Hessenhallen, Gießen, Germany
17th December, 2010
Thrashfest: Kreator, Exodus, Death Angel, Suicidal Angels
It was a snow-covered afternoon in December and already on the way to Gießen, we met the first attendees of the THASHFEST in the train. And although the snow had blocked the routes for quite a while, still many people were queuing in front of the venue at six pm, shortly before the doors would open. Even though it was starting to snow again, this did not prevent the mostly male people of drinking beer and getting ready for an evening full of fast and aggressive music.
Suicidal Angels
Established in 2001 in Greece, SUICIDAL ANGELS attracted a lot of attention by winning the ‘Rock The Nation Award’ 2009. Due to this, the band, who before released two EPs and a full-length album called ‘Eternal Domination’, now is signed to the well-known label Nuclear Blast, following the footsteps of SONIC SYNDICATE. Having gained experience before by touring with bands such as ROTTING CHRIST or MASSACRE, they are now ready to gather new fans in support of their newest record, ‘Sanctify The Darkness’. Samples are available through MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/suicidalangels
Music & Performance
At seven pm, perfectly on time, the Greeks entered the stage and although the opening slot is not necessarily the jackpot, they managed extremely well to warm up the crowd. The first mosh pits could be seen and most people seemed to enjoy the show. Having seen this band for the first time almost a year ago, as support of KATAKLYSM, a progression was highly visible - many concerts played, the band played very flawless and with more routine, yet without losing enthusiasm. Within their rather short set of thirty minutes, they presented a good overview of their skills and abilities. Furthermore, I was positively surprised of the good sound that was provided on this night, since I have also experienced very bad conditions in this venue.
01. Bleeding Holocaust
02. Dead Again
03. Violent Abuse
04. Beggar of Scorn
05. …Lies
06. Final Dawn
07. Apokathilosis
Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 8
Light: 7
Total: 7.9 / 10
Death Angel
DEATH ANGEL are one of California’s more famous Thrash acts: founded in 1982, dissolved in 1991 and reunited in 2001, the band has so far put out six studio albums as well as other releases. Over the years, many line-up changes have occurred, the latest publication is entitled ‘Relentless Retribution’ (2010). http://www.myspace.com/deathangel
Music & Performance
Although I have never really occupied myself with this band, they still convinced me during their set of approximately 45 minutes. Their songs possess at times more melodic elements, but also have enough power to work on a Thrash Metal event. Many people wearing DEATH ANGEL shirts had gathered in the front row and in the middle, immense moshing could be witnessed. Being a bit smaller, you had to be careful not to get absorbed. Providing a small survey throughout their discography, the band pushed the atmosphere among the crowd to a further extent, preparing them for what was yet to come.
01. I Chose the Sky
02. Evil Priest
03. Buried Alive
04. Mistress of Pain
05. Claws in So Deep
06. Seemingly Endless Time
07. Truce
08. River of Rapture
09. The Ultra-Violence / Thrown to the Wolves
Music: 8
Performance: 7
Sound: 8
Light: 8
Total: 7.7 / 10
Hailing from the Bay Area, EXODUS are one of the first Thrash Metal bands ever, influencing the whole genre very extensively up to date. Throughout their career of thirty years, nine studio albums have been released, the most recent one being entitled ‘Exhibit B: The Human Condition’ (2010). The band has undergone various line-up changes and two split ups, but still they possess a lot of power and are known for energetic live shows. www.myspace.com/exodus
Music & Performance
After a relatively short break for alterations, EXODUS entered the stage at 21 o’clock. They were cheered enthusiastically and mostly did not disappoint the mass. In most instances, songs from more recent albums were presented, which especially seemed to please the younger fans among the audience. The mosh-pits got bigger and bigger, spreading almost all over the venue. Somehow, this carried the advantage of having a better view upon the stage even if you were standing in the middle or back, since the people in the middle were constantly moving and not being in your visual field. Unfortunately, only three songs from older albums were played; I did not even recognize one of those at first since I am used to their previous singer. Furthermore, the sound during EXOUDS set was a bit sloppy at times, which affected the vocals. Yet the classic ‘The Toxic Waltz’ really impressed me and in the end, the band once again managed to convince me of their live energy. After what actually seemed less than an hour, the audience was again given another break until the headliner of the evening would enter the stage.
01. The Ballad of Leonard and Charles
02. Beyond the Pale
03. A Lesson In Violence
04. Deathamphetamine
05. Blacklist
06. War is My Shepherd
07. Bonded By Blood
08. The Toxic Waltz
09. Strike of the Beast
10. Good Riddance
Music: 10
Performance: 9
Sound: 7
Light: 8
Total: 9 / 10
Formed in 1982, KREATOR are one of the oldest and most influencing German thrash metal bands. Alongside with SODOM and DESTRUCTION, they are the German pioneers in this sector. From 1992 to 1999, the band pursued a more experimental style but eventually returned to their Thrash routes. So far, 13 studio records have been put out, the latest one being named ‘Coma of Souls’ (2010). www.myspace.com/kreator
Music & Performance
The first three songs of the set, I spent in the photo pit. Since this was my first experiences with taking pictures during a show, I was quite fascinated of having the possibility to watch the musicians from a different angle. As an intro, the band had filmed themselves backstage, giving the audience several funny insights (for instance a showering band member). By opening up with the well-known ‘Violent Revolution’, KREATOR had the audience under control from the very beginning. The setlist also left no desires unfulfilled, since older and newer classics were fittingly combined and songs from their experimental phase were left out.
The communication with the crowd worked very well, which is probably related to the fact that talking and listening in one’s mother tongue works easier for most people. Yet the band appeared very likeable and the sentiment was very energetic. Their set lasted about 75 minutes and the time surely passed quickly. After that, many people started their way home during the snow or stayed for another beer. The THRASHFEST definitely did not disappoint, since all bands were in good shape and entertained the attendees well.
01. Violent Revolution
02. Hordes of Chaos (A Necrologue for the Elite)
03. Phobia
04. Terrible Certainty
05. Betrayer
06. Voices of the Dead
07. Enemy of God
08. Destroy What Destroys You
09. When the Sun Burns Red / Amok Run
10. Endless Pain
11. People of the Lie
12. Pleasure to Kill
13. Coma of Souls
14. Choir of the Damned
15. The Pestilence
16. Flag of Hate
17. Tormentor
Music: 10
Performance: 10
Sound: 8
Light: 9
Total: 9.6 / 10
All pictures by Ricarda Menn