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Rockweekend, America, the Netherlands
April 22nd 2006
The Gecko Brothers, Clayborn, El Guapo Stuntteam, Model 101, Infa, Nailpin, Epica, Intwine

A few weeks before the festival the organisation of Rockweekend 2006 started panicking. The terrain which is normally used for this festival, couldn’t be used because some birds breeding their eggs on the terrain. So, they start looking for an alternative location and luckily they found one. It was only 5 km from the nearest train station. Well, they hired some busses to bring the visitors to Rockweekend. But nobody knew what time they came and so it comes that I had to wait with a few others for more then an hour. At least… That was told. But then a nice man with a little bus came to pick up a guy which had to work at Rockweekend and took us too. So sitting down in the sun on a small bench, I saw all artists arrive. With only 15 minutes left until the doors will be open, there are not many visitors. But then the first busses arrive and there is the public.

The Gecko Brothers

Like the name already suggested, the band members are family. The play some rock and roll music like rock and roll was meant to be. According to their website ( they came to Rockweekend to “try to look under that skirt of that within temptation chick, or some shit like that”.

As festival opener The gecko brothers start playing with an not filled field in front of them. But while they are playing their first songs, nobody is leaving. The music is a mix of some speedy, rockabilly and some regular rock and roll. A strong combination of a really good bassist and pretty good drums shows this band have some top musicians.

The gecko brothers have with exception of the drummer one thing in common. They all wear something with an animal print on it. The big cowboy hat the singer wears, makes you think you are on a line dance event. The performance starts with beer. Loads of beer. After that some screaming to the public and after that we finally gain some awesome rock and roll. The public seems to like it, because it gets more crowded every minute. Then after a few songs they decided to throw some gifts in the public, which gain the members of the band some time to drink some beer. Of course, gifts are crowd-pleasers and it defiantly worked. After a few more songs they announced they could play two more songs, but the festival organisation cuts it off. They were already over time, so they had to quit. Quiet a rude way to end a performance after telling the public they get two more songs and then just without saying goodbye, they left.

Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 5
Total: 7


Clayborn is a band which name in some parts of Netherlands is very well known. People get mixed feelings by Clayborn performances. For some, they give too much energy and for others it can’t be enough.

From the start to the end, Clayborn gives some show full of punky, energy rock. Instrumental parts are awesome to hear, and the lyrics make you want to sing along. The music makes me want to jump, run or just do anything crazy… this is not music you put on while falling asleep. Their music is synonym to words as: Independent, powerful, energy and motivation.

About their performance you can be sure, there is enough movement. Vocalist Crazy Jane runs, jumps and moves all over the stage. From the moment you see the first songs of their show you know this is not an ordinary rock band. Not everybody seems to be fond of them, some of them leave early to catch up the next show on the other stage, but most of the audience stays till the show ends. After throwing some flyers people are actually taking them with them instead of throwing by trash. Clayborn definitely made some new fans here.

Music 8
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 8

El guapo Stuntteam

Belgium hardrock, that is what the flyers which were spread all around the festival terrain told me about El guapo stuntteam. With a lot of influences of bands like Iron maiden and Led Zeppelin they play some typical music.

Long instrumental parts and very recognizable sounds is what El guapo stuntteam gives.  While listening to it you might get the idea you have heard this music before. Then after two more songs you are sure… This seems to be a rip off of some good old bands you listened while you were younger. You can give it a try, the choice between like it because it is recognizable or hate it because it is rip off is totally up to you. Just like many others on Rockweekend I choose the last option. 

On performance I can be very positive. There is a show going on there. You can actually see the band members have fun playing and during the instrumental parts. With their lightshow, they make this all complete. The performance makes me want to stay longer to see if the music is going to be better as well.

Music 4
Performance 7
Sound 6
Light 8
Total 6

Model 101

As they said their self, Model 101 was the most extreme band of this day. This Nu-Metal band has some little influences of Rage against the machine.

From the start until the end of the show Model 101 shows the people some power. They are making some pretty good music and after only two songs the public starts a moshpit. And that really affects the band. They begin to play with even more enthusiasm.

Model 101has quiet some energy onstage. Vocalist is in the start a bit static, but when the moshing starts that changed. The guitarist seems to be very pleased with the moshpit as well. At the look of his face you can see he would rather join them, but since he is playing, he can’t. So he makes his own show on stage. At the end of the set list, People feel regrets about the ending of this performance and scream for more.

