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Title: Dream, Tiresias!
Artist: Project Pitchfork
Genre: Electronic
Release Date: 27th February 2009
Label: Candyland / Prussia Records

Album Review

Following the release of the single ‘Feel!’ now comes the first proper PROJECT PITCHFORK in years entitled ‘Dream Tiresias!’ and with its cover artwork it appears just as dark as the aforementioned single did.

‘If I Could’ already had its public premier as AE7 Mix on the Advanced Electronics 7 compilation released late 2008. Still a powerful mid-pace rhythm is entwined with soaring synth lines and the dark voice of Peter Spilles “Rotten soul your show is over. Medicine against the change.”, surely there’s a medicine or pill for nearly every situation in life nowadays. The answer for many problems is pharmacy and would it be so far off they could invent a pill for keeping the majority of people calm, so we accept everything that’s put on us? To kill our “Nasty habit of saying No” (Cynics would say now they’ve already done that). An occasionally stabbing beat is serving as rhythmic foundation for the enigmatic lyrics of Peter Spilles and multi-layered strings turn up in the chorus which is sort of hymnal to me.

The drum patterns of ‘Promises’ to a certain extend resemble the ones in ‘If I Could’, maybe a little more forceful and edgy in its tone and definitely faster. These lyrics on it so remind me of the incident at a German nuclear plant! Was about two years ago, I guess. But no one had the decency to inform anybody, because there wasn’t anything to inform anybody about “It was just a minor glitch” and “there was no danger for people at all” but if it were, don’t worry “in just a 1000 years from today, the poison cloud will fade away.” ‘An End’ commences with mechanical, warped sounds and just few seconds later a monotonous scuffling beat is being put under it. Melodies don’t seem dark at all, kind of exhilarating actually.

‘Your God’ brings in a fairly crisp rhythm infused with healthy distortion and a question “…If there’s just one God who is your God?” Is he even a real god or just a juggernaut because we all know who the only real god to believe in is, don’t we? ‘Full of Life’ is shrouded by an eerie spherical veil, coupling with the darkness in Spille’s vocals to multiply the intensity

Considering the amount of quite strong tracks on ‘Dream, Tiresias!’ the preceding single track ‘Feel!’ is quite an unspectacular one. Songs like ‘Your God’ or ‘Full of Life’ are way better tracks for what it’s worth. Anyway, despite that it’s quite a strong album and a strong return for PROJECT PITCHFORK


01. If I Could – 5:54
02. Nasty Habit – 5:49
03. The Tide – 5:54
04. Promises – 6:15
05. An End – 5:22
06. Your God – 5:33
07. Feel – 6:47
08. Full Of Life – 5:38
09. Darkness – 5:31
10. Passion – 7:35


Peter Spilles
Jürgen Jansen 
Dirk Scheuber

Website /

Cover Picture


Music: 8
Sound: 8
Extras: -
Total: 8 / 10


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