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sitd02Radio City, Moscow, Russia
22nd January 2011
[:SITD:], Frozen Plasma

The concert year of 2011 started for fans of electronic music with the concerts of two different and interesting formations from Germany, namely FROZEN PLASMA and [:SITD:]. So by the beginning of the event, there were already enough people on the dance floor ready to have fun and after a few minutes of waiting the first band climbed the stage.

Frozen Plasma

FROZEN PLASMA is a duo the members of which are quite well-known thanks to their work in other projects. Keyboard player Vasi Valis is also the mastermind of aggro-tech formation REAPER and synth pop act NAMNAMBULU that split up in 2005. Vocalist Felix Marc plays keyboards in the successful band DIORAMA. With this line-up, FROZEN PLASMA released several CDs and EPs and now is working on a new album.


Music & Performance
The guys from FROZEN PLASMA appeared on stage accompanied by loud applause and squeals of fans and they seemed to be quite glad to meet such a warm welcome. Actually the band’s first performance in Russia took place in 2008 at the Synthetic Snow Festival where the musicians managed to show themselves to advantage with their heartfelt, energetic and impressive songs and increased their fan-base in our country. Thus the second visit was just a matter of time. The set started with dark, beautiful ‘The End – Deliverance’ which changed into pulsing, powerful and addictive ‘Condense’ from the band’s debut album. The setlist was really well-balanced and even those who listened to the formation for the first time could appreciate the music at its true value. The band also played an absolutely new piece entitled ‘Imaginary’.


There were some problems with the microphone of the vocalist but in general nothing else prevented the fans from enjoying the songs which were performed very emotionally and sincerely. Felix and Vasi communicated a lot with the audience, even used Russian words like “spasibo”, “Moskva” and of course, “vodka”, joked. The fans went really crazy and expressed their love in shouting, jumping and singing along with the vocalist. One especially zealous fan even tried to drag Felix off the stage. But the time passed too fast and with ‘Tanz die Revolution’ the set ended. However there was a one-piece encore and that piece turned to be the cover of ‘Memories’ by NAMNAMBULU. Then FROZEN PLASMA left the stage and after a quick change-over there came time for the second act of the evening.


01.The End - Deliverance
09.Murderous Trap
11.Tanz die Revolution
12. Memories  (NamNamBulu cover)

Music: 10
Performance: 8
Sound: 9
Light: 8
Total: 9 / 10



This electro-industrial band was founded in 1996 and by now it released four full-length albums and shared the stage with such formations as VNV NATION, COMBICHRIST and SKINNY PUPPY. [:SITD:] is Carsten Jacek (vocals), Thomas “Tom” Lesczenski (keyboards, backing vocals) and Francesco “Frank” D’Angelo (keyboards).,

Music & Performance
The band was really long-awaited and the show seemed to be a success, especially judging by the reaction of the crowd yet the musicians enjoyed the process themselves and charged the fans with an interminable energy. The second set of the evening was more powerful and brutal and the quantity of people in the hall increased. I can’t say too much about the compositions of the band as it was my first introduction to their music but in whole the tracks produced a fairly good impression and the quality of the sound was just great. Of course, the musicians talked to the crowd in pauses between the songs and got a deserved feedback as the fans screamed even more but that time there were more brutal people than at the performance of FROZEN PLASMA so the atmosphere in the club changed from light to rigid so to say.


The show came to an end in almost no time and even the encore wasn’t enough to satisfy the fans. Although everyone could meet the musicians at the after-party as the members of the both bands were happy to join the fans to enjoy the event a bit more.

01. Rot
02. Rose-Coloured Skies
03. Stammheim
04. Pharmakon
05. Kreuzgang
06. Redemption
07. Suffering in Solitude
08. Catharsis (Heal Me, Control Me)
09. Lebensborn
10. Laughingstock
11. Wegweiser
12. Herbsterwachen
13. Richtfest
14. Snuff Machinery

Music: 9
Performance: 8
Sound: 9
Light: 8
Total: 8.6 / 10


All pictures by Elena Budanova

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