Summer Breeze, Dinkelsbühl, Germany
17th – 19th August 2006
Summer Breeze Day 1: Saltatio Mortis, Moonspell, 1349, Finntroll, ASP, Kreator, Katatonia
This year the festival moved to Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, so we expected some changes. This was shown to be true bye some various night police controls in which even the lenses of the cameras were held for drug hiding places, but let us talk about the music first. After an astonishingly quick ticket-changing and a friendly car control (strict glass ban on the whole area) we arrived with the last sounds of THE HAUNTED. After a short meeting with well known and friendly photographers we went directly to the ‘Pain Stage’ (second stage).
Saltatio Mortis
The Summer Breeze is known as a metal festival, but there are always some bands, which fit to the concept although they aren’t really metal. SALTATIO MORTIS was the first of these bands this year. The band was founded in 2000. From the beginning they combined medieval melodies and instruments with modern rock sounds and electronic elements. They are always changing their releases between a classic medieval and a rock-based album. The last one “Des Königs Henker” is from 2005.
They only had 40 minutes for their show and so they based it on the well-known songs. They were a little bit exotic with their medieval instruments and sounds. Although we were a little bit unsure how the metal fans will react on this band, the audience in the first rows was having a party.
They guys were really in a good mood and they wanted to do a good show. Unfortunately some tones got lost by the speed of the show and in the movement of the band. So the quality of this appearance wasn’t as good as at some shows in the past. The ones who didn’t like their music before didn’t become friends with them here, but the fans had some fun.
01. Falsche Freunde
02. Für Dich
03. Keines Herren Knecht
04. Palästina-Lied
05. Des Königs Henker
06. Mein Weg
07. Licht und Schatten
Music 6
Performance 6
Light - (daylight)
Sound 5
Total 6 (5.8)
The band was formed in 1989 in Portugal as "Morbid God" by Fernando Ribeiro (vocals) and Ares (bass). They started as a black metal band. After some discussions about their style Ribeiro said that "devilish music" would be a more appropriate term, as he often cites Luciferian Saga as an important influence to the band. The band released seven albums, the last one “Memorial” in 2006.
No matter if this shall be black or doom or death metal, MOONSPELL are unique because of vocalist Fernando. His voice was sometimes even too dark for this sun-lighted daytime. With his special charisma he caught not only the female fans.
They seemed to intent a very hard and fast show. All members hit their instruments and pressed the tempo ahead with. They wore some white make-up and I still want to know whether the bass player was wearing contact lenses or if it just looked that special. Playing the classic song “Opium” they convinced the whole audience and there were thousands of hands in the air.
Music 6
Performance 7
Light – (daylight)
Sound 7
Total 7 (6.6)
The band was formed in 1997 in Norway. Some of the members played already together in the band ALVHEIM and they wanted to start a new black metal band. The drummer of SATYRICON FROST joined the band for some years. The name 1349 is set to the year, when the Black Death spread out over Norway. They released four albums and they are still touring around the world. Right after the festival they went to Mexico.
With vocals between growls and bickering, a grooving but sawing guitar and a really exact double base percussion they showed why they are one of the best black metal bands.

They really manage the cliché of a “black metal” band. They wore black clothes with a cartridge belt, studs and corpse paint. But behind this they really made their fans having a party and a good time. This festival showed 50 bands and it’s not easy to leave a memory, but they did.
Music 5
Performance 6
Light – (daylight)
Sound 7
Total 6 (5.7)

In 1997 some Finish men decided to combine classical Finish music (Humppa) with metal sounds. They founded FINNTROLL. During the years the members changed and there were even some tragically facts around the band (the first singer got sick of cancer, a guitarist died in an accident). They got a new singer (Mathias “Vreth” Lillmåns) in 2006 and so they could go on tour again. Nearly all songs are based on stories about trolls.
Sometimes their music is a little bit funny because of the combination with the traditional sounds, but there are always good melodies in it. The new singer did a good job and the audience liked him very much.

Hearing the name of the band we expected some Scandinavian big men with long hair and lots of muscles. In reality they are small and thin, but they knew how to handle a metal audience. As one of the leading acts on this day they whipped up the emotions.
Music 6
Performance 6
Light – (yes, still daylight)
Sound 8
Alexander Spreng, aka ASP, is a unique musician. With his friend Matthias Ambré he founded the band in 1999 and there is still no other band or sound, which can be compared to them. They released four albums as a connected concept. Each of them wasn’t only an album with music - they are all special pieces of art. The new single “Ich bin ein wahrer Satan” is out now.
We were a little bit unsure if the metal fans will like this music, because it is sometimes also emotional and quiet. ASP did a “Best of”-Show with the new single and some of the greatest hits. One of the highlights was the very emotional and personal song “Und wir tanzten”. As always ASP asked the audience for some support, but there seemed to be only a few ones in the crowd, which knew the lyrics.

With many fire elements, ASP supported the show. Alexander ran all over the stage, made wide gestures and pulled faces as always. The metal fans liked his music and this was a surprise. There were not only a few guys dancing in the audience. Unfortunately the light show was concentrated on ASP himself, so the other musicians weren’t nearly seen.
01. Ich bin ein wahrer Satan
Music 8
Performance 9
Light 6
Sound 8
Total 8
They are one of the well-known German metal bands. Since their foundation in 1982, they released twelve fulltime albums. The current members are Miland 'Mille' Petrozza (vocals, guitars), Jürgen 'Ventor' Reil (drums), Christian 'Speesy' Giesler (bass) and Sami Yli-Sirniö (guitars).
What shall we say about KREATOR? They are KREATOR. It is pure Trash Metal with various melodies. It was shown that they are making music since more than 20 years. There was no other band on the festival with this experience. The fans knew every word and they were jumping and banging.

A new three dimensional stage set up was especially made for this festival gig. At the beginning there were eight smoke machines with black smoke. Also the light-show was especially designed for this evening. They played some of their hits (“Enemy of God”, “Impossible Brutality” and “Extreme Aggression”). Unfortunately they couldn’t do an encore.
Music 6
Performance 6
Light 6
Sound 8
Total 6 (6.3)

The band was founded 1991 in Sweden when nearly all of the founding members were just 16 years old. They released their first full time album in 1993, which is really amazing for such young musicians. At the beginning they were making Doom metal with harsh vocals. After vocalist Jonas Plenske could not do the screams anymore, they changed their vocal style. Now they are known for the melancholy melodies.
It was a kind of hard changing after KREATOR. KATATONIA are still making metal, but in a totally different way. It is hard to describe. With their really melancholy melodies they created a special atmosphere which was perfectly made to quit the first festival evening.

With a very easy but effective light-show they supported their songs. There is only one thing to nod at: I never (yes, never) saw the face of the singer. I’m sure it was Jonas Plenske, because I heard nothing different, but he always got his hair in front of his face. Matching to their songs they didn’t move a lot, but this wasn’t even necessary. The audience liked this concert a lot.
01. Leaders
02. Wealth
03. Soils song
04. Had to leave
05. Cold ways
06. Right into the bliss
07. Ghost of the sun
08. Criminals
09. Deliberation
10. July
11. Evidence
Music 8
Performance 6
Light 6
Sound 8
Total 7 (7.1)