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00 introKulturpark, Deutzen, Germany
1st to 4th September 2016
NCN 2016 Day 3: Mystigma, In Good Faith, Miss Construction, Eisfabrik, Red Mecca, Herren, The Juggernauts, Quellenthal, Bleib Modern, NZ, Unzucht, Morthound, Hante, The Exploding Boy, The Fair Sex, King Dude, The Frozen Autumn, Rotersand, Zeromancer, Hekate, Liste Noire, DAF and ASP

Saturday was starting very early. The weather was brilliant. My intent was to start the festival with the reading of PROF. DR. MARCUS STIGLEGGER, the film scholar rock star, at 12:00 at the Kulturbühne, who wanted to introduce his work "When there is no space left in hell". Zombies in the pop culture dealing with the Zombie theme in literature, movies, music an comics would have been a perfect warm up for the next band on the Weidenbogenbühne. But sadly, the reading was cancelled due to short notice since Mr. Stiglegger was in hospital due to an allergic reaction. So, the day started at the Weidenbogenbühne with MYSTIGMA.

01 impression

Mystigma - Weidenbogenbühne (Oleg)

MYSTIGMA was Saturday’s opener on the Weidenbogenbühne. This is one of those bands who plays good generic German gothic metal with a bit decadent sound. Good, dark and catchy songs with melodic guitar riffs and gothic keys and charismatic voice leads didn’t leave the listeners indifferent – the sleepy audience came to stage with coffee cups and to the end it was pretty crowded in front of the stage. // / // Setlist: 01. Schatten / 02. Das stärkste Leid / 03. Diva Harmagedon / 04. Tiefer / 05. Zu Staub / 06. Für diesen Augenblick / 07. Gottlos // Rating: 9 / 10

02 mystigma

In Good Faith - Amphibühne (Oleg)

I was stroked by the strong clean vocals of this year newcomer synth pop band IN GOOD FAITH. In combination with light dancing rhythms we’ve got an interesting project with perspective. I hope to see them more in future! // / // Setlist: 01. As Time Goes by / 02. United / 03. Shadows / 04. Under the surface / 05. Hit me Hard / 06. Don´t leave me alone / 07. It´s tearing me apart / 08. Cell / 09. Someone / 10. Stripped // Rating: 10 / 10

03 ingoodfaith

Miss Construction - Weidenbogenbühne (Janine)

Dead flesh, rotting bodies… the band playing now at Weidenbogenbühne came directly out of your nightmares. The stage was decorated with speared heads and hands. A creepy cabinet for the music making electro zombies who entered the stage. The concept is clear: art work, costumes and lyrics are pure Industrial Splatter Porno Zombie Pop! "This is the warm up for the upcoming Zombie Walk in Leipzig next week!" front man Dr Pohl proclaimed and proved with songs titled ‘Totes Fleisch’ or ‘Motherfucking Whore’. // / // Rating: 6 / 10

04 missconstruction

Eisfabrik - Amphibühne (Janine)

Well known as support act of the latest PROJECT PITCHFORK tours, EISFABRIK can rely on a loyal fan base celebrating their work. Die-hard fans carry on the concept of the band: dressed in white, wearing fake beards or even Yeti costumes! EISFABRIK as an art project with integrated characters as protagonists (Doc Snow, Frost and Celsius) has an overall show concept including music, lyrics, special effects like snow and suddenly appearing special guests on stage like a robot on stilts, a polar bear while they are playing ‘Eisbär’ or a Yeti. The audience was dancing most of the set of cooling Future Pop and had fun in the artificial snow on this hot summer day. // / // Setlist: 01. Eisplanet / 02. Polar Night / 03. A Million Lights / 04. Eisbär / 05. Strom / 06. Maschinen / 07. Walking Towards The Sun / 08. Friends // Rating: 9 / 10

05 eisfabrik

Red Mecca - Parkbühne (Oleg)

The little bit strange project from Sweden creates dark atmosphere in the middle of the day. I was impressed by the artistic talent of the female vocalist. This band has own vision and does not follow modern trends: they want to make really melancholic dark music and they make it good. // / // Rating: 8 / 10

06 redmecca

Herren - Weidenbogenbühne (Janine)

