26th December 2015
Eisbrecher with Special guest Schöngeist
One could have the feeling that all power of EISBRECHER’s batteries is gone by now after all the things the band had experienced this year: besides several festival appearances, the release of the new album ‘Schock’ at the beginning of the year, and a tour, the band also filmed a concert at the Circus Krone in Munich. And even though the Ice Breaker not runs on low level, there is enough energy left to be used at the end of the year for their Year End Show in Stuttgart.
Never before I saw or heard anything from the band SCHÖNGEIST and their music. For me it was the first time to hear and see this band. I was surprised about their show but the time was much too short to be able to tune into the music of SCHÖNGEIST. Their mood-setting for EISBRECHER was tremendously successful. This was proven by the applause the band received after finishing their set. The announcements of the songs were kept short as were the lyrics of some of the songs. This may have been due to the relatively short time available. That EISBRECHER and SCHÖNGEIST are quite close together is proven by the fact that SCHÖNGEIST mastermind Timur Karakus made a video to the EISBRECHER song ‘Schwarze Witwe’. SCHÖNGEIST have their name for a good reason: The aesthetics and the expression of them play an important rule for Karakus and they are the main feature. Anything and everything that can be linked to aesthetics in the creative world of SCHÖNGEIST makes the music of this band unique. I would say that these distinct aesthetics are reflected in their music, in the movement of the musician’s body.
Sensitive gothic rock combined with empathic synth pop interludes appeal to the audience. Between also various elements, from harder gothic and synth to industrial. It was a mixture from all like the mixture of the human being with their emotional ups and downs. Karakus makes his own brain to work with this, I would say social problem. The lyrics are sung in German revolve mainly around the emotional ups and downs of human existence and human being, which most of us has experienced. May it will be called dark romance with the special features of SCHÖNGEISTs imperium. These songs can be found of SCHÖNGEIST’s latest album ‘Wehe!’. In cause of them the band did a beautiful show and may they win some new fans from those who have more time to listened to this music for the first time. Of course the set was really short and so everybody will be looking forward for more of the music from SCHÖNGEIST. http://www.schoengeist-music.com / https://www.facebook.com/schoengeist
01. Zusammen Allein
02. Unsterblich
03. Es zählen die Sekunden
04. Kenne Mich
05. Wieder
06. Sonne der Nacht
07. Tief
08. Traumtanz
09. Wehe!
Music: 8
Performance: 8
Sound: 8
Light: 8
Total: 8 / 10
About nearly five years ago I saw and heard the band EISBRECHER for the first time at a small club called Colos-Saal in Aschaffenburg. And it was very fantastic. Last year, EISBRECHER played again at this club but I haven’t any time to go to hear and watch the show. And so I had to wait until the last year to see the band at Wave Gothic Treffen in Leipzig. It is a special pleasure to see this band now again… for the third time this year after the show yesterday in Chemnitz. EISBRECHER is another perfect example of the genre Neue Deutsche Härte, short NDH. With their last long-player ‘Schock’, release one year ago, the band catapults itself to spearheading this genre. Not for the first time EISBRECHER did perform at Stuttgart’s Liederhalle in their almost 13 years long history. Many days before the the year-end concert took place, the show sold out, also because of the perfect Sunday evening date. http://www.eis-brecher.com / http://www.facebook.com/eisbrecher
Music & Performance
The stage design did not change from the day before in Chemnitz. With their initial song titled ‘Volle Kraft voraus’ EISBRECHER provide the direction of the New Year’s start. As their tour bears the same title, it has a symbolic character. The music played by EISBRECHER is conclusive in itself. Despite the explained spiritedness, the chemistry between the instrumentalists and mastermind Alexx Weselsky works very effective. Every small detail has been finely tuned up. This year, EISBRECHER have played their last concert in Stuttgart with enormous packed high energy. The band shows no indication of tiredness. It’s a pure feeling, lively joy when playing is most often connected by a winning smile that comes into your own face. It feels as if crumbly are raising up their performance in order to create even more energy. The energy rises with continuance of the show higher and higher. And the music is played very excitedly without giving the impression that the band is in a hurry.
The music is fast, driving and hard. There is no sign of a break. Between the songs, things from Wesselsky’s life come up, like this: “I’ve quit drinking. Even no more water, orange juice or coffee.” This will be no animation to copy him and of course this like so many others was only a joke. With obligatory ‘Miststück’ and ‘Ohne Dich’, EISBRECHER’s final show of the year was ending.
01. Intro
02. Volle Kraft
03. So oder so
04. Antikörper
05. Willkommen
06. 1000 Narben
07. Fehler machen Leute
08. Augen unter Null
09. Amok
10. Leider
11. Prototyp
12. Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn
13. Die Hölle muss warten
14. Heilig
15. Schwarze Witwe
16. Vergissmeinnicht
17. This is Deutsch
18. Herzblut
19. Eiszeit
20. Verrückt
21. Miststück
22. Ohne Dich
Music: 9
Performance: 9
Sound: 9
Light: 9
Total: 9 / 10
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All pictures by Fred Gasch