E-TROPOLIS Festival 2025

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legend midnightchampion
Artist: Legend
Title: Midnight Champion
Genre: Dark Pop / Electro
Release Date: 13th October 2017
Label: Artoffact Records

Album Review

After LEGEND released their great debut album, ‘Fearless’, in 2012, the Icelandic band is finally back, presenting their new album ‘Midnight Champion’.

Similar to their first album, it is hard to classify the album into one special music genre. Listening to ‘Midnight Champion’ is more like exploring different worlds arising from the LEGEND universe. Each song has its own character, creates a different atmosphere, and produces a distinct feeling. On this album you will find darkness, aggression and melancholia as well as brightness, happiness and ecstasy. Despite all the variety these songs are unmistakably LEGEND songs, not at least because of Krummi’s voice.

To describe the various songs: ‘Midnight Champion’ and ‘Cryptid’ are dark, dramatic, electronic songs. Starting really reduced and calm, just to rise into a powerful and impressive world of sound. Krummi’s outstanding and unique voice is perfectly combined to Halldór’s melodious and gloomy sounds. ‘Frostbite’ is kind of a bridge between the darker songs of the album and the more cheerful ones like ‘Liquid Rust’, ‘Adrift’ and ‘Gravestone’ which awaken a memory of the 80’s linked to our current time. ‘Captive’, ‘Children of the Elements’ and ‘Time to Suffer’ are perfect electronic songs to sing along at a good party. And with ‘Scars’ you will also find some heavy guitars on the album.

As you can see the LEGEND universe is full of different sounds and definitely worth to be explored. Enjoy!


01. Cryptid
02. Frostbit
03. Time to Suffer
04. Adrift
05. Captive
06. Midnight Champion
07. Scars
08. Liquid Rust
09. Gravestone
10. Children of the Elements


Krummi Björgvinsson & Halldór A Björnsson
Live & studio drummer: Frosti Jón Runólfsson
Live guitarist: Bjarni Sigurdarsson



Cover Picture

legend midnightchampion


Music: 8.5
Sound: 8.5
Extras: -
Total: 8.5 / 10

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