Music 7
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 6
Total 7


On the mainstage Infa is showing their talents. Infa is a nu-‘n roll band which members are pretty young. (average: 15 years old) But don’t judge them on the age, they know how to rock! Last year they won several prices and recorded their first video.

When Infa started playing, I had some doubts. I heard many rumours before the festival opened, but at the first songs I had some doubts about their quality. But hen in a few songs it turned out better. It is some nice music to listen but not special. It does not impress me that much to see them again.

The performance of Infa did not impressed me. They might show some more energy on stage according to the music they make. A bit more interaction with the public might be welcome as well. This band must grow a little bit more and then it will be a lot better. They have the talent, but they need some more time to grow. In a few years I would love to see this band again.

Music 7
Performance 6
Sound 7
Light 6
Total: 6


Nailpin has become pretty well known, since the won a battle from a Dutch band on a MTV show. So it was not very surprising to see many Nailpin fans fighting their place to the front row. Some people are very lucky they did not have any bones broken by this bitchfight.

Nailpin makes some pop/rock music, with a punky edge on it. It is just some ordinary band which brings many teenage girls move, jump and scream. While other people holding their hands on their ears, Nailpin fans continue screaming. It must be a weird sight from the stage to see half of the crowd jumping because they think you rock, and other half of the crowd looking angry, because of the screaming fans. Some of the fans destroy the performance because I couldn’t really hear their music by their screaming.

The performance was pretty good. The band is very enthusiastic and knows how to make the public move along. At some points it looks a bit like they studied some sort of moves to do onstage and then forgot what to do, but it doesn’t matter… the fans forgived them everything.

Music 6
Performance 7
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7


Epica is one of the bands which took a lot of fans with them. Talking to them, they describe Epica as “Fairy metal” or “gothic-dream-metal”. This band from Netherlands seems to be very popular. And according the tour schedule from past years, they gain a lot of international success.

Epica started the show with quiet a long intro. It sounds pretty familiar to me. It sounds a bit like the music of Klaus Bladelt. When the intro ended it was very clear Epica is one of the headliners of the evening. A lot of fans screaming out loud, when the band entered the stage. Then the band started to play and there the party starts. In the start I only heard those heavy guitar and drum parts. It seems like they are having a problem with the sound. It is fixed soon.
Now I can hear the voice where people spoke about all day. I can’t deny singer Simone Simons has a special voice, but for some reason it can’t thrill me. It looks like this show is some random thing to do on their schedule while not paying much attention to it. Too bad, because the drummer and guitarist really do a good job. After a while the band promised to give some harder songs so “head banging is what we had to do”, but then after the song we heard we get a song which was harder so we get a possibility for head banging. After that song… we heard the same… and again. If it was true then we all had to fly in the air like a helicopter. So that was a bit disappointing, because only the front row was head banging.

A huge banner is hanging onstage. It gives an impression there will be a play instead of a concert. During the show, the band members do a lot of head banging and the drummer seems to be very enthusiastic. There is a lot of talking to the audience. Although Simone repeat her head-banging-promises the public still reacts on what she said.

Music 5
Performance 7
Sound 5
Light 7
Total 6


Intwine is a rockband with some reggae/Caribbean/latin influences. With all these different styles they create some unique music. Intwine had many changes in their band. Artists come and go, but what always stay with the band is the variety of music.

For the die-hard festival fan, Intwine is sort of standard. Intwine played on nearly every festival in Netherlands. It results in a huge crowd which knows all of the songs. Some chill reggae-like songs and hard-rock songs are randomly programmed in the setlist. So first you see the couples slow dancing and 3 minutes later you see people jumping. The magic of Iintwine makes people happy, even after doing so many festivals, the band is still popular and people specially come to see them. The guitarist is doing great job here, his name is shouted hard from front rows. The drummer seems to be the coolest person. With a smile on his face he seems to enjoy the party.

A performance of Intwine is like a conversation with the audience. If the singer says “ put your hands in the air”, people put their hands in the air. If he says “let’s jump” they jump. With a grin on his face while announcing one of their hit songs, he makes the people even more enthusiastic. And that is why Intwine is that addictive. The performance is never boring, and that is why people still enjoy Intwine.

Music 7
Performance 8
Sound 7
Light 7
Total 7


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