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Title: Operation: Zeitsturm
Artist: Welle:Erdball
Genre: Minimal Electro
Release Date: 23rd April 2010
Label: SPV


WELLE:ERDBALL connects the aesthetic and elegance of past days with the conveniences of the present. Since 1994, the radio station WELLE:ERDBALL broadcasts 24 hours a day, with 1000 giga watts. The very first broadcast 'Frontalaufprall' established a trademark sound dominated by sounds, coming out of a C64, which remained fixed element of their style ever since. Their most recent album 'Chaos Total' already dates back to 2006, but showed the band as ironic and playful as ever. In April 2008, they've released a very special pink vinyl 'Ich bin aus Plastik' (I'm made of plastic), limited to a 1000 copies.

Line up

Director: Honey
Camera operators: Thomas Mertens, Kevin Gross
Editing: Honey
Music: Welle: Erdball
WELLE:ERDBALL is Honey (sounds, lyrics, vocals), ALF (planning, conception, programming) Plastique (vocals) and Frl. Venus (vocals).

Website /

DVD Review

1944 - The Nazis had kidnapped a professor of physics and his daughter to construct a time machine. Years later, in the 21st century - 3 explorers detect the hidden laboratory and try to reactivate the time machine... A crazy film from and with WELLE:ERDBALL that takes you along on a trip through the time. The normal edition includes the movie and the soundtrack on audio CD, the limited edition includes additionally a Bonus DVD with a making of, trailers and photos.


Film-DVD: Operation: Zeitsturm
1. Operation: Zeitsturm (film ca. 80min.) + film incl. English / Swedish subtitles

01. Making Off
02. Operation: Zeitsturm - Trailer
03. Operation: Atahualpa - Trailer
04. Show Reels (Kevin Gross, Tomi Mertens)
05. Photos, Bonus

Audio CD - Tracklisting
01. Jarre-Intro
02. Operation: Zeitsturm
03. Wir sind die Maschinen
04. Zurück zum Start
05. Zeitstrangveränderung
06. Die Zeitmaschine
07. Die falsche Front
08. Marie-Sophies Reise
09. Geld regiert die Welt
10. Die Stunde: NULL (C=64)
11. Wir spielen Gott
12. Chaos Total²³ (...und dahinter Gott)
13. Wizard of Wor (Erste Version)
14. Lebendig begraben
15. Die Zauberfee

Cover Picture


Time machines, travels through the time, aesthetic of the 50ies, analogue sounds and German lyrics - a real “WELLE:ERDBALL experience” with pictures and sounds.


Audio: 8
Video: 8
Extras: 8
Total: 8 / 10


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