If you are a fan of NDH and bands like RAMMSTEIN or the early OOMPH!, HERREN could be a perfect match for you. The winner of the newcomer voting 2015 are not just a copy of their idols, they convince with solid electronic synth sounds on a metal guitar riff ground and intelligent German lyrics. Martin Soer aka Mart Stahlmann took the place as guest front man and did a good job performing with the hard men from Dessau. // / // Setlist: 01. Herren / 02. Lauf weg / 03. Wach / 04. Feuer / 05. Meine Lust / 06. Traumzeit / 07. Engel weinen // Rating: 7 / 10

07 herren

The Juggernauts - Amphibühne (Janine)

The host of the Amphibühne asked the people awaiting the next act: "What do you think, from where the best EBM is but from Belgium?" Dressed like robots with protectoral waistcoats and mirror helmets BORG and Kevin Strauwen presented the album ‘The Juggernauts Are Coming’ and did their best to evidence this statement. // / // Rating: 7 / 10

08 juggernauts

Quellenthal - Kulturbühne (Oleg)

The light and romantic folk band from Leipzig, QUELLENTHAL, was 100% suitable for Kulturbühne. Their music circulates around the interplay between male and female voice, accompanied by guitar, flutes, wineglasses, violin, clarinet, melodica, glockenspiel and percussions. It was like a beam of light among the darkness of the other stages. // / // Rating: 8 / 10

09 quellenthal

Bleib Modern - Parkbühne (Oleg)

BLEIB MODERN is a dark and sometimes even hard Coldwave band. The stoic drums, connected to a "laconic" acting guitar sound (with reverb and delay), and the dominant vocals merge into a harmonious symbiosis, but the band sounds a lot harder on stage than on CD, the pedals are always used, the amplifiers are in the red zone. And I would like to see this as not a monotonous performance. // / // Rating: 7 / 10

10 bleibmodern

NZ - Weidenbogenbühne (Janine)

Daniel NZ and Jürgen NZ from Austria pursue the early NITZER EBB sound, tight Electronic Body Music deep from the heart. The aggressive character of the sound booms out of the boxes with high pressure, the lyrics are sharp, the atmosphere harsh. Tough guys in shirts, shorts with and boots stamped the ground. The two guys on stage convinced everybody in front of stage with their homage to the roots of EBM adding surprising beats and fascinating synths. // // Setlist: 01. Empire / 02. Russians War / 03. Trigger me / 04. WDYTTYA / 05. Terror for Money / 06. So cold inside / 07. Twilight of the Idols / 08. Totalism / 09. One of us / 10. No Time to Stay / 11. Golden Age // Rating: 7 / 10

11 nz

Unzucht - Amphibühne (Janine)

It was about 30 degrees but Der Schulz, front man of UNZUCHT, entered the stage in leather jacket, gloves and beanie cap with ‘Deine Zeit läuft ab’. Metal riffs, pumping beats and a melodic voice of a charismatic singer - the recipe for a successful Gothic Rock band. The guys from Lower Saxony performed songs of their new long player ‘Neuntöter’ as well as their hits ‘Kleine geile Nonne’, and ‘Unzucht’. // / // Setlist: 01. Deine Zeit läuft ab / 02. Seelenblind / 03. Kettenhund / 04. Kleine geile Nonne / 05. Nur die Ewigkeit / 06. Unzucht / 07. Engel der Vernichtung // Rating: 7 / 10

12 unzucht

Morthound - Kulturbühne (Oleg)

The band from Sweden, MORTHOUND, was born as one-man-project and became a real pearl on industrial/ ambient scene. The sound of MORTHOUND was a little electronic, not too far DEAD CAN DANCE, very atmospheric with a folky twist. Occasionally there was also time for female vocals. Rather music for drifting as the jumping around. // // Rating: 8 / 10

13 morthound

Hante - Parkbühne (Janine)

HANTE is an one women's show. The Synth / Cold Wave artist Hélène de Thoury from Paris presented her work from two solo albums and enchanted her audience with the outstanding high quality sound of foggy synth landscapes and her special inapproachable voice. // / // Rating: 8 / 10

14 hante

The Exploding Boy - Weidenbogenbühne (Oleg)

