E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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vnv5Kulturpark, Deutzen, Germany
2nd - 4th September 2011
Nocturnal Culture Night 6 Day 3: VNV Nation, Fixmer/McCarthy, DAF, Staubkind, Krypteria, Persephone, Blind Passenger, Schoengeist, Future Trail, Nova-Spes, Eyes Shut Tight

Very untypical for my entire NCN visits, there was also no rain in sight on the last day. Instead, it turned out to be a really hot summer day and a warm summer night, where VNV NATION as headliner were vividly celebrated.


Eyes Shut Tight (Big Stage)

Trashed Soul, who’s roused attention already with his exhibition at Wave Gotik Treffen, has given birth to the band EYES SHUT TIGHT. The band he gathered around him has been working hard already to get the debut album ‘Secret Destroyer’ done, which was released already to good reviews . The second album 'Fairground Zero' followed quite quickly in this year's May. EYES SHUT TIGHT is D.W.trashedsoul (vocals), John (guitars), Torben (guitars), Jolene (bass), dp (drums) and goyathlay (electronica). http://www.eyesshuttight.com/ / http://www.myspace.com/eyesshuttight7 / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eyes-Shut-Tight/114965558540594


Music & Performance
Pretentious statements were given by the label about the qualities about the band’s music in the press text about the debut album ‘Secret Destroyer’. And also the second album ‘Fairground Zero’ received quite good critics, also here at RoD. The fusion of trends, Metal and Punk with Electro and Industrial elements, is quite striking indeed. Sad side is, that those qualities could not be transported into the live performance, which was rather disappointing. It seemed, the band was putting more attention onto their clothing and make-up instead of infecting the audience with their music. The sound was also rather bad. So, the whole performance remained quite on a standard level with its industrial-flavoured Metal style and ferociously screamed vocals, having no real highlights.

01. Forbidden
02. Cabinet Of Mirrors
03. Ordeal
04. Apocalypse Generation
05. Gone
06. G.O.D.
07. Mother Darks Me And Done

Music: 7
Performance: 5
Sound: 5
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 5.5 / 10


Nova-Spes (Small Stage)

The band already formed in 1999 and through the years released a string of self-produced records, most of which are completely sold-out by now. In 2011 the band inked a record deal with German label Danse Macabre who released ‘prypiat - home of lilith’ on 9th September 2011. NOVA-SPES is Matthias Hübner (music, words, vocals), Steffen Pöhler (keys) and Peter Walter (keys). http://www.nova-spes.com/ / http://www.facebook.com/novaspesband


Music & Performance
NOVA-SPES with its musical mixture of AND ONE meets DAF opened the small stage on Sunday noon. The music sounded quite promising even though I found singer Matthias still a bit insecure in his live performance, containing several song from the new release, just like ‘Wir wollen jetzt!’, ‘Die Farbe der Saison’ or ‘Todeszeit’, but also some older stuff. Anyway, the band has potential and the collaboration with Danse Macabre’s Bruno Kramm will surely show its effects.

01. Strange Reaction
02. Wir wollen jetzt!
03. Run
04. Tanz!
05. Die Farbe der Saison
06. Dissappointed
07. Todeszeit

Music: 7
Performance: 6
Sound: 7
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 6.7 / 10


Future Trail (Big Stage)

After the German band FUTURE TRAIL emerged from the line-up of DAVANTAGE in 2001, its members released the debut long-player `Big Sky Horizon´ four years later. The new full-length album `Breaking New Ground´ (2009) picks up the thread of cool female fronted Electro Pop again. `Breaking New Ground´ is the title of the recent piece of work seeking prominent vocal support by Dirk Steyer (ACCESSORY) and DIRK IVENS (KLINIK, DIVE, SONAR). Beside duets with the aforementioned big names, the album also contains an emotive cover version of the 27-years-old DEPECHE MODE-song `Satellite´. FUTURE TRAIL is Mel (vocals / lyrics), René (production / arrangements) and GuBo (Lyrics). http://www.futuretrail.de / http://www.facebook.com/pages/Future-Trail/145392352170603 / http://www.myspace.com/futuretrail2005


