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Interview with

Alan Wilder / Recoil

RECOIL, the solo project of ex-DEPECHE MODE member Alan Wilder, is set to release an album in the spring of 2010 entitled 'Selected'. This release is a selection of classic RECOIL tracks chosen by Alan Wilder who says: "The collection is made up of my personal favourites, re-mastered and edited together into what I consider a cohesive and total listening experience." So far, the 'Selected' formats have been confirmed in a single CD version as well as a double pack CD format. The double CD will feature a second disc which will include many new remixes and alternative versions, again chosen and edited together by Alan and Paul Kendall. In support of the album, there will be a RECOIL Events tour which will take place across Europe and in the US between March and May.

Reflections of Darkness (RoD): Alan, you are set to return this spring with the release of a “best of” RECOIL collection, called ‘Selected’. Was it your own idea to release a RECOIL compilation album or did you release it only under the pressure of your record label?
Alan Wilder (AW): It was really a Mute instigation which I was happy to go with, especially as there weren’t any real restrictions on the choice of material to be included. It became an interesting project for me in that I could play around with all the RECOIL tracks and see how to put something together that made sense, with some cohesion.

RoD: The RECOIL story had it’s beginnings in 1986 when you released your ‘1+2’ EP. At that time you were a pioneer in sampling technology. What do you think of the music technology nowadays?
AW: I am always impressed with how fast things move, and slightly exasperated that I often can’t keep up with the technology. Some things do get easier though, but then all kinds of new possibilities arise (with their own inherent problems). For a perfectionist like me, it can be almost debilitating on occasion, with my need to try all possibilities before settling on a result.

RoD: For your 3rd album, ‘Bloodline’ you recruited guest vocalists for the first time. One of them was MOBY. In the meantime, he became a famous Mute artist and a big international star of the electro music scene. Do you still have any contact with him?
AW: No I don’t. He parted company from Mute which was a surprise after all that craziness surrounding the “advert” album. I’m not sure what happened but Mute rarely drop any artists so it must have been serious.

RoD: Another vocalist, with whom you’ve been co-working on 2 RECOIL albums, is Douglas McCarthy from NITZER EBB. You did a remix for one of their new songs, ‘I Am Undone’. Are there any other plans for a mutual work?
AW: No plans at the moment, apart from a couple of shows together in Barcelona and Madrid soon.

RoD: Your last album, ‘subHuman’ was released in the summer of 2007. What did you do after that release? Are there any changes in your personal life? How are things going for your children?
AW: Yes - I separated from my wife and now have a lovely new partner Britt. It has been a difficult two years and that has made working on a new album almost impossible, although I have made a start on new material but it’s a long way off being near to completion.

RoD: On February 17, DEPECHE MODE gave a very special charity show at the Royal Albert Hall in London. You were invited to join Martin on stage to perform the most famous DEPECHE MODE ballad, ‘Somebody’. How did it feel to share the stage with your ex-band mate after 16 years?
AW: It was a special night which I enjoyed very much. The reaction was even greater than I expected both on the night and since. And Martin was on very good form I thought, not just vocally but in himself. He seemed sharper, more focused and more open than I have ever known him. In fact, the whole day was very interesting for me - to see how they were all faring, especially at the end of a long tour.

RoD: The fan reactions concerning these special reunion moments were very enthusiastic. Can we hope to see you in the DEPECHE MODE line-up in the near future?
AW: I doubt it.

RoD: And what about working with them as a producer? Would you say "yes" if they asked you?
AW: That's a very loaded question - they haven't asked me :) It would certainly be weird.

RoD: You also attended the DEPECHE MODE concert at the O2 Arena in London. How do you like the new live set and the stage design? How was the mood at the backstage?
AW: Truthfully, it was a little inconsistent. I thought some of the versions were really good, and some I wasn’t so keen on. I felt the same about the stage set too - some things looked great, and some didn’t work for me. The sound balance was poor unfortunately, but neither that nor the staging could be blamed on the band. Their own performance was impressive.  Dave was on good form and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Martin’s song ‘Home’ sounded especially good. The after-show was fun and I was able to catch up with all kinds of people I hadn’t seen for a long time. I missed Dave however as he always disappears as soon as he leaves the stage.

RoD: Soon you’ll be on tour with Paul Kendall to promote the RECOIL compilation album, ‘Selected’. What are your plans for these special live events?
AW: Come to the events and find out!

RoD: You’ll be performing in Budapest too. You haven’t been here since 1993. What sort of memories do you have concerning the “Devotional” days in Budapest?
AW: Very good ones - I remember being chased down the street Beatles-style. Ha. The crowd was very enthusiastic, and I’m quite fond of Goulash :)

RECOIL - Selected Dates:
2010-03-12 E Barcelona Sala Apolo
2010-03-13 E Madrid Sala Macumba
2010-03-19 D Berlin Meistersaal / Hansastudios
2010-03-20 D Hamburg Kulturkirche Altona
2010-03-23 B Antwerp TRIX XL
2010-03-25 D Munich Hansa 39 / Feierwerk
2010-03-27 D Cologne Alter Wartesaal
2010-03-31 CH Zurich Kaufleuten
2010-04-02 RO Bucharest FRONT / THE ARK
2010-04-09 I Milan Magazzini Generali
2010-04-10 I Rome Circolo degli Artisti
2010-04-11 GR Athens Fuzz Club
2010-04-16 HU Budapest Diesel Club Tickets: /
2010-04-17 CZ Prague KC Vltavska
2010-04-20 PL Lodz Klub Wytwornia
2010-04-23 F Paris Le Bus Palladium
2010-04-25 UK London Islington Academy
2010-04-28 S Gothenburg Storan
2010-04-30 RU Moscow Discoteque
2010-05-01 RU Yekaterinburg Tele-Club
2010-05-02 RU St. Petersburg Club Jagger


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