This band from Sweden plays some mix of post-punk and new wave, so it sounds a little bit 80s, but with a big influence of modern indie rock. With their solid style guitar-grinding riffs they rocked the crowd. Right from the beginning they rocked the place, all people started to dance. The guitar playing was really cool and the vocals really show emotions. They performed old hits and of course some newer songs as well. I had only good impressions from this band that evening. // // Setlist: 01. 40 Days / 02. Dark City 2 / 03. Shot Down / 04. Street Cliché / 05. Let the Right One In / 06. What You Want To / 07. London / 08. Always / 09. Heart of Glass / 10. Sweet Little Lies / 11. Desperados / 12. Scared to Death // Rating: 10 / 10

15 theexplodingboy

The Fair Sex - Amphibühne (Oleg)

THE FAIR SEX is still a well-known name on electro stages with a good mixture of electronic sounds and guitars. The fun classic industrial sound of pounding beats, harsh vocals and layered electronics mixed with a variety of guitars round out the sound of this band. Anyone was dancing, singing and clapping during their performance. As a special add, the band brought singer Myk’s daughter Allegra on stage for two songs. // / // Setlist: 01. Intro: Madadonia / 02. Alaska / 03. Cyberbite / 04. The House of Unkinds / 05. Not Now, Not Here / 06. No Excuse / 07. ATR / 08. Fat Bellies’ Hunger / 09. Shelter / 10. The Far Side / 11. In The Desert (with Allegra) / 12. Soulspirit / 13. The Pain That No One Knows / 14. Helpless Fall / 15. The Jumping (with Allegra) / 16. Get Out Off My Head // Rating: 9 / 10

16 thefairsex

King Dude - Kulturbühne (Janine)

A man with a guitar and a very special attitude was the host of the Kulturbühne for the next hour. In his own words his genre is "Apocalyptic Folk - some kind of JOHNNY CASH on a Gothic trip". T.J. Cowgill alias KING DUDE is literally an audience's darling - both as solo artist or with complete live band. His songs about pain, death and love are perfectly arranged with his deep touching voice. This acoustic show was a highlight of the festival for numerous music lovers. // / // Rating: 8 / 10

17 kingdude

The Frozen Autumn - Parkbühne (Oleg)

THE FROZEN AUTUMN started their "frozen wave" and for me it was the first time I saw them live. The band members are not static behind the microphone and the synth: both, Froxeanne and Diego, were dancing on stage and transfer their energy to the audience. I was deeply sunk in cold atmosphere of moody music. Diego and Froxeanne were singing and performing so good, they goodly changed their places behind microphone and keys and the show was interesting. It would be difficult not to dance with the beautiful melodies and the strong rhythms of this kind of “best of” setlist. // / // Rating: 10 / 10

18 thefrozenautumn

Rotersand - Weidenbogenbühne (Janine)

Rascal and Krischan aka ROTERSAND have their own style of electronic music - catching, modern but timeless. Traditional songwriting goes along with harsh beats and intelligent lyrics, brave and experimental in every manner. They began with the all-time hit ‘Merging Oceans’ which the audience appreciated a lot. Due to some sound problems (the synths were in a high-speed-running-through mood - quite funny, but not very cool!) the crowd could enjoy some acoustic moments when Rascal was stroking his guitar. After solving the technical problems, ROTERSAND pleased their audience with hits like ‘Waiting To Be Born’, ‘Almost Violent’, ‘Torn Realities’ and the must-be-played ‘Electronic World Transmission’. The air was burning! Party both on and off the stage, when Rascal took a bath in his fan crowd, shooting selfies and catching willing victims for sing-alongs. This show was pure fun… ‘Exterminate, annihilate, destroy’! // / // Rating 9 / 10

19 rotersand

Zeromancer - Amphibühne (Janine)

We had to wait about one and a half year to welcome back Alex, Kim, Noralf, Lorry and Dan back on German stages to perform as ZEROMANCER. While the Norwegian heroes were busy with SEIGMEN live shows, LJUNGBLUT album production and personal projects, the Manceros (as their die-hard-fans are called) had to exercise patience. But now they are back with a ZEROMANCER best-of-show through the 15 years of band history and the long-players ‘The Death Of Romance’, ‘Sinners International’, ‘Eurotrash’, ‘Zyzzx’ and ‘Clone Your Lover’. A potpourri of melodic, intense, danceable Industrial Rock with a special touch of devotion, passion and pain. The enthusiastic men on stage and their excited audience were happy and pleased to meet again.