Music & Performance
With their female fronted pop music, FUTURE TRAIL were surely the exception of all those electro bands playing at NCN. Finally, more people gathered in front of the stage to see the show. First thoughts coming to my head: two people on this big stage whereof one is standing behind the keyboards is too little (already had those thoughts with PSYCHE the day before). Towards the end of the show, luckily a guitarist joined in bringing some more life onto the stage. The composition, especially from the latest album, are marked by rousing soundscapes, anthemic synth melodies and pushing beats. The band just did not complete manage to transport these highlights to the audience. I don’t know if the set was too short or if anyone suffered from the heat. Maybe I’ll give them another chance at a longer show in a club surrounding.

01. Escape
02. Never Farewell
03. Patience
04. Far Beyond
05. Monochrome Affair
06. Panic

Music: 7
Performance: 6
Sound: 7
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 6.7 / 10


Schöngeist (Small Stage)

Formed in 2006 in Bavaria, SCHÖNGEIST quickly attracted attention of music lovers by combining oriental sounds with their Goth Rock / Electronic roots. Their second album 'Keine Zeit' has been released not so long ago in February. SCHÖNGEIST is Timur Karakus (vocals), Henriette Becker (violin), Daniel Beutner (guitar), Michael Hirschberger (guitar), Andreas Kellner (bass) and Till Wollenweber (drums). https://www.facebook.com/pages/SCHÖNGEIST/146222891222 / http://www.schoengeist-music.com/ / http://www.myspace.com/schoengeistmusic


Music & Performance
The small stage became really small, then the 6-piece entered the stage, especially, when those 6 people show a lot of movement. It became a real pleasure to watch this band perform, presenting a quite tempting mix of Goth Rock and Electronic music spiced up with Oriental elements - like in the presented ‘Halbmondfinsternis - and touching violin play. And they were not just presenting music, their music had a real message. The band believes that music is a great medium for connecting people for more peaceful integration. Maybe this is based on fact that singer Timur has Turkish roots. With him and his charisma, they had the audience quickly in their hands. Timur communicated a lot with the audience, showing a real friendly attitude, and was in return awarded with big applause. ‘Sonne der Nacht’, one of the strongest songs of latest album ‘Keine Zeit’ with a more Industrial leaning, ended the show. I must say that I saw the band for the first time and they really touched me with their show. I was definitely not the last time I saw one of their shows.

01. Keine Zeit
02. Halbmondfinsternis
03. Schalt ein! Schalt aus!
04. Nur mich!
05. Ganz oder gar nicht
06. Heiler
07. Auge um Auge
08. Sonne der Nacht

Music: 8
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 8.3 / 10


Blind Passenger (Big Stage)

BLIND PASSANGERS, the predecessor, was founded as early as 1987 by Nik Page and Rayner Schirmer and went through some troubles to be able playing their first live shows. Their first release came out with 'The Glamour of Darkness' in 1993. With time passing their music left its synth pop roots behind and gradually developed in a more rock-oriented direction, enlisting the help of alive guitarist for instance. In 2001 the band released their last album with 'Neosapiens', however Nik Page released a new record in 2010 under the moniker BLIND PASSENGER with 'Next Flight To Planet Earth'. BLIND PASSENGER is Nik Page, Mr. Stewart and R6. http://www.blindpassenger.de / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Blind-Passenger/161725120529492 / http://www.myspace.com/blindpassengerofficial


Music & Performance
After I’ve seen Mr. Page a few weeks ago at M’era Luna in quite darkness, his NCN appearance was quite a change with bright and burning sun, illuminating anything on stage and making people sweat. When the sounds of the intro appeared, of course no one was on stage since Nik and the rest of the band were marching towards the stage through the audience, following a girl holding a sign “Next Flight to Planet Earth”. First song ‘Sincity’ was presented by Nik from a speakers desk. With the presented Synth Pop and several songs presented from the old BLIND PASSENGERS - i.e. ‘Born to Die’ and ‘Absurdistan’ - you felt moved back to the eighties - combined with a good portion of science-fiction - especially, when even BOYTRONIC’s ‘You’ sounded through the air. Nik calls his new compositions “Sci-Fi-Synth-Pop’ and the sci-fi part also shows in the band’s outfit. But this was not the only visual attraction. During the set, you had some “rowdies” appearing on stage wearing pig masks and playing with some baseball bats. ‘The Cross’ was underline with an oil barrel performance. Cool show!

