13th April 2019
She Past Away - Tour 2019 - Support: Box And The Twins, On The Floor
This time, Markthalle invited to a Post Punk, Dark Wave and Dark Pop night with three bands in total: the dark and dreamy BOX AND THE TWINS, guitar dominated Post Punk combo ON THE FLOOR and the exceptional Post Punk and Wave band SHE PAST AWAY. Time to immerse into the dark and emotional world of a journey through the 80ies and past decades into the present.
Box And The Twins
BOX AND THE TWINS are the singer Box and her partners Mike (bass, guitar) and Carolin (synths, noises). In 2016 they released the debut album ‘Everywhere I Go Is Silence’ and conquered with their mix of Dark & Dream Pop, Silence and emotional impression, loud and calm songs, their place in the alternative scene. Just at the end of April they start their tour as support for HANTE. in the USA and the second album is awaited for November 2019.

Music & Performance
The performance was enchanting. Really. BOX AND THE TWINS were announced on a short notice, just, as I remember, maybe two weeks before the concert, and I was really glad to see them again. Their slot at NCN 2018 made me curious, though there were so many bands that I saw that weekend, so the main impression was more than positive, but I appreciated the idea to see them live in another setting than a festival slot.

Box showed so much emotion through her voice and whole performance. Dancing on stage without shoes, in some moments like a dark, in other more like someone who’s gone mad. Mike focusing on the expression was strong and beautiful, but not at all trying to be perfect. Darkness and light seemed so close to each other during their performance, there is no doubt, the genres Dark & Dream Pop explain a lot, though they do not set any limitations to the creations of the band.

The gig was really special indeed. Five out of eight songs were unreleased ones! Despite most of them were sung in English, I really enjoyed that the third one ‘Dein Herz schlägt noch’ was obviously in German. It seems almost brave when a band like BOX AND THE TWINS is internationally on the way to become more and more successful. However it can also be a stand-alone attribute and as we can see with the headliner of the evening - it does not have to be always all performed in English so a band gets international attention. A magical dance in the fog, a truly special performance.

01. Frozen In Time
02. This Place Called Nowhere
03. Dein Herz schlägt noch
04. Lovesong For A Boy
05. The First Dream
06. Lovesong For A Girl
07. Guilty Red
08. Pale Blue Dot
Music: 9
Performance: 10
Light: 9
Sound: 9
Total: 9.3 / 10

On The Floor
ON THE FLOOR hit the 20-years-benchmark with the release of their first EP ‘Waiting For The Summer’ in 1999. The debut album ‘Under A Heart-Shaped Sun’ followed in 2003. Though performances with many well-known artists like CLAN OF XYMOX, GIRLS UNDER GLASS or CATASTROPHE BALLET along with festival slots followed, ON THE FLOR were forced to take a long break from the music career due to personal circumstances. The second album, ‘Made Of Scars’, was released more than a decade later, in 2017. Just a year later in October 2018 the next release followed with ‘Lifetime’ and the rumours say that ON THE FLOOR are already working on the next one.

Music & Performance
The four musicians with the guitar and bass dominated line-up and the very charismatic voice of Helge Jungmann could win the audience at Markthalle immediately with their absolutely catchy Wave and Post Punk songs. The instrumental set-up of two guitars and a bass makes them stand-out and awards their performance a lot of power and drive. Not dancing is almost not possible and they seemed to have a lot of fans in the crowd. The songs of ON THE FLOOR seem to have something timeless in them, something that does not relate to any decade, but gives them a lot of energy while the vocals can be strong as well as almost breaking the emotions. Post Punk rebellion along with Dark Wave melancholy and pure lyrics and performance.

No twaddle, but honest songwriting and performing. Feels good that this combo decided to come back and start over and leaves you wanting more.
01. Lifetime
02. Move On
03. All That Was
04. We Light The Sky
05. Some Say
06. Calling
07. Catch My Fall
08. Shine On
09. Ocean Drive
10. Killing Queen
11. Floorshow
Music: 9
Performance: 9
Light: 9
Sound: 9
Total: 9 / 10

She Past Away
SHE PAST AWAY is a Dark Wave and Post Punk duo from Turkey consisting of Volkan Caner (vocals, guitar) and Doruk Ozturkcan (vocals, synth). With the combination of Post Punk and Turkish lyrics they are at least outside of Turkey a very unique band that reached a high level of popularity along fans of Dark Underground music. The band was founded in 2009 and already their first album ‘Belirdi Gece’ in 2012 brought them a lot of popularity.

Music & Performance
The set started with the title song of the debut album ‘Belirdi Gece’ and the charismatic duo conjured an unique atmosphere in the venue just from the start. The audience was all captured by the melodic voice of Volkan and the intense performance of the duo. The live performance is not about moving from one corner of stage to another or jumping around, but about blending in with music and the extraordinary strong charisma and presence of SHE PAST AWAY: While it seems unusual to listen to Turkish lyrics combined with Post Punk guitar and synth sound - it is an absolutely fascinating and beautiful combination.

The music and the live performance create a feeling of a timeless capsule where nothing else matters, but the feelings every single one in the venue evolves while listening to the music, no matter whether you are dancing all the way or just closing your eyes and enjoying the things that happen in your mind. An intense, extraordinaire and special gig and night as the whole. Looking forward for more of it.

01. Belirdi Gece
02. Sanri
03. Katarsis
04. Disko Anksiyete
05. Asimilasyon
06. Ritüel
07. Kasvetli Kutlama
08. Ruh
09. Monoton
10. Durdu Dünya
11. Insanlar
12. Kemir beni
13. Yanimada
Music: 9
Performance: 9
Light: 10
Sound: 8
Total: 9 / 10

All pictures by Nastja Iz