2nd to 4th September 2022
NCN 15 with Christian von Aster, Trilogy, Nao Katafuchi, Schramm, Vrîmuot, Sandow, The Joke Jay, Kiew, Alvar, Still Patient?, The Lust Syndicate, Cat Rapes Dog, Klimt1918, M.I.N.E., S.K.E.T., Neun Welten, Kadeadkas, Eklipse, Piston Damp, Instant Lake, The Saint Paul, This Can Hurt, Mono No Aware, Alice Gift, In Mitra Medusa Inri, Marcus Stieglegger, Torul, Der Arbeiter, Nichts, Whispers in the Shadow, Sascha Lange, NZ, MARS, A Projection, Diorama, Dive, [:SITD:], Henric de la Cour, Girls under Glass, Black Nail Cabaret, Midge Ure, Bon Harris, Tilly Electronics, E-Craft, St. Michael Front, Battle Scream, Je T'Aime, F.O.D, Art Abscons, Rabia Sorda, Days of Sorrow, GULVØSS, Corde Oblique, Leaether Strip, Frank the Baptist, The Cassandra Complex, Sieben, Forced to Mode, Selofan and Nitzer Ebb
Finally back to normal. Originally, the 15th NCN was planned for 2020… but you know, then the plague came over us. Luckily, organizers managed to make two special editions of NCN happening in 2020 and 2021 with less people and special hygiene measures. Now in 2022, the first weekend in September called finally for the 15th edition of NCN… but not without any troubles. This time, it was no cancellations of bands dur to Corona, but due to cancelled flights. Affected were the Swedish bands. While CAT RAPES DOG used the road, ASHBURY HEIGHTS and HENRIC DE LA COUR were planning to come by plane… You cannot imagine my face when one of the moderators, Anne, came on stage to announce that HENRIC DE LA COUR would not play on the Friday… but luckily, he and his band managed to be in Deutzen on the second festival day and organisers did hell of a job to adjust the line-up and squeeze Henric in. Instead of headlining Amphi Stage, he was now last band on Culture Stage… and the space in front was bursting. Wow, one of the highlights.

ASHBURY HEIGHTS were not as lucky and had to cancel their appearance completely. Since there was a gap on the main stage now on the first day, M.I.N.E. extended their set and played a fill-time show at a later spot. Nice guys! When it comes to bands, NCN always manages to put on a very mixed line-up of well-known big acts and some secret tips. This year, there were once again a lot of bands I have never heard of or had never seen… and some you barely see live in Germany. That is one of the secrets of NCN representing its special charm. One of those acts i.e., was NAO KATAFUCHI from Japan, now living in my hometown Münster. He is an electronic sound wizard and stand-alone entertainer. ALVAR from Sweden were another of those acts on day one. The swedes presented a clash between Techno, old school Industrial and EBM - expect darkness, pounding drums & scraping metal. Very cool. CAT RAPES DOG from Sweden mage people at the Forrest Stage dance and jump… so much energy!

The Saturday started with calmer sounds by NEUN WELTEN. First surprise and so far, unknown to me, was PISTON DAMP around Jonas Groth, brother of APOPTYGMABERZERK’s singer Stephan Groth, with fine Synth Pop. I also loved the performances of A PROJECTION, DIORAMA and BLACK NAIL CABARET. Today was also the day of HENRIC DE LA COUR, one of those bands I was eagerly waiting for. I was watching the show from further away, standing in-between the trees, just because it was so packed in front of the stage. My very highlight of the evening came a little bit later with the long-awaited concert of MIDGE URE. What a man, what music! He has such a special aura and charm. Amazing. And this voice! Of course, he played not only his own songs like fabulous ‘If I was’, but also ‘Fade to Grey’, the one he once wrote for VISAGE, and several ULTRAVOX songs like ‘Hymn’, ‘Vienna’ or ‘Dancing with Tears in my Eyes’… and there were definitely tears of joy in my eyes. The day was ended with a special performance of NITZER EBB’s BON HARRIS presenting his “Songs from the Lemon Tree” project.

Here we are already on the final day. Waited so long for NCN and so fast it was over again. TILLY ELECTRONICS with their special stage outfits offered the day on the Park Stage with fine electronic tunes. GULVØSS on the Amphi Stage impressed with his amazing dark voice while JE T’AIME offered danceable Post Punk tunes. Also loved the performances of FRANK THE BAPTIST and CASSANDRA COMPLEX. SELOFAN were something for the fans of Minimal Electro and finally NITZER EBB closed the festival with a powerful show. Sadly, Douglas McCarthy was still absent due to health issues - we wish him all the best - and Bon Harris once more took over the duties of the front man, and he is doing it pretty well. Just like at M’era Luna in August, Daniel Myer (Haujobb, Covenant and more) was supporting the band on stage. It is a long-time tradition that after the last band, the whole festival crew enters the stage to say good bye and thank the audience… and the audience fived a big thank you back.

Gallery of bands and authors in this order: Christian von Aster, Trilogy, Nao Katafuchi, Schramm, Vrîmuot, Sandow, The Joke Jay, Kiew, Alvar, Still Patient?, The Lust Syndicate, Cat Rapes Dog, Klimt1918, M.I.N.E., S.K.E.T., Neun Welten, Kadeadkas, Eklipse, Piston Damp, Instant Lake, The Saint Paul, This Can Hurt, Mono No Aware, Alice Gift, In Mitra Medusa Inri, Marcus Stieglegger, Torul, Der Arbeiter, Nichts, Whispers in the Shadow, Sascha Lange, NZ, MARS, A Projection, Diorama, Dive, [:SITD:], Henric de la Cour, Girls under Glass, Black Nail Cabaret, Midge Ure, Bon Harris, Tilly Electronics, E-Craft, St. Michael Front, Battle Scream, Je T'Aime, F.O.D, Art Abscons, Rabia Sorda, Days of Sorrow, GULVØSS, Corde Oblique, Leaether Strip, Frank the Baptist, The Cassandra Complex, Sieben, Forced to Mode, Selofan and Nitzer Ebb
All in all, you could see nearly 60 bands on four stages. But NCN is not only about the music. This year, there were several lectures offered again. i.e. you got Christian von Aster with his unique stories or Sascha Lange reading from his book ‘Our Darkness’ about being Goth in former GDR. Very special to me since I remember lots of those stories he was speaking about. Besides, the festival area is also special with forest and lots of green, the Amphi stage, lots of places where you can sit and chat, great food - special to me was the Latin American food stand being completely vegan or the coffee booth where you could get oat milk and vegan cake - and of course lots of drinks like usual beers and non - alcoholic beverages, a whiskey booth, cocktails or Pawel’s famous booth with fruit wine and federweisser. During the whole weekend, we had perfect festival weather and no rain, a very rare thing at NCN. NCN is much more than just a festival, it is a family gathering with people you meet there every year. And they every year come back and so we will next year. Watch out, pre-sale for the 16th edition will start 22nd September 2022. Please buy your tickets in advance to secure the survival of this wonderful festival.
All pictures by Dani Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)