01. Intro
02. Sincity
03. Born To Die
04. Absurdistan
05. You ((Boytronic cover)
06. Electropop
07. Don't Drag Me Down
08. The Cross (+ Oil barrel performance)
09. Neverland

Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 7.8 / 10


Persephone (Small Stage)

The foundation dates back to 2000 and one year later the initial thought has grown to a project recording its first album 'Home' together with Tobias Hahn of JANUS. The album is presented live in castles and such to suit its mood and feel. The following 'Winterreise' tour with JANUS became an overall success. Next the EP 'Still...' was released in 2003. Coinciding with the release of the second album 'Atma Gyan' the band starts playing one concert a month. Currently, the band has released 4 albums with 'Letters to a Stranger' being the latest one. PERSEPHONE is Sonja Kraushofer (vocals), Martin Hoefert (cello), Holger Wilhelmi (cello), Johannes Kramer (cello), Franz Heinrich Lirsch (double bass), Benedikt Kuhn (piano), Tim Warweg (percussions) and John Abdelsayed (percussions). http://www.persephone-home.de / http://www.facebook.com/pages/Persephone-Books/114508145266177 / http://www.myspace.com/persephonehome


Music & Performance
Even though I don’t like Sonja Kraushofer’s voice that much I must say that this show had a special character. Usually, a dark surrounding for this kind of chamber music would be much better. But the band tried to set up a special mood anyway. The stage was decorated with fire bowls and flowers. During the intro ‘The Man Who Swallowed’, the chamber orchestra with piano, cello and percussion, clothed in stylish historic costumes, entered the stage and finally, also Sonja appeared in her dramatic, overacting manner, fitting pretty well to the goddess of death and underworld, but also of fertility, a very diversified personality that was shown in the music and performance. But the show is not only visibly interesting. Musically, it combines the superb voice of Sonja with the mentioned classic instruments creating a quite special sound. Surely, this show was something different between all those other electro and Goth bands, a nice change so to say.

01. The Man Who Swallowed (Intro)
02. Last Song
03. Sweetest Pain
04. The Day You Went Away
05. Waiting
06. Black Widow
07. Magic Mirror
08. Reflection
09. Mean
10. Merciless
11. The Man Who Swallowed
12. Pandora's Calling

Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 7
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 7.8 / 10


Krypteria (Big Stage)

Actually, the history of KRYPTERIA already begins in 2003 as a musical project that released one eponymous double-album. In 2005, KRYPTERIA was re-assembled as rock band and in July of the same year released the album ‘In medias res’. On the release date of their new EP ‘Evolution Principle’, they had a rousing debut at Wacken Open Air followed by a Germany tour with SUBWAY TO SALLY in December. In 2009, their newest album ‘My Fatal Kiss’ was released at the end of August. KRYPTERIA is Ji-In Cho (vocals), Olli Singer (live guitar), Frank Stumvoll (bass) and S.C. Kuschnerus (drums) plus Stefan Grießhammer as live keyboarder. Former guitarist Chris Siemons had to put down playing live guitars for health reasons but still works with the band as studio musician and producer. http://www.krypteria.de/ / http://www.myspace.com/krypteria / https://www.facebook.com/KrypteriaOfficial


Music & Performance
From PERSEPHONE’s calm chamber music back to heavy, female fronted rock! As always, KRYPTERIA put a lot of energy and fun onto stage right from the beginning when the set was opened with ‘My Fatal Kiss’. Ji-In was of course the eye catcher par excellence in her tight black pants and corsage combined with a long black leather coat. I wondered how long she would stand it in it because of the heat and soon, during ‘Messiah’, she took it off. Besides her, also drummer Kuschnerus was a real pleasure to watch, having insane fun playing tricks with his drum sticks whilst playing the rhythms. While Stefan in the back was a little calmer behind his keys, both guitarists Olli and Frank put a lot of energy on stage, even though it must have been hot as hell… as the band stated “shit, this is hot here”. But the heat did not distract the band from delivering a fabulous show ending with ‘Ignition’ and ‘Shoot me’.


