIEN, ‘Eins’, was released on 1st June. PURWIEN consists of Christian Purwien (vocals), Steffen Neuhaus (keyboard) and Marcel Schlepp (drums, e-drums). http://www.purwien.net/ / www.myspace.com/purwien

The sec contained new PURWIEN songs taken from the album ‘Eins’ as well as several old SECON DECAY songs. Christian himself characterizes his music as "modern young dance music"; I think it's a style of German popular music, highly sentimental ballads with simple, catchy melody or light, pleasant, throwaway pop tunes. Highlights were ‘Alle Fehler’ from ‘Eins’ which is sung on the album together with JOACHIM WITT as well as the big SECOND DECAY hit ‘I hate Berlin’ which was extensively celebrated. With ‘I’m leaving’ the band said good bye - a very fitting song at the end I’d say.

Like during the Elektrisch Festival, Christian performed his songs barefoot wearing just pants and a white shirt which he even took off during the set. His dance style was very expressive, he was moving like a little devil across the stage, even climbing up the stage construction. Marcel was changing between his e-drums and a real drum set. Keyboard player Steffen was smiling a lot and obviously had fun. He also added some backing vocals to the songs. Unfortunately it was much too bright and performing on a very small stage did not even give the possibilities for anything like the great light show we know from the Krefeld gig.

Last day of Bochum Total did not offer a special program fort he dark scene like the days before, but anyway there were some bands fans of dark music could enjoy. One of them was Christian Purwien with his band. Christian Purwien - the singer and mastermind of PURWIEN is recently still better known as the singer of SECOND DECAY, his former band which was founded in 1987 and released seven albums and several singles. The solo debut of PURWIEN, ‘Eins’, was released on 1st June. PURWIEN consists of Christian Purwien (vocals), Steffen Neuhaus (keyboard) and Marcel Schlepp (drums, e-drums). http://www.purwien.net/ / www.myspace.com/purwien

The sec contained new PURWIEN songs taken from the album ‘Eins’ as well as several old SECON DECAY songs. Christian himself characterizes his music as "modern young dance music"; I think it's a style of German popular music, highly sentimental ballads with simple, catchy melody or light, pleasant, throwaway pop tunes. Highlights were ‘Alle Fehler’ from ‘Eins’ which is sung on the album together with JOACHIM WITT as well as the big SECOND DECAY hit ‘I hate Berlin’ which was extensively celebrated. With ‘I’m leaving’ the band said good bye - a very fitting song at the end I’d say.

Like during the Elektrisch Festival, Christian performed his songs barefoot wearing just pants and a white shirt which he even took off during the set. His dance style was very expressive, he was moving like a little devil across the stage, even climbing up the stage construction. Marcel was changing between his e-drums and a real drum set. Keyboard player Steffen was smiling a lot and obviously had fun. He also added some backing vocals to the songs. Unfortunately it was much too bright and performing on a very small stage did not even give the possibilities for anything like the great light show we know from the Krefeld gig.

01. Früher
02. Lauf der Zeit
03. Raum 12
04. Bei dir
05. Für immer
06. Alle Fehler
07. So kalt
08. Vielleicht ist es so
09. I hate Berlin
10. I'm leaving

Escape with Romeo
Have just seen this band a few weeks ago at a great show in Cologne I was very happy to see ESCAPE WITH ROMEO (EWR) on the Bochum Total billing. This promised a very nice end of this festival. The band was founded back in 1989 after mastermind Thomas Elbern had left the band PINK TURNS BLUE. First album included the still most famous hit and all-time fan favourite ‘Somebody’. In April earlier this year, the latest album ‘Emotional Iceage’ was released, featuring a bonus CD in the limited edition. EWR are Thomas Elbern (vocals/guitar), Martin Pott (keyboards), Frenzy (drums) and Ralf (bass). http://www.escape-with-romeo.de/ / www.myspace.com/escapewithromeo

Being present in the Wave-Goth scene for about 15 years now, the band had a lot of material to offer. Again, EWR presented several songs from the new album as well as a best of selection though all the periods of the band’s history – for the pleasure of the fans. Like in Cologne, the show started with ‘New beginning’ from the recent album. Other songs from this album being played were ‘Glitter on the Snow’, ‘Come shining’, ‘I feel it in my hands’ and ‘Here comes the night’. All in all, the setlist was quite similar to the one being played a few weeks ago during the latest tour. The current studio album is very organic and presents rocking, electronic and sometimes symphonic facets. But all songs have something in common – they are very melodic and full of timeless gloom.

Besides those new tracks, several older ones have been presented, i.e. ‘Escape with Romeo’ from the very first album or ‘Alaska’ from 1998. Last song of the main set was the all-time fan favourite ‘Somebody’ which featured an extensive guitar solo by Thomas at the end of the song. Also an acoustic part was featured in the set when Thomas played the wonderful ‘Coma beach’. The planned acoustic version of ‘Somebody’ did not fit into the strict time plan anymore. But anyway it was a very touching show where the fans were set back into their youth.

Sunday in Bochum presented very nice and dry weather, perfect conditions to experience the last show. Even though it was not as packed as in front of the ‘Schattenreich’ stage, lots of people found their way to the EWR show giving warm and honest applause during the whole show and singing along to their favourite songs. People were dancing, cheering and clapping together with the band. Again, the mood on and in front of the stage was very good. I did not regret coming to see this show instead of DOG EAT DOG who played on the big stage.

01. Intro
02. New Beginning
03. If seeing is believing
04. Glitter on the snow
05. It’s loneliness
06. Come shining
07. Escape with Romeo
08. I feel it in my hands
09. Coma Beach
10. Here comes the night
11. Somebody
12. Alaska
13. Prince in the shell
14. Anteroom
15. White room
16. Problem child
17. Helicopters

All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com/ / http://www.black-cat-net.de/ / www.myspace.com/vorndranphotography)