4th October 2019
Faderhead - “Asteria” album release show - Special guest: Scheuber
Almost two years after the release of his last album, ‘Night Physics’, FADERHEAD just released his newest album, ‘Asteria’, on 4th October 2019 which is more complex, dark, intense, emotional than ever before and at the same time full with dance-floor smashers as we appreciate them from mastermind Sami Mark Yahya. The release of ‘Asteria’ got a special treatment and so the release gig took place at the amazing Kulttempel in Oberhausen. I wish I would live closer, so I could visit that venue much more often. As the last full-time gig was over 1.5 years ago - in between FADERHEAD joined PROJECT PITCHFORK as support on their tour last autumn & winter and played a bunch of festivals like the Amphi & NCN Festival this summer - we all very craving a lot for it.
The special guest for the night was no one less but Dirk Scheuber aka SCHEUBER, also known from PROJECT PITCHFORK. SCHEUBER released the current album ‘Shades’ in January 2019. The project itself started in 2016. Two more albums were released previously, ‘Changes’ and ‘The Me I See’. https://www.scheuber-music.de / https://www.facebook.com/ScheuberMusic

Music & Performance
SCHEUBER is a very personal music project that is dealing with the process of mental healing and the path of finding oneself. Sharp 8 pm SCHEUBER entered the stage as a trio and was warmly welcomed by the audience that was, already noticeable, pretty hyped for tonight. SCHEUBER delivered a very professional, emotionally strong, cool performance and the audience at Kulttempel warmed up for the main act while dancing and enjoying the personal songs and gentle as well as strong Synth Pop melodies. Signature voice, quite different to PROJECT PITCHFORK, so very own project and catchy songs. SCHEUBER wasn’t talking much, but showed gratitude to the audience and wished everyone a lot of fun with the “amazing guy, amazing album”. A top-class special guest who made sure that the evening would start as great as possible. A well-chosen song selection made the gig perfect and enjoyable to join.
Music: 8
Performance: 8
Light: 8
Sound: 8
Total: 8 / 10
The first album of FADERHEAD was released 13 years ago. A lot can happen in that time, FADERHEAD just released his 10th full-length album, ‘Asteria’ that is a masterpiece for itself along with countless EPs, singles and songs, on his Patreon artist community. From Harsh Electro smashers, to bittersweet & witchy ballads, pushing EBM or Dark Techno creations - FADERHEAD is never tired to reinvent himself and his music without losing his unique signature in the songs. How better to celebrate the release day of the 10th album than with a special gig at Kulttempel in Oberhausen? Right, so no chance we would miss that. http://faderhead.com / https://www.patreon.com/faderhead/posts / https://www.facebook.com/faderhead / https://www.instagram.com/faderhead_official

Music & Performance
The beloved countdown was there as supposed to be 12 minutes before 10 pm. As already mentioned the last full-time show was now about 1.5 years ago, so was the tour for the last, much loved album ‘Night Physics’. And so it was noticeable that the whole crowd tonight was already much hyped for the concert way before it started. We started wondering whether the others would join in for counting down the countdown starting from ten seconds backwards. Well, they actually started even earlier and so the choir was great. No second later than sharp on point when the countdown reached “zero”, the intro started and the show took off to the excited applause of the well packed Kulttempel. Just three hours ago we were sitting in the hotel, listening to ‘Asteria’ with a glass of wine and talking about our favourites.

All three of us agreed about ‘The Acid Witch’ being one of the best (though I have at least five favourite songs on this album at the moment). Someone mentioned it would be great to hear it live today, but we agreed also fast that it’s unlikely that this song would be chosen for the live show. FADERHEAD proved us so wrong and we are so happy about this. The show started right away with the intro and the amazing ‘The Acid Witch’ and you truly could not tell that the majority heard the song probably just for the first time or had listened to the new album just today for the first time. ‘The Acid Witch’ proved to be not only a great song on the album, but also an amazing live song. Followed by ‘Generation Black’ and ‘Fistful Of Fuck You’ there was no holding back and the Kulttempel was “on fire” just in minutes.