01. My Fatal Kiss
02. Sweet Revenge
03. Messiah
04. Somebody Save Me
05. Scream
06. Out Of Tears
07. The Promise
08. As I Slowly Bleed
09. The Night All Angels Cry
10. You Killed Me
11. Fly Away With Me
12. Live To Fight Another Day
13. Ignition
14. Shoot Me
15. Outro

Music: 8
Performance: 9
Sound: 7
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 8 / 10


Staubkind (Small Stage)

STAUBKIND hails from Berlin and is led by singer Louis Manke who started STAUBKIND as a solo project in 2003. In Chris Pohl (of BLUTENGEL fame) he found a mentor for his musical visions and the singles and the debut album, titled 'Traumfänger', were all released on Chris Pohl's own label Fear Section Records. STAUBKIND soon evolved to a fully-fledged four-piece band, released a few more singles and a second album, 'Zu Weit', in 2007 and toured as a support of acts like BLUTENGEL, UNHEILIG, ZERAPHINE and ASP. 'Zu Weit' was the last release of STAUBKIND apart from several compilation appearances and remixes for other bands. STAUBKIND are working on their third album which is to be released later this year. The current line-up of STAUBKIND is Sven ‘Louis’ Manke (vocals), Rico Meerheim (guitar), Friedemann Mäthger (drums) and Sebastian Scheibe (bass). www.staubkind.de / www.myspace.com/staubkindsite / https://www.facebook.com/Staubkind.Music


Music & Performance
Also STAUBKIND did not have their first appearance at NCN. The band does not present real Goth, but a mix of Rock and Pop with German lyrics. The label “Goth” may be given because of the slightly melancholic undertone their music has. Anyway STAUBKIND found a lot of fans in front of the stage listening to Manke’s voice. As already known by the band’s previous shows, also this performance was really professional and experienced spiced up with a lot of joy in playing. And the dark audience was excited even though songs like i.e. 'Königin' or 'Ein Traum der nie vergeht' are pure, guitar-driven and radio-friendly Mainstream Pop with touchy-feely lyrics. Anyway a really good performance where with ‘Ein Traum’, ‘Mein Herz’ and of course ‘Ohne Dich’ three encores were given proving the popularity of the band in the Goth scene.

01. Intro
02. Halt mich
03. Viel mehr
04. Keine Sonne
05. Gnadenlos
06. Ausgebrannt
07. Zu Weit
08. Königin
09. Wunderschön
10. Meine Lügen
11. Schlaflied
12. Ein Traum
13. Mein Herz
14. Ohne dich

Music: 7
Sound: 7
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 7.4 / 10


DAF (Big Stage)

DAF (Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft) is a band that can be counted amongst the pioneers and influences for such genres as Electro Punk, Techno or the so called “Neue Deutsche Härte”. The unpolished, raw sound they’ve developed should as well be defining for the emerging EBM genre. The album ‘Die Kleinen und die Bösen’ from 1980 can be named as prime example for this and was and is a milestone for the EBM movement, released by Daniel Miller’s Mute label. Shrank to the duo Robert Görl / Gabi Delgado-López, the band continued working on new material which found its way on the two albums ‘Alles ist gut’ (1981) and ‘Für Immer’ (1982) with which they finally made their breakthrough. Some of the songs like ‘Der Mussolini’, ‘Die Götter sind Weiß’ or ‘Ein bisschen Krieg’ cause controversies with their provoking lyrics and more than once the two were exposed to hostilities of being fascists. When ‘Für Immer’ was released in 1982, DAF had already called it quits and every member pursued solo activities.


