Artist: ASP
Title: Verfallen Folge 1: Astoria
Genre: Gothic Novel Rock
Release Date: 16th October 2015
Label: Trisol Music Group (Soulfood)
Album Review
Since the EP ‘Wechselbalg’ in 2011, every fan of the band knows that ASP can change their way of music. Keeping in mind where the roots are, the band always stands in focus but the change they made in the past four years is remarkable. Every album since then has its own topic and the songs always develop around it and tell you a unique and very intimate story. ASP always emphasizes that they make gothic novel rock, so telling stories was always a main point of their music.
But ‘Verfallen Folge 1: Astoria’ is a completely new interpretation of the band philosophy. This album is based on a short story written by Kai Meyer, a German author. Unfortunately I can’t tell how the short story is but the album gives a very good impression of it. I heard some excerpts of it at the M’era Luna festival accompanied by the voice of ASP and it was a breathtaking performance and a new way to act out art. While Kai Meyer tells the story as an omniscient person, ASP sings about parts of the story in the first person perspective. That shows us a very new viewing angle and allows us to be part of the story.
The songs are listed chronically. Leaving Berlin, visiting Leipzig, exploring the Astoria Hotel, meeting a lovely girl and feeling like coming home. This album is the first of its kind that doesn’t only treat one topic but comes with a straight story, narrated in a musically way. It’s quiet hard to get into this album and especially when you want to satisfy your wished and needs with the new songs of ASP. This album is really different from the others. But not because of the lyrics but because of the songs that are called ‘Zwischentöne’. These songs were more spoken text passages with music than ordinary songs. But it fits in the whole setting of this story.
Of course nothing changed! There are still danceable ASP songs in their very known way that you can enjoy and you are used to. But there are a few new aspects to discover which show that ASP is always changeable and that they still have ideas for new songs. Even after sixteen years of making remarkable and touching music.
01. Himmel und Hölle (Kreuzweg)
02. Mach’s gut, Berlin!
03. Zwischentöne: Ich nenne mich Paul
04. Zwischentöne: Baukörper
05. Begeistert (Ich bin unsichtbar)
06. Zwischentöne: Lift
07. Astoria verfallen
08. Souvenir, Souvenir
09. Zwischentöne: Blank
10. Dro[eh]nen aus dem rostigen Kellerherzen
11. Alles, nur das nicht!
12. Loreley
13. Fortsetzung folgt...1
Asp – Vocals
Tossi Gross – Bass, Live-Background-Vocals
Sören Jordan – Lead Guitar
Lutz Demmler – Guitar, Live-Background-Vocals
Stefan Günther – Drums
www.aspswelten.de / https://www.facebook.com/AspsWelten
Cover Picture

Music: 9
Sound: 9
Total: 9 / 10