6th - 9th June 2014
Wave Gotik Treffen 2014 Day 4: Rabia Sorda, Faderhead, Absolute Body Control, Oomph!, Reading Christian von Aster, Lecture Dr. Mark Benecke, Dead United, Kitty in a Casket, Rainy Days Factory, The Foreign Resort, Bloodsucking Zombies from outer Space, The Creepshow
Last Day of the festival already and it was still terribly hot. So we started the day in air-conditioned venues. One part of the team attended author’s readings, and the other part went for the exhibition “H.R. Giger and the zeitgeist of the 20th century” at SansvoiX - modern art.
Exhibition “H.R. Giger and the zeitgeist of the 20th century” - SansvoiX - modern art [BP + DV]
The works of Hans Ruedi Giger mainly deal with the returning topic of biomechanoids. He combined surrealistic tendencies with technics, mechanics and strange creatures in confusing and morbid combinations, often with sexual allusions. Now, the fantastic artist died on 12th May 2014 through the injuries of a fall. The gallery SansvoiX and all of his fans and art lovers grieve about the death of an genius. “Man is only truly dead when no one remembers him”, as Brecht said. In the case of Giger this means eternal life for him, his works and his legacy. Rest in peace!

Rabia Sorda - Agra [DV]
For part of our team, the last day of WGT was traditionally an Agra day. AS first band, RABIA SORDA entered the stage, who jumped in for GOD MODULE who were originally scheduled. RABIA SORDA is the, in 2003 founded, solo project of the HOCICO singer Erk Aicrag. Until now they have released three albums, one re-released album and three singles. Compared to HOCICO the music of this band is less aggressive and noisy but belongs to the Electro-Industrial/ Post-Punk genre. At WGT, they delivered an energetic show with old and new songs from their current album ‘Hotel Suicide’, just as we know it from the band. // Setlist: 1. Intro / 2. Eye M the Blacksheep / 3. Out of Control / 4. Deaf / 5. Misery / 6. A World on Fire / 7. Save me from my Curse / 8. Radio Paranoia / 9. Turbulence / 10. Dibujando el Veneno / 11. Walking on Nails / 12. Indestructible / 13. Hotel Suicide / 14. Somewhere along the Road // https://www.facebook.com/rabiasordaofficial / http://www.rabiasorda.com

Faderhead - Agra [DV]
Next on stage was German project FADERHEAD. As known from past concert, Hamburg based Sami Mark Yahya, aka FADERHEAD, was supported by Joel Meyer and Daniel Meyer from SAM. Additionally, Marco Visconti from XP8 joined them on stage. So far, the project has released several albums with ‘Atoms & Emptiness’, released in February 2014, being the latest one. FADERHEAD got well-known in the scene with two massive worldwide club hits, ‘Dirtygrrrls / Dirtybois’ and ‘TZDV’. From stomping techno to synth-pop to dirty groove-laden electro reaches his repertoire. And of course his WGT show offered exactly what people expected. Time to move, boys and girls! // https://www.facebook.com/faderhead / http://www.faderhead.com

Absolute Body Control - Agra [DV]
Dirk Ivens already played at this year’s WGT with THE KLINIK. Today, it was time for one of his other projects, ABSOLUTE BODY CONTROL. The Belgian project, consisting today of Dirk Ivens (i.e. THE KLINIK, DIVE) and Eric Van Wonterghem was already founded far back in 1981. The original line-up consisted of Ivens and Mark de Jonghe and Veerle de Schepper. While de Jonghe soon left the band after the release of a track on the ‘Blitzpop 1’ compilation and their first 7" single ‘Is there an exit?’ in 1981 and was replaced by Eric van Wonterghem who would remain Dirk’s musical counterpart for many years to come. ABC appeared on several compilations and tapes before they decided to continue the project as a duo. In 1984 both Dirk and Eric became members of THE KLINIK; the latter one left already after the second album and formed INSEKT. Their last tape ‘Tracks’ released in 1989 contained all their compilation contributions. The first CD ‘Eat this’ was released as late as 1993 because of the lasting public interest. After 22 years ABSOLUTE BODY CONTROL finally re-united in 2006 to play some festival shows and released a compilation called ‘Wind (re)Wind’ containing re-recorded tracks. As known for this project, the performance remained as minimalist as the music while all its bits and bytes appeared, though with all its minimalism it was still more able to captivate and enthuse an audience than a fully-fledged band with an over-produced sound. // https://www.facebook.com/AbsoluteBodyControl / http://er5634.wix.com/absolutebodycontrol

