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introMatrix, Bochum, Germany
12th March 2015
Coppelius & Bodenski

It seems like COPPELIUS are visiting the Matrix in Bochum once a year. Now, the band is on the road with the current album ‘Hertzmaschine‘ and around 300 people (I would guess) followed the invitation. Many of the fans were wearing Steampunk outfits and numerous COPPELIUS shirt were spotted. During the waiting time, all of a sudden some COPPELIUS songs, like ‘Contenance’, were sung. Sounded lovely! Finally at eight, it was time for support act BODENSKI to open the evening.


Michael Boden, aka BODENSKI, was born 1965 and is best known founding member of SUBWAY TO SALLY. But he is not only writing lyrics for the band and playing guitar, he also started a career as solo artists, writing books and also releasing music. In 2005, he released his first book of poems, named ‘Inniglich’. His first solo album, ‘Auto!’, followed in 2012. A tour together with Eric Fish followed. Now, he and his live band - Peter Eichstädt (keyboard, accordion), Ben Jacob (guitar) and his wife Jeano (additional vocals, various instruments) - are supporting COPPELIUS on their current tour. /


Music & Performance
The introduction into the evening was an acoustic one. BODENSKI and his companions were sitting on their chairs and opened their eight songs lasting program at eight with ‘Ach wenn ich könnte’ (If I only could). This song is a more or less German version of KATE BUSH’s ‘Running up that hill’ and was really interesting. It took a while until the audience warmed up though. Along to ‘Dürre’ from the ‘Auto!’ album only people in the first rows were swaying. Finally in the middle of the set, people started clapping. The set contained four songs from the so far released album. The other four were not released yet, as far as I can say, and will maybe found on an upcoming new album. The set closed with ‘Leb wohl’ (Take care /Adieu!) – btw. The perfect final song – and people were waving to say good bye.

01. Ach wenn ich könnte
02. Dürre
03. Meine Liebe
04. In Deinem Bann
05. Nach Hause
06. Versteckt
07. Alle guten Dinge
08. Leb wohl

Music: 7
Performance: 7
Sound: 7
Light: 6
Total: 6.8 / 10



Nothing particular is known of this mysterious band from Berlin. If you take a look on their homepage you can find a “concertography” dating back until the early 19th century but the first known appearance of COPPELIUS was the farewell tour of THE INCHTABOKTABLES where they had the support slot. They also performed as support for MILA MAR, MUTABOR, FIDDLER’S GREEN and others in 2003 & 2004. A demo EP called ‘To my Creator’ has been released which also includes the first video for the song ‘Get used to it’. In April 2007 a live DVD was recorded in Berlin followed by the first time appearance at the Wave Gotik Treffen in the same year. In summer 2007, COPPELIUS signed a record deal with Fame Recordings and the debut album ‘Time-Zeit’ was released in September 2007. With ‘Tumult’, the fine gentlemen released the second album in 2009 followed by ‘Zinnober’ in 2010. Now on 15th February 2013, COPPELIUS opened a new chapter in their discography with the new album ‘Extrablatt’. The latest album is named ‘Hertzmaschine’ and was released in January 2015. COPPELIUS is Le Comte Caspar (vocals & clarinet), Max Coppella (vocals & clarinet), Graf Lindorf (vocals & cello), Sissy Voss (double bass), Nobusama (drums) and Butler Bastille (vocals, drums, refreshments, correspondence, duties of daily life ). /


Music & Performance
COPPELIUS concerts are always big fun. I like live shows of the band much more than theirs CDs. Visually, the band is really extravagant in their classical outfits, dressed in garments from the end of the 19th century, and also the audience was following their example, wearing Steampunk outfits, frock-coats or top hats. When finally the lights went out at nine, the audience started cheering and welcoming butler Bastille (who btw. was wearing a splint since he had injured his knee) who entered the stage with a lantern along to the intro ‘Tanz der Zuckerfee’ from Tschaikowski. When the audience had finally blew off the lantern, the rest of the band entered the stage one by one to start the show with ‘Der Luftschiffharpunist’ from the current album. From the very start, the audience was celebrating, cheering, clapping or even head banging. And of course the band exactly knew how to get the audience going. And the audience was more or less included into the show. So one fan was asked onto stage to play the triangle… which was part of several songs during the concert. After the classic ‘Schöne Augen’ where the audience literally freaked out, another song from the new record was presented with ‘Das Moor’. Afterwards, the first ballad of the show, ‘Es fiel ein Himmelstaue‘, followed. And also this slow song was very well received by the fans.


With following ‘Hertzmaschine’, the speed was again increased, much to the pleasure of the audience. ‘Time-Zeit’ finally made the audience freaking out in ecstasy. I had the impression that the fans were even singing louder than the band. At least where I was standing. Additionally, Nobusama delivered a drum solo, of course announced by Bastille with a little plate having “Solo” written on. Whereas I watched the show until now from the front, I went to the bad now for the rest to experience a different view. After ‘Time-Zeit’, the band announced to serve some champagne to the audience, but after all, it was rather Bastille who drank the stuff. During the rest of the main set, more songs from the new album alternated with older favourites. After little more than one hour, the main set already closed with ‘Handschuh’. Loud “Da Capo” screams commanded the band back to an encore. The first encore bloc started with ‘Contenance’, followed by the IRON MAIDEN cover ‘Killers’, ‘Risiko’ and ‘Konzert’. With ‘Transylvania’, the second encore offered another IRON MAIDEN song. ‘Habgier’ and finally ‘Coppelius hilft’ closed the show and releasing a happy audience.


As always, COPPELIUS really could band their audience and rocked the crowd with their mix of old-fashioned instruments and modern music. It is always a pleasure to be COPPELIUS’ guests!

00. Intro: Tanz der Zuckerfee
01. Der Luftschiffharpunist
02. Klein Zaches
03. To My Creator
04. Schöne Augen
05. Das Moor
06. Es fiel ein Himmelstaue
07. Herzmaschine
08. Charlotte the Harlot
09. Time-Zeit
10. Glaubtet Ihr?
11. Sternenstaub
12. Mitten ins Herz
13. Glad to Be Dead
14. Surely
15. Nothing Personal
16. Handschuh
17. Contenance
18. Killers (Iron Maiden cover)
19. Risiko
20. Konzert
21. Transylvania (Iron Maiden cover)
22. Habgier
23. Coppelius hilft!

Music: 8
Performance: 10
Sound: 7
Light: 8
Total: 8.3 / 10


All pictures by Daniela Vorndran ( /

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