21st & 22nd April 2017
Kasematten Festival 2017 Day 2 with Amnistia, She Past Away, Death In Rome, Escape With Romeo, Agent Side Grinder, Henric de la Cour, Project Pitchfork
Back again in the cave for the second festival day. The line-up promised something great but also something sad: the very last show of AGENT SIDE GRINDER in their current line-up. So, time to celebrate the Swedes one last time. Headliner of the second day were PROJECT PITCHFORK who made the walls of the cave shaking with an amazing show.
The second festival day was opened by the guys of AMNISTIA. Numerous people were already in the cave to see the “Bodywave” formation from Leipzig. Front man Tino shouted “Make some noise!” - the audience followed and even started to dance to the driving beats. The band presented a forceful set with songs mainly from their current album. Stefan, Jan and Tino had obviously a lot of fun performing. Special compliments to their artful video projections in the back! And of course to the frontman who eased the breaks between the songs with amusing comments like “Let's see what the guys choose for me today” or “Do not look at the gorgeous front man but the video in the back!” With ‘More’ they gave their all to conclude the fantastic set. // https://www.facebook.com/AMN.official / www.amnistia.de // Setlist: 01. Bursting Into Life / 02. Money / 03. Echoes / 04. Humiliation / 05. Dawn / 06. Faceless / 07. More // Rating: 8 / 10

She Past Away
The Turkish duo SHE PAST AWAY with their fine selection of New Dark Wave was next. Dark synths and weepy guitar sound wafted through the well filled cave. The Turkish lyrics let the songs appear even more gloomy. The audience was pleased and cheered at the black eyed artists on stage. Their look and stage appearance is from the “good old times”: make up with black eyes and lips, teased hair and so on. Of course they performed songs like ‘Belirdi Gece’ and ‘Kasvetli Kutlama’. A very nice piece of underground music. // https://www.facebook.com/shepastaway // Rating: 7 / 10

Death In Rome
Due to illness, LEGEND had to cancel their German shows in April. Therefore, DEATH IN ROME took the chance to enter the stage at Kasemattenfestival. The masked musicians cover famous Pop songs in Neofolk style… bizarre but pure fun! Deep, touching sound walls build the ground for well-known melodies like WHAM's ‘Never Gonna Dance Again’, ‘Take On Me" by AHA or even RIHANNA's ‘Diamonds’. Definitely a must-see for open minded alternative people. // http://www.deathinrome.com / https://www.facebook.com/DeathInRome // Rating: 8 / 10

Escape With Romeo
It was time for ESCAPE WITH ROMEO to appear in the cave. They fit there literally perfectly with their dark melodies and swirling mist filling the damply air of the packed venue. The band of Thomas Elbern, Martin “Potti” Pott and Frenzy, already founded in 1989 in Cologne, has a faithful fan base. They presented a delightful set of fine stuff from Electro Rock to Wave Pop. Songs like ‘Fake lover’, ‘Here Comes The Night’, ‘Somebody’ or ‘It's Loneliness’ let the people listen and dance devotionally. // www.escapewithromeo.de / https://www.facebook.com/escapewithromeospain // Setlist: 01. Intro / 02. Helicopters in the Falling Rain / 03. Glitter on the snow / 04. Fake Lover / 05. Anteroom For Your Love / 06. Here Comes the Night / 07. Someone, Somewhere, Someday / 08. Somebody / 09. It's Loneliness / 10. Tears of Kali / 11. White Room // Rating: 7 / 10

Agent Side Grinder
What a show! Extremely special and extraordinarily emotional. The Electro / Post Punk / Industrial monster from Stockholm, also known as AGENT SIDE GRINDER, performed in the common constellation of front man Kristoffer Gripp, Johan Lange, Henrik Sunbring, Peter Fristedt and Thobias Eidevald for the very last time. Kristoffer, the enthusiastic fashion victim (his Swarovski-jacket!) and character dancer announced the end of AGENT SIDE GRINDER as it used to be. Because it was the last show for three of them including himself. With tears in his eyes he gave thanks to all the fans and supporters of the last years and invited them to follow the two band members who will continue. Of course they performed catching songs like ‘Into the Wild’, ‘For the Young’, the melodic ‘Giants Fall’ and the hypnotic ‘Mag 7’.