Oomph! - Agra [DV]
German OOMPH! were headlining the evening. The latest OOMPH! album ‘Des Wahnsinns fette Beute’ from 2012, takes their trademark-sound to a new level with uncompromised courage to step far beyond the borders. OOMPH! was founded in Wolfsburg in 1989 and are one of the oldest and most famous German bands. They consist of Dero (vocals, drums), Crap (keyboard, guitar) and Flux (guitars, sampling). On stage, the line-up is extended by Martin Bode on drums, Hagen on bass, El Friede on keyboards and Okusa on percussion. T heir music is called “Neue Deutsche Härte”, a powerful mixture of Rock, EBM, Pop and Metal, and has inspired bands like RAMMSTEIN. OOMPH! have published 14 albums so far. The changing masquerades, outfits and stage scenes of the band provided variety and proved some, not so important participant self-mockery of the entire crew. Front man Dero is simply an entertainer without ifs and buts! The Agra was packed for the show and seemed to turn into a sauna. Their show contained several new songs, but also a lot of old material, like ‘Wunschkind’, ‘Niemand’, ‘Gekreuzigt’ or ‘Der neue Gott’. Truly a great show to close the festival at Agra. //

Setlist: 1. Unzerstörbar / 2. Labyrinth / 3. Träumst Du / 4. Wunschkind / 5. Das weisse Licht / 6. Bis Der Spiegel Zerbricht / 7. Mein Schatz / 8. Niemand / 9. Gekreuzigt / 10. Kleinstadtboy / 11. Mein Herz / 12. Der neue Gott / 13. Regen / 14. Mitten ins Herz / 15. Seemannsrose / 16. Gott ist ein Popstar / 17. Augen auf! / 18. Sandmann / 19. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (Monty Python cover) // https://www.facebook.com/oomphband / http://www.oomph.de/
Christian von Aster (Reading) - Cinestar [DV]
While part of our crew enjoyed the Giger exhibition, we preferred the reading of Christian von Aster at the Cinestar cinema. Writer Christian von Aster, born 1973, was reading at WGT on several days with different topics. The reading today was dialing with “fairy tales” under the topic “Rumpelstilzchen schlägt zurück”. He was reading parts from ‘Shadowboy’, a book he has written for the ‘Shadowboy’ release of KLANGSTABIL. This was more serious than usually, but soon we went over to the more amusing stuff when he read a story about Rumpelstilzchen he wrote for Annie Bertram’s new book ‘Wahre Märchen 2’ (True Fairy Tales II). Furthermore he introduced the second part of his story about “Herr Albtraum” (Mr. Nightmare). As always, his reading was really amusing and afterwards, Christian von Aster was signing whatever you wanted. // https://www.facebook.com/pages/Christian-von-Aster/83507056711 / http://www.vonaster.de/

Dr. Mark Benecke (Lecture) - Schauspielhaus [DV]
DR. MARK BENECKE is a forensic biologist. Benecke was born in Germany in 1970. After receiving a Ph.D. at Cologne University in 1997, he worked in the Chief Medical Examiner's Office in Manhattan, New York from 1997-1999. As of 2008, he works internationally on forensic cases as a freelance expert witness. He also teaches at various police academies and acts as a visiting professor to universities in Germany, England, Vietnam, Colombia and the Philippines. Benecke has published several popular science books about the biology of aging, criminal cases and forensic biology. He is a member of the editorial board of the “Annals of Improbable Research” (Cambridge, USA), guest editor for “Forensic Science International”, and scientific advisor to the German skeptic organization GWUP, where he publishes skeptical articles on various topics, including his attempt to explain alleged signs of vampirism. Like every year, DR. MARK BENECKE invited all the visitors to see his lecture on forensic biology - and like every year, one had to be there early because everybody wants to be part of the audience.

