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introDas Bett, Frankfurt (Main), Germany
14th February 2014
Die Kammer - Season II Release Concert - Support: Meystersinger

Valentine's Day 2014, the day for a special present: the release of the new DIE KAMMER album ‘Season II: Views From The Inside’. And since the release is not enough of a present, the band invited to a release concert to Frankfurt where they wanted to celebrate together with their fans. And let me tell you right now, it was a wonderful evening.


From LUCILECTRIC’s ‘Mädchen’ to the fragile-erotic creations from DAS HAUS VON LUCI or ÜBERMUTTER with Neuer DEutscher Härte – in more than twenty years of her musical career, Luci van Org passed several genre borders with her enormous vocal range. In actor and former RUMMELSNUFF band member Roman Shamov he now found her vocal counterpart. The debut album ‘Trost’ was released in May 2012 followed by the first own tour in September 2012, financed by the fans through a crowd-funding campaign. After the success of the first campaign, the duo started a second crowd-funding campaign to collect money for the production of their second album, ‘Haifischweide’. Starting with fourth April, the album can be downloaded at the band’s website and on month later on all known portals. /


Music & Performance
As introduction of the evening, or appetizer if you may call it that way, we were served a special performance. Luci and Roman were standing on little podiums on stage, in front of them a projector drawing pictures onto the wall and on the duo itself since both artists were wearing light long dresses, being used as screen. The music was playback, but that was not an important fact, since the show was based on the extraordinary voices, accompanied by minimalist electronic sounds. With the combination of two strong voices and the minimal sound, the duo offers new sound scapes you cannot really place into a genre drawer. The audience in Frankfurt was really excited about the performance and the artists happy about their reactions towards some songs from the first album, like ‘Es ist liebe’, but also some tunes to be released on the next album, like ‘Selbst alleine’. Really a nice entrée.

01. Keine Fragen
02. Selbst Alleine
03. Es ist Liebe
04. Geht’s Dir Gut
05. Trost
06. Haifischweide
07. Schläfst Du Schon
08. Ja Ich Will
09. Am Ende Aller Dinge

Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 8
Light: 8
Total: 8 / 10


Die Kammer

DIE KAMMER was built from the ashes of Marcus Testory’s CHAMBER, releasing the first album, ‘Season I: The Seeming And The Real‘ in autumn 2012. This band is quite extraordinary. Around the two heads, Marcus Testory (vocals, guitar) and Matthias Ambré (formerly ASP, vocals, guitar, Irish bouzouki), five more musicians are gathered: Dirk Klinkhammer (tuba), Oliver Himmighoffen (minimal drums), Tabea Müller (cello), Aline Deinert (violin) and Matthias Raue (violin, viola). ‘Season II: Views From The Inside’ is the name of the wonderful new album, out on 14th February 2014. About the new album, Matthias Ambré says: “In the last year, we have learned a lot about our own sound and our uncommon band line-up. The songs surely live in the same soundscape, but also enrich it by new and rousing elements. Especially when it comes to rock- and danceability.” Now it was time for us to check out the new songs during a live performance. /


Music & Performance
A loud applause welcomed the main actors of the evening, who started with a danceably, vivid song from the just released album, ‘Slipping around the Corner’, a perfect opener for an evening of singer-songwriter-chamber-music presented with a lot of passion and much commitment. Within the audience, you saw many people wearing a “Patron of the Arts” shirt, showing that those people supported the band in releasing the new album. Having such devoted fans in the audience it was for sure that the mood was extraordinary from the start. Also the next song from the new album, ‘Be Careful’, was loudly welcomed. As Marcus said during the concert, we all were celebrating a big party and not only the band was supposed to sing, but also the audience. And the crowd did! There was a really close contact between band and fans, the statements coming from stage were mostly commented by funny remarks from the audience… causing several laughs.


Between the songs, Marcus draw little pictures by telling a little story to the songs, describing a scenery to set you into the right mood for the upcoming song. So one picture was to imagine the Provence, having good food and a nice red wine… and then, on of my favourites from the first album, ‘Labyrinths of Despair’, was played. And there were more of these stories. Like you shall imagine a bordel where “huuuge” women (=transvestites) with feather boas were standing at the bar (‘Praying Mantis’) or you were set into a garden scenery for ‘Hither & Thither’ while you were asked to live here and now for ‘Riding the Crest’ since every day is your birthday. Another little highlight was guest speaker Matthias Keller (also a member of the hardcore a-capella band U-Bahn Kontrollöre in tiefgefrorenen Frauenkleidern) who was reading the text passages to ‘The Orphanage’ or ‘Sophie’s Circus’. ‘Final Days’ was then the perfect end of the set when Matthias as well as Luci van Org and Roman Shamov joined the band on stage to perform with them. Some fans in the audience had prepared a little “gift” for the band and were spreading lots of confetti towards the stage. This was real fun and the band enjoyed this admiration a lot.


If you thought the audience let the band go already you were wrong. DIE KAMMER had to return for four more songs, one of them the cover version of ‘That's When I Reach for My Revolver’, a version I already enjoyed during the NCN festival last September. Now, the crowd had to say goodbye, even though there was no one in the room who not wanted to hear more. But well, the band did not leave the venue. After the show you could meet anyone at the merch (a lovely decorated one btw.). The band took a lot of time to speak with anyone, take pictures, sign stuff… and they were also given lots of presents. Really a close connection between fans and audience. Something special!

01. Slipping around the Corner
02. Be Careful
03. Line of Last Resistance
04. Labyrinths of Despair
05. The Seeming and the Real
06. Fate / Illusion
07. The Orphanage (with Matthias Keller)
08. Sophie’s Circus I
-Matthias Keller-
09. Sophie’s Circus II & III
10. Praying Mantis
11. Mirror
12. Riding the Crest
13. Sinister Sister
14. Hither & Thither
15. Final Days (Of Mankind) (incl. introduction of band and guests)
16. The Invitation
17. Endangered Memories
18. That's When I Reach for My Revolver (Mission of Burma cover)
19.The Painterman’s Spell (long end)

Music: 10
Performance: 10
Sound: 8
Light: 8
Total: 9.5 / 10


All pictures by Daniela Vorndran ( /

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