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within temptation bleedouttour2024Few bands have had such an illustrious career as WITHIN TEMPTATION. Since their founding in 1996 by singer Sharon den Adel and guitarist Robert Westerholt, the Dutch Symphonic Metallers have confidently written themselves into the annals of Rock and Metal history. Even 26 years later, there are no signs of them slowing down or embracing uncertain fashions. Thanks to this focus and determination, the Dutch have always been able to avoid the pitfalls of a profoundly changing music industry. With the release of their eighth studio album ‘Bleed Out’ on October 20th, it becomes clear that they are not afraid of new paths. The album is a bold leap musically and, above all, in terms of content. The title song already confirms this: it is about Mahsa Amini, the Iranian woman murdered for refusing to wear a proper hijab, and shines a spotlight on people oppressed by their regimes that subjugate their citizens and destroy societies in the process.

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, WITHIN TEMPTATION have shifted their writing focus to social issues, the war, the plight of women fighting for their freedom, and the complex issues surrounding women’s right to choose. Therefore, ‘Bleed Out’ became a fearless proclamation from the band to the world and music. This is not an album that is afraid to shake one or two (speaker) systems. Imbued with an enormous dynamic range that, as usual, explores the full depth of symphonic heaviness, the album is as exuberantly Heavy Metal and anthemic as it is politically profound.

‘Bleed Out’ will be released worldwide on various formats on October 20th via WITHIN TEMPTATION’s label Force Music Recordings in a joint venture with Bertus Distribution and can be ordered already. Further information and the opportunity to pre-order the album can be found at Already released are ‘The Purge’, ‘Don’t Pray For Me’, ‘Wireless’, ‘Shed My Skin (feat. Annisokay)’, ‘Entertain You’ and ‘The Ritual’. In autumn 2024, WITHIN TEMPTATION will go on a big tour of Germany with the new material.

German Tour Dates
October 6, 2024 – Cologne, Palladium
October 14, 2024 – Berlin, UFO
October 15, 2024 – Hamburg, Sporthalle
October 16, 2024 – Leipzig, Haus Auensee
October 19, 2024 – Munich, Zenith
October 23, 2024 – Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle
December 3, 2024 – Stuttgart, Porsche Arena

Tickets for the tour are available via Eventim. From Friday, October 6th, 10 a.m., tickets are available from 48.00 euros plus fees at all known CTS pre-sale points and on the hotline +49 (0)1806 - 570070 (0.20 €/call from landline, mobile phone max. 0.60€/call), on and

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