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aerzte tour2022Maimarktgelände, Mannheim, Germany
11th September 2022
Die Ärzte, Drangsal & Lüt

Farin Urlaub (guitar and vocals), Bela B (drums, vocals and guitar) and Rodrigo Gonzalez (guitar, bass and vocals) form one of the most iconic German Rock bands: DIE ÄRZTE! All three perform and write their own songs. Due to Corona they had to postponed their tour several times but now they can finally launch their “Buffalo Bill in Rom” Tour 2022. The spacious Maimarktgelände is a great location for an open-air concert and DIE ÄRZTE were not alone on stage. As support you could see DRANGSAL who is also an awesome German singer songwriter who is known for his New Wave, Post-Punk and Indie-Pop songs. In addition, the Norwegian Rock band LÜT was on stage.


The Norwegian Punk Rock band LÜT from Tromsö - a city in the Arctic Circle - opened the concert. Since their formation in 2014, they have established themselves as a constant in the Scandinavian music scene. Also in Germany they are no longer unknown. They have already performed on German festival stages such as the Summer Breeze Open Air and the Reeperbahn Festival Hamburg. With their second album ‘Mersmak’, which means ‘More Taste’, they are touring Norway this fall. /

02. Boytoy
03. Mer og vise til
04. Lütetro
05. Fettelüt
06. Trash gjennom
07. Du vet ingenting
08. Skyt mæ
09. Prisen


The second special guest on stage was DRANGSAL. The music of the German singer-songwriter is strongly influenced by the 70s and 80s Synth Pop of e.g. DEPECHE MODE and THE CURE. The musician, who has released three albums to date, is also an author and this year he published his first book ‘Doch’ with autobiographical lyrics and poems. Currently, he is still touring Germany and will also be live again at the Open Air festival Lollapalooza in Berlin in early autumn 2022. /

Die Ärzte

The best band in the world live in Mannheim! ‘Schunder-Song‘, ‘Schrei nach Liebe‘, ‘Westerland’ - everyone knows these hits! DIE ÄRZTE (...from Berlin) visited Mannheim on Sunday evening and showed their fans that everything is Punk. As part of their current “Buffalo Bill in Rom” Tour, the “best band in the world” is on the road with all their big hits. Farin Urlaub, Bela B and Rodrigo Gonzalez rocked the stage and you almost didn’t notice their age. I don’t say they are old but keep in mind they formed in 1982. They mentioned that their fans are throwing less and less bras and panties on the stage and their lame bad jokes from the 80s are still bad BUT: they still played just as cheeky and loud and punky as their fans are used to. Sometimes the audience is also aging like their idols, but this is not happening to DIE ÄRZTE. On the contrary!

dieaerzte 2021a Fotocredit JoergSteinmetz

A new generation of ÄRZTE fans is growing up - children sang all their songs sitting on their daddies’ shoulders. And that’s great! Because the songs are just as up-to-date as they were back then. The audience on the Maimarktgelände celebrated the trio boisterously, laughed at lousy jokes and even the Mexican wave celebrated its comeback and looked actually pretty good. Baden-Württemberg (and not Bavaria, Saxony, Berlin or Rhineland-Palatinate!) is definitely not “unrockbar”! Due to the pandemic, also DIE ÄRZTE had a lot to catch up. Their tour and concerts had to be postponed several times. But the three rocked the stage as ever, were in top form and celebrated themselves. As in the past, fans celebrated with flares and bare-breasted. Shouting “Ist das noch Punkrock?” and “Männer sind Schweine”. Finally we saw them lice again and it was a great evening!

01. Himmelblau
02. Noise
03. Wir sind die Besten
04. Heulerei
05. Blumen
06. Lasse redn
07. Fiasko
08. Angeber
09. Ist das noch Punkrock?
10. Doof
11. Meine Freunde
12. Hurra
13. Besserwisserboy
14. Schunder-Song
15. Außerirdische
16. Ich, am Strand
17. Lady
18. 1/2 Lovesong
19. Morgens Pauken
20. Friedenspanzer
21. Manchmal haben Frauen...
22. Nie wieder Krieg, nie mehr Las Vegas!
23. Dein Vampyr
24. Deine Schuld
25. Lied vom Scheitern
26. Unrockbar
27. Dinge von denen
28. Ignorama
29. Wie es geht
30. Mach die Augen zu
31. Dunkel
32. Schrei nach Liebe
33. Junge
34. Zu spät
35. Dauerwelle vs. Minipli
36. Gute Nacht

Promo Photo by Joerg Steinmetz

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