20 zeromancer

One live smash hit after the next: in the face with ‘Fade To Black’, in the hearts with ‘Cupola’ or ‘Ammonite’ and in the cores with ‘Neo Geisha’ or ‘Something For The Pain’. And of course guarantees for freaking out the crowd ‘Clone Your Lover’ and ‘Dr. Online’ were not missed! Just pure love and addiction… And some of us cried tears of emotion by bliss and affection. // / // Setlist: 01. Auf Wiedersehen Boy / 02. Need You Like A Drug / 03. Clone Your Lover / 04. Sinners International / 05. Die Of A Broken Heart / 06. Chromebitch / 07. Something For The Pain / 08. Stop The Noise / 09. Neo Geisha / 10. Cupola / 11. Fade To Black / 12. The Hate Alphabet / 13. Ammonite / Encores: 14. Photographic (Depeche Mode cover) / 15. Dr. Online // Rating: 10 / 10

21 zeromancer

Hekate - Kulturbühne (Oleg)

Sacral drumming and some atmospheric sounds are appearing and the show was starting. I was surprised at first how versatile the procedure was in comparison to other groups from the Neofolk corner. HEKATE have been going strong since 1992. Atmospheric lighting and immaculate sound accompanied the whole show. The musical spectrum ranges from medieval-sounding pieces about romantic sounds and French flair to electronic ones. However, the absolute highlight was ‘House of God’ for me, which is carried by mania, driving drums, a constantly recurring theme that develops with the swirling sounds in the background an almost hypnotic effect. The mostly acoustic folk metal band was very impressive at this night, almost before the ending of the second festival day. // / // Setlist: 01. Intro (Ritualsong) / 02. Dos Kelbl / 03. Fatherland / 04. Ascension Day / 05. Seelenreise / 06. Eichendorff / 07. Montségur / 08. Totentanz / 09. Morituri te salutant / 10. House of God / 11. Die blaue Blume // Rating: 9 / 10

22 hekate

Liste Noire - Parkbühne (Oleg)

LISTE NOIRE, the final group Saturday evening at Parkbühne, is the new incarnation of the art-wave project VELVET CONDOM. The band makes unpolished pop with indie attitude with audible barbs and great pop anthems that provide their 80s felling conscious display. Glamorous Darkness - the guys call their sound logical and confidently Disco Noir. // / // Setlist: 01. Intro / 02. Mother / 03. Shame / 04. Samt und Stein / 05. Thirst / 06. Time / 07. Glycerin / 08. A Song for Europe / 09. The Skin Of Our Teeth / 10. Faith Encore / 11. Afire Afire / 12. Leviathan / 13. Belly Beast / 14. Never Ever // Rating: 9 / 10

23 listenoire

DAF - Weidenbogenbühne (Dani)

DAF were closing the evening at the Weidenbogenbühne and once more delivered and energetic show where Gabi Delgado emptied numerous bottles of water, pouring it over himself and then throwing it into the audience. Even 35 years after founding DAF in Düsseldorf this band is still a blast live on stage. Especially Gabi impresses with his strong and charismatic aura. With the minimal danceable sounds, they were celebrating a big party with the fans in front of stage. They made the crowd dance and pogo. When they played their most known songs ‘Alle gegen Alle‘, ‘Tanz den Mussolini‘ or ‘Der Räuber und der Prinz‘ it felt like back in the 80ies. It is always big fun to celebrate with Gabi Delgado and Robert Göhrl. CU soon! I am sure! // / // Rating: 9 / 10

24 daf

ASP - Amphibühne (Oleg)

I guess ASP gave the crowd what they wanted because from the first song audience was excited. With its long career, this band has come a long way with a lot to show for their success. ASP played their vigorous keyboards influenced rock music, some songs were "modern Club beats and a predominantly electronic garment" to be dominated. However, these pieces alternate with slower partly orchestral songs. I looked around I saw that almost everybody was moving to the music. It was really a worthy conclusion of the evening I think. // / // Rating: 10 / 10

25 asp


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Written by Janine Rumrich, Oleg Khazron & Daniela Vorndran
All pictures by Daniela Vorndran ( / and Kateryna Gubanova

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