8th November 2014
Schandmaul & Feuerschwanz
The second part of the "Unendlich" tour led SCHANDMAUL to the Haus Auensee in Leipzig. This time they were supported by FEUERSCHWANZ. With this combination, the evening promised in advance to be very funny.
FEUERSCHWANZ were already founded in 2004 and had several changes in the band constellation in their history. The line-up today consists of Hauptmann Feuerschwanz, Johanna von der Vögelweide, Felix Taugenix, Prinz R. Hodenherz III, Sir Lanzeflott and Hans der Aufrechte. The band stands for medieval folk comedy. They parody every state and do not mince his words, and they prove their abilities on many medieval markets. The music of the six band members matches the mood and makes people celebrate together. www.feuerschwanz.de / www.facebook.de/feuerschwanz
Music & Performance
After I have seen them for the first time to the M’era Luna, I was pleasantly excited about their performance as the opening act of SCHANDMAUL. The show went off on time and FEUERSCHWANZ celebrated a big party with the audience from the first minute. It started with ‘Auf’s Leben’, a song from their latest album, followed by ‘Zuckerbrot und Peitsche’. Two really danceable songs which were also joined in by singing and dancing. At the third song, Prinz R. Hodenherz got a lovely maid on stage to win her ‘Herz im Stum’. The maid was on her castle, very much to the amusement of the audience, and was finally courted by storm.
An emotional moment was the song ‘Auf Wiedersehen’. Here it was really quiet and everyone listened in to the lyrics. FEUERSCHWANZ said goodbye to their fans with ‘Niemals endendes Gelage’. You did not notice that these six stood on stage for 45 minutes. Time passed so fast! I would have liked to hear the one or other song and would have celebrated with the other bystanders. But it also became time for the main act…
01. Aufs Leben
02. Zuckerbrot und Peitsche
03. Herz im Sturm
04. Hurra, hurra die Pest ist da
05. Metnotstand im Märchenland
06. Auf Wiedersehen
07. Niemals endendes Gelage
Music: 9
Performance: 9
Sound: 8
Light: 8
Total: 8.5 / 10
16 years ago, SCHANDMAUL appeared for the first time in the Gröbenzeller "Hexe" and since then they are a inconceivable greatness in the German folk music scene. Since 1998, they released eight albums and several of them have made it into the Top 10 of the German charts. In 2014 they celebrated their 15th band anniversary with 12,000 fans at the Tanzbrunnen in Cologne. Since the beginning of the year, these six were on tour through Germany and their way led them also to Leipzig. I took this opportunity to see this brilliant live band once again. The band members are Thomas Lindner, Stefan Brunner, Martin Duckstein, Anna Katharina Kränzlein, Birgit Muggenthaler-Schmack and Mathias Richter. www.schandmaul.de / www.facebook.de/schandmaul
Music & Performance
After a short changeover the show of SCHANDMAUL began on time around nine. Immediately with the first song, the crowd went along and I was surprised because in previous concerts I have never seen the audience very cautious. The playful mood remained as SCHANDMAUL played their first song ever, ‘Teufelsweib’, and also kept on during the whole concert. When they wanted to sing ‘Auf hoher See’, suddenly the guitar rig dropped and Thomas had the chance to show what kind of entertainer he is. The story he told was very entertaining and the audience had a lot of fun until the technical problem was solved. This part of the show did not cause any harm to the good mood and everybody was glad when it finally went on. The setlist offered a good change of new and old songs. It also was entertaining in-between when Thomas told amusing anecdotes to the audience. A wonderful moment was when he read from their newly created children's book ‘Schandmäulchens Abenteuer’.
The last song for the moment was ‘Dein Anblick’ and everybody left the stage, while the audience sang the song further and further. However, the break did not last long and SCHANDMAUL came back for a few additions, in which also FEUERSCHWANZ once more had an indescribable performance. During the song ‘Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht’, they should take over the Russian and English part and entered the stage in pink fairy wings. This was just a successful gag which is so typically for FEUERSCHWANZ and made everybody laughing. SCHANDMAUL inserted a spontaneous song, ‘Tippelbrüder’, when they saw in the audience a group of the tramps on the road and played the song to their honour. After nearly two hours of appearance they played the song ‘Willst Du’ which will remind me always of my wedding day and said goodbye to her fans.
The concert was great and to my delight I have seen the audience celebrating the whole time. SCHANDMAUL simply have an unbelievable high live quality which they have proved here once again.
01. In deinem Namen
02. Teufelsweib
03. Auf hoher See
04. Mit der Flut
05. Hofnarr
06. Leb!
07. Talisman
08. Trafalgar
09. Dunkle Stunde
10. Mittsommer
11. Der Pakt
12. Bunt und nicht braun
13. Krieger
14. Vogelfrei
15. Traumtänzer
16. Lichtblick
17. Kaspar
18. Dein Anblick
19. Der Teufel hat den Schnaps gemacht
20. Pirat
21. Tippelbrüder
22. Walpurgisnacht
23. Euch zum Geleit
24. Willst Du
25. Auf Euch
Music: 9
Performance: 10
Sound: 9
Light: 10
Total: 9.5 / 10
All pictures by Susann Lucas
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