However an album called ‘1st Step to Heaven’ was released under the DAF moniker, it was only intended for the US market and should be the only musical sign of that band until 2003 when they reunited and released ‘15 neue DAF Lieder’ as well as went on world tour after which they broke up again and now re-united. An everlasting do or don’t… DAF is Robert Görl and Gabi Delgado-López. http://www.myspace.com/deutschamerikanischefreundschaft / http://www.myspace.com/delgadogoerl / https://www.facebook.com/Deutschamerikanischefreundschaft

Music & Performance
DAF was one of the bands people were desperately waiting for. In the warm light of the evening sun, good tempered Robert and Gabi entered the stage to start with full force presenting on of their biggest hits, ‘Verschwende Deine Jugend’, right at the very start. As usually, Robert was nearly invisible behind the drums but Gabi taking care for the full performance, dashing from one side of the stage to the other pulling countless bottles of water over himself… or sometimes into the audience what was surely a welcome refreshment in the summer heat. After slow-tempo ‘Ich und die Wirklichkeit’, ‘Der Mussolini’ kicked in making especially the old-school EBF fans move. From now on, nothing could stop people moving along classics such as ‘Muskel’, Algorithmus’, ‘Liebeszimmer’ or ‘Alle gegen Alle’. With ‘Du bist DAF’, the band also presented a quite new song. ‘Der Sheriff’ was presented in a somewhat slower version than it was recorded on CD. With ‘Als wär’s das letzte Mal’, the main set ended.


But what would have been this show without an encore? The bleepy melody revealed ‘Der Räuber und der Prinz’ as one of them and after another break, ‘Kebapträume’ became the crowning finale of the show!

01. Intro
02. Verschwende deine Jugend
03. Ich und die Wirklichkeit
04. Der Mussolini
05. Ich Will
06. Muskel
07. Die Lippe
08. Mein Herz Macht Bum
09. Algorithmus
10. Rote Lippen
11. Liebeszimmer (Opium Mix)
12. Du Bist DAF
13. Sato Sato
14. Alle gegen Alle
15. Nachtarbeit
16. Der Sheriff
17. Die Lüge
18. Als wär’s das letzte Mal
19. Der Räuber und der Prinz
20. Kebapträume

Music: 9
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: - (daylight)
Total: 8.8 / 10


Fixmer/McCarthy (Small Stage)

When two creative minds unite, only good can come of it; in this case the result actually was kind of explosive. Thereby the whole thing started out more than inconspicuous, when Terence Fixmer a world famous Techno artist and in the business for ten years was asked by Mute Records to remix NITZER EBB in 2002 and so he came into contact with Douglas McCarthy, the legendary shouter of NITZER EBB. During the same year they decided to join forces and work started on a first release eventually becoming the first album ‘Between The Devil’ released in 2004 and what can you say, that thing crashed in like a bomb. Of course connections were drawn to NITZER EBB but the project had developed its own distinct sound, disabusing all the sceptics and receiving rave reviews for the debut. In 2008, the duo returned and proved that it wasn’t willing to rest on its laurels. ‘Into the Night’ is the name of the second instalment and delivers a matured sound, more melody and with the ballad ‘Tonight I Sleep’ the probably biggest surprise of all. http://www.fixmermccarthy.com/ / http://www.myspace.com/fixmermccarthy


Music & Performance
One highlight was hunting another and with FIXMER/MCCARTHY, another one for me and lots of other people gathering in front of the stage followed. Still, the place in front of the small stage was not as filled as during KLANGSTABIL the day before. Seems anyone was already saving a good spot in front of the main stage for upcoming VNV NATION. The duo presented a show with all qualities they are known for mixing songs from both released albums. McCarthy being one of the most energetic and passionate front men of the scene was running across the stage as always, shouting out the lyrics but also singing gently, like during wonderful ballad ‘Like Voodoo’. The duo presented a really fine selection of the harder electro stuff, such as ‘Destroy’ or ‘Through a Screen’, and the poppier track, lick ‘Trans European’ or ‘And The Finally’. Anyway, people were in dancing mood and screamed loudly with Doug “You want it, you got it!”


