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Video-Interview with

Jürgen Engler (vocals, guitar, synthesizers and programming) of DIE KRUPPS at Brutal Assault Festival (Jaroměř, Czech Republic) 2016

Sometimes it is worth to wait! DIE KRUPPS have done great things in the recent time again, and this is just a beginning of what is to be expected from industrial metal/ EBM music legends! But actually when I said it is worth to wait, I was thinking of myself, you should forgive the waiting queue that my laptop has. Anyway, the interview is fresh the same like on the day when it was taken, and consists of great talks: How does the craziest backstage look like? If the whole stage is covered with the mud what is the alibi the club has? Is DIE KRUPPS getting darker and deeper in metal? What about Lee Altus? Etc... If you are still reading this than something is wrong, you should long time ago press that play button and enjoy!

Follow the latest news and listen DIE KRUPPS music at: / / /

Detailed live review of DIE KRUPPS concert from the Brutal Assault Festival 2016, you can check here! Direct link to full photo gallery from DIE KRUPPS concert at Brutal Assaut Festival is here!

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