Sami himself seemed to be impressed and really happy with the reaction and the energy that was created in no time. Another new song was presented with ‘The Other Side Of Doom’ and there was just no difference in the reactions. Seemed like the majority of the people had at least 2-3 runs through the album before coming here and the songs are also so well composed, no wonder everyone loved them immediately. Quite grateful for the beautiful ‘Escape Gravity’ that gave a moment to take a breath, before hitting back with the powerful ‘When The Freaks Come Out’. Oh yes, they did. ‘Know Your Darkness’ from ‘Night Physics’ calmed down a bit just inviting to change from jumping to dancing, an invitation that everyone followed. Jörg and Sami made a great team that night (as usual) and I hardly was ever going through so many pictures of smiling musicians. The positive vibes were all over. FADERHEAD proved once more the excellent qualities as live act that you definitely should see at least once before you die. The more, the better, of course. The interaction between the artists and the audience is so on point, and you are never save from being actively involved to be part of the show. So better be prepared and get your vocal chords smooth.

Also the second part of the set was a brilliant firework of FADERHEAD gems throughout the years. After ‘Someone Else’s Dream’, another beautiful ballad, Sami asked who has been at the gig in Oberhausen last time, many people reacted actively, though slightly confused that “some” people were not there, the next song was dedicated to those who were there last time (and hopefully to the rest as well). ‘Champagne And Real Pain’ became one of my favourites through the years, though it’s hard to tell you about my favourite songs as there are so many and they change a bit on rotation, but this one means a lot. ’Champagne And Real Pain’ is also that kind of “aggressive melancholic ballad” that is something I love a lot in the repertoire of FADERHEAD and he definitely has his signature in these songs.

‘No Gods, No Flags, No Bullshit’, ‘Take Your Fuckin’ Meds’ and the brand-new ‘From His Broken Bones’ grooved big times and by that time it was clear, this gig is hitting the “one of the best” mark. The witch also appeared again with the most atmospheric ballad ‘Them Skinny Witches’, casting a spell on everyone in the audience and everyone was listening carefully and diving deep in the beautifully written music. With ‘Murder’ from ‘Asteria’ we are back again in celebrating and just go on with the catchy ‘Swedish Models And Cocaine’ that is one of those storytelling songs that you gotta love. Fistful forward with ‘Houston’ and suddenly Sami is announcing ‘TZDV’ which ALWAYS means the end of the show. How could that happen?! 16 songs over in no time? ‘TZDV’ as always brought the venue to the final huge explosion, and so when FADERHEAD left the stage the crowd continued calling and applauding as loud as they could ignoring the fact that ‘TZDV’ is always the last song. Whatever happened tonight, it was different.

After a few minutes during those the audience didn’t stop being loud and just ignoring the knowledge that ‘TZDV’ is always the end, surprisingly, Jörg and Sami came back on stage! Wow. The surprise was there on both sides, so was the joy. FADERHEAD added one more that he announced with “You all for sure want another ballad” that was denied quite definite by the audience… ‘Dancers’, a “ballad” á la FADERHEAD, was another moment of pure energy and lots of happy faces. The band tried to leave again, but no chance. One more time FADERHEAD entered the stage with the really last song for tonight, the JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE cover ‘Sexyback’. With many sexy vibes and smiles Jörg and Sami closed that epic show. While never taking care of being “Goth” enough or “true” or whatever, FADERHEAD once more proved the definitely well-deserved place inside the scene, always ready to break internal boundaries, experimenting with sounds and let the clubs shake. ‘Asteria’ is once more a perfect prove of it and received the only possible perfect release party.

The ‘Asteria’ tour is following next year, some more dates will be added. The schedule so far:
07 Mar 2020 - Mannheim, MS Connexion Complex
27 Mar 2020 - Bischofswerda, East Club
28 Mar 2020 - Berlin, Nuke Club
17 Apr 2020 - Hanover, Subkultur
18 Apr 2020 - Hamburg, Markthalle
24 Apr 2020 - Leipzig, Moritzbastei
25 Apr 2020 - Munich, Backstage
08 Aug 2020 - Hildesheim, M’Era Luna Festival
01. Intro + The Acid Witch
02. Generation Black
03. Fistful Of Fuck You
04. The Other Side Of Doom
05. Escape Gravity
06. When The Freaks Come Out
07. Know Your Darkness
08. Someone Else’s Dream
09. Champagne And Real Pain
10. No Gods, No Flags, No Bullshit
11. Take Your Fuckin’ Meds
12. From His Broken Bones
13. Them Skinny Witches
14. Murder
15. Swedish Models And Cocaine
16. Houston
17. TZDV
18. Dancers
19. Sexyback
Music: 10
Performance: 10
Light: 9
Sound: 9
Total: 9.5 / 10
All Pictures by Nastja Iz