To make the gig even more special, a dream came true when HENRIC DE LA COUR entered the stage for ‘Wolf Hour’ - an unique moment to remember for all of us. There is hardly any chance to attend collaborating artists performing their work together on stage. It was heart-warming and breath-taking to follow their performance and interaction! Words cannot describe… In the end, they said “farewell” with a deep and warm hug. Once more a very touching, emotional scene to watch. Up next was a new song introduced and dedicated to the black stars, before the set was closed with the marvellous ‘This is Us’. Goodbye and good luck for both leaving and continuing. Your audience will miss you deeply appearing in the known constellation. // www.agentsidegrinder.com / https://www.facebook.com/agentsidegrinder // Rating: 10 / 10

Henric de la Cour
Sweet melodies of longing. Intense hymns of melancholy. Here they come... HENRIC DE LA COUR, the trio from Sweden, enchanted the cave full to the brim with people drowning into the dark, atmospheric tunes. Their live shows are getting better and better. The performance is very intense, the light show underlined the atmosphere and altered the artists in ghosts. Furthermore a video projection was shown in the back of the stage. They performed fantastic songs like ‘Grenade’, ‘Worthless Web’ and of course the master pieces ‘Machine’, ‘Chasing Dark’ and ‘Dracula’. People appreciated the show a lot by bobbing their heads, singing along delightedly and dancing enthusiastically. Long-lasting applause and cheers were the artist's reward. Once more a fabulous show! // https://www.facebook.com/HenricDLC // Setlist: 01. Intro + Dracula / 02. Two Against One / 03. Chasing Dark / 04. Gothic / 05. Machine / 06. Worthless Web / 07. Shark / 08. Son of a Bitch / 09. Grenade / 10. 80's / 11. Dogs / 12. Lovers // Rating: 9 / 10

Project Pitchfork
This year's headliner of the Kasemattenfestival was PROJECT PITCHFORK with a fulltime set. Are you ready?! The setlist was a fabulous mixture of beloved old and tasty new stuff. Starting up with ‘Conjure’ followed by catchy new material like ‘Titanes’, the YouTube mega hit ‘Rain’ or ‘What Have We Done’. They blessed the crowd with all-time favourites like ‘Souls’, ‘Alpha Omega’ or ‘God Wrote’, which blew everything away. The drummers Nook and Achim did their best in the back to support Peter, Dirk and Jürgen in the front. The overwhelming lightbulb walls building the background of the stage completed the fantastic (like always) lightshow. PROJECT PITCHFORK touches every sense!

But be careful, their fans are quite enthusiastic and build a moshpit almost every single time. So if you are a calm listener, beware of the waving and jumping central masses. Blue marks are a quite normal side effect. Love it or leave it. PROJECT PITCHFORK is blessed with fans celebrating their heroes to the maximum. All-time up-tempo favourites like ‘Timekiller’, ‘K.N.K.A.’ and ‘En Garde!’ kicked ass. After two encores – ‘Rescue’ and ‘Existence’ are never missed – the band left the exhausted but happy crowd. // http://www.project-pitchfork.eu / https://www.facebook.com/pages/Project-Pitchfork-Official/65663206412 // Setlist: 01. Conjure / 02. Titanes / 03. Rain / 04. Acid Ocean Remix / 05. An End / 06. What Have We Done / 07. Souls / 08. Alpha Omega (long version) / 09. God Wrote / 10. The Dividing Line / 11. Into Orbit / 12. The Longing / 13. Volcano / 14. Timekiller / 15. En Garde / 16. K.N.K.A. / 17. Beholder / Encore 1: 18. Endzeit / 19. Fire And Ice / 20. Existence (long version) / 21. Onyx / Encore 2: 22. Rescue / 23. Blood-Thirst // Rating: 9 / 10

Doors closed for a great festival in unique setting. Holger Troisch is well-known for having a knack for harmonious line-ups, fantastic newcomers and insider tips. This weekend showed up that he and his crew do not rest on one's laurels. The third Kasemattenfestival had a wide range in alternative music styles from Dark Wave to Neofolk and Gothic Rock to Bodywave suiting any taste. The audience would welcome more professionalism of the catering and more toilets to improve their festival experience. And of course: a rebirth of the Aftershow-Party! Nighty-night and goodbye, Kasematten. See you next year, hopefully!

All pictures by Daniela Vorndran (https://www.vorndranphotography.com / https://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)