Even though VNV NATION’s show was coming closer, nothing could distract people from demanding an encore, being given with ‘Freefall’, one of the very first FIXMER/MCCARTHY songs.

01. Banging Down Your Door
02. Pistol Whipper
03. Through A Screen
04. I Run
05. Trans European
06. And The Finally
07. Blood And Music
08. Destroy
09. Look To Me
10. Like Voodoo
11. You Want it
12. Freefall

Music: 9
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: 7
Total: 8.5 / 10


VNV Nation (Big Stage)

An Irish guy called Ronan Harris created VNV NATION in 1990, releasing two Vinyl albums ‘Body Pulse’ and ‘Strength of Youth’. Initially, the music was a mixture of orchestral and electronic influences. Suffice to say, that it’s become much more than just a compound of these two elements over time. But first things first! The first album ‘Advance & Follow’, a real and usually expensive rarity nowadays, emerged after signing a record deal with German label Discordia in July 1995, but it was 1999’s ‘Empires’ - the third full-length - that became their breakthrough album gaining them widespread commercial success (topping the German DAC charts for seven weeks) which did even increase with the following ‘Future Perfect’ while scaring away some fans who liked the older sound much more. By now VNV NATION has released 9 albums in total. Soon they'll add another full-length with 'Automatic'. VNV NATION is Ronan Harris (music, lyrics, vocals) and Mark Jackson (drums); on stage usually they are supported by two additional keyboard players, for NCN festival this were, like so often, Tom Lesczenski of [:SITD:] and André Winter. http://www.vnvnation.com/ / http://www.myspace.com/vnvnation / https://www.facebook.com/VNVNation


Music & Performance
Finally, the show anyone had waited for was up to start. The round in front of the main stage was crowded, many people just came to the festival for the Sunday to see VNV. The band started with ‘Joy’ followed by ‘Tomorrow never comes’. When Ronan was handed a new microphone after this song, he looked quite surprised when he figured out that people could not hear him (just the front rows could hear him via the monitor speakers): “What happened? The microphone sounds destroyed? Is this Industrial”. The he was making some strange noises caring for the first laughs of the evening. “We’re not Agonoize! We don’t have a song called ‘Fick mich’!” With those words he caused even more laughter. Maybe he should have thought about a career as comedian… well, maybe not, since he’s a great entertainer when playing with VNV anyway. And he entertained the audience very well! The party went on with well-known songs ‘Testament’, ‘Darkangel’ and ‘Further’ before with ‘Space & Time’ the first new song out of the ‘Automatic’ album (out 16th Sept) was played.


Several more classics followed until another new song, ‘Control’, finished the mail set. This one is a real good dance floor stomper with great beets and a little oldschool EBM feel. The other new songs sound for me too similar to the older ones following the same scheme over and over again. I miss some diversity. Anyway, people loved them. All in all, five more encores followed, containing some faves like ‘Epicentre’ and the ballad ‘Beloved’ but also another new song called ‘Nova’. As so often, ‘Perpetual’ with its long fan chants ended a great set.

01. Joy
02. Tomorrow Never Comes
03. Testament
04. Darkangel
05. Further
06. Space & Time
07. Chrome
08. Illusion
09. Standing
10. Farthest Star
11. Control
12. Epicentre
13. Solitary
14. Beloved
15. Nova (Shine A Light On Me)
16. Perpetual

Music: 8
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: 7
Total: 8 / 10


So, with VNV NATION, the sixth NCN found its end. Different to last years it remained dry. At least until the last band had finished. About an hour afterwards, heaven opened its gates for heavy rain showers. We were really lucky before. Another plus pf the festival was again the friendly and familiar mood, the kind staff and security, decent prices and a good selection of food. We’ll be back next year for great bands. PETER HOOK & THE LIGHT is already confirmed and this will be a blast!

All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.black-cat-net.de/ / www.myspace.com/vorndranphotography / www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)

Written by Daniela Vorndran & Sebastian Huhn (Band Intros)

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