Even though three dates were scheduled, also on the last day the queue was really long. In past years, the audience could chose the topic of the lecture, but this time, Benecke chose the topic himself and it was the same on every day: “Grabbelkiste: Fälle vom Rand” (Spare box: cases from the edge). Mainly, he chose cases that are different than you first think. All in all, five cases were on the list being very different. Benecke brought to mind that you should look behind the obvious. With descriptive words and of course with lots of humour he explained the background of the cases. All in all an worthwhile lecture. https://www.facebook.com/markbenecke / http://www.benecke.com
Dead United - Täubchenthal [DV]
After the lecture of Benecke I thought it is time for a change… Some horror punk at the new festival location, Täubchenthal. And this location is really worth a visit. The area has kind of demolition charm and the location itself seems to be an old factory building. It has a big outdoor area with food and beverage stalls, resting area and even a balcony with beach chairs. Perfect setting for the summer weather! DEAD UNITED were opening the horror punk day and after the Benecke lecture I was a little late and the show had already started. The band describes itself: “A new dimension of blood, freaks and morbid creatures! DEAD UNITED, four undead motherfu**ers from hell make your worst nightmares come true. Horror-splatter-punk-rock and a bloody terrifying horror show will frighten you to death!” The show was very entertaining with kind of chainsaw massacre and electric chair, bringing the “death” for singer Buzz Vendetta at the end. // https://www.facebook.com/deadunited / http://www.deadunited.com/

Kitty in a Casket - Täubchenthal [DV]
KITTY IN A CASKET was founded 2008 in Vienna and combines punk rock with rockabilly elements. The first long-player, ‘Horror Express’, was out in 2009 followed by three more records, ‘Bittersweet’ being the latest one in 2013. So far, the band played in several European countries and on big festivals. Furthermore they shared stages with THE EXPLOITED, THE OTHER or DEAD KENNEDYS. In summer 2013, they played a five-week US tour. Eye catcher during their live shows is surely graceful singer Kitty. The tiny person is full of energy and she was constantly jumping across the stage, motivating the audience to move. The mood in the hall was really good and anyone seemed to enjoy the show. // Setlist: 1. Monster Highschool Party / 2. Way to Hell / 3. In Blood we trust / 4. Horror Express / 5. Run Run / 6. Keepsville 666 / 7. The Crowd / 8. Bloody Lovesong / 9. Space Invaders / 10. Dancing with the Devil / 11. Nighttime Sky / 12. Die Geister die ich rief / 13. Just like Heaven / 14. Bride of the Monster / 15. Cannibal paradise // https://www.facebook.com/kittyinacasket / http://www.kittyinacasket.com

Rainy Days Factory - Altes Landratsamt [DV]
I left the KITTY IN A CASKET show before the end since I wanted to check out the more Darkwave and Post Punk oriented music at the Landratsamt. Mainly, I went over to see Russian band MOTORAMA, but first, it was the turn for RAINY DAYS FACTORY from Lisbon / Portugal. The recording of the first EP ‘It's your time’ was done in September 2011. As the band says, their songs are “dedicated to the insane, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers”. The album ‘Ocean of Tears’ was out in December 2013. The musical style goes into direction of JOY DIVISION or INTERPOL, so you know what you could expect sound-wise. The performance itself was rather calm, but with video projections it created a special mood. // Setlist: 1. Holl / 2. Autistic Eyes / 3. Speak Now! / 4. Felt / 5. Sorry / 6. See the Light / 7. Deep Dive / 8. Shame / 9. All About Love // https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rainy-Days-Factory/127781250674177 / http://www.rainydaysfactory.com

The Foreign Resort - Altes Landratsamt [DV]
After RAINY DAYS FACTORY, originally the band I really wanted to see, MOTORAMA, was scheduled. But there was a little problem. On the way to Leipzig, the band’s car had an engine damage and so, the band was lost on the highway and could not arrive in time for their show. Instead, the first band of the evening, Danish THE FOREIGN RESORT, were as kind to play a second show for the people waiting inside. The band’s sound is sonically expressive, dark and moody, mixing 80s New Wave with Post Punk sounds. I really like their music, providing dreamy vocals, strong bass lines, intense melodies and powerful drum play. At last, a good ending of the day at the Landratsamt. // Setlist: 1. Dead End Roads / 2. Breaking Apart / 3. Alone / 4. Dave / 5. Flushed / 6. Take a Walk / 7. Torch It / 8. New Frontiers / 9. Quiet Again / 10. Landslide / 11. Orange Glow // https://www.facebook.com/theforeignresort / http://theforeignresort.com/

Bloodsucking Zombies from outer Space - Täubchenthal [DV]
Back at Täubchenthal for more Horror Punk / Psychobilly and the BLOODSUCKING ZOMBIES FROM OUTER SPACE (BZFOS). The Austrian band was founded 2002 in Vienna. Their songs usually deal, in a humourist way, with the topics and clichés of horror b-movies, like zombies, mummies, serial killers or graveyard parties. So far, the band had released seven albums (including a live album and a compilation) with ‘Toxic Terror Trax: Music for the Post-Apocalypse’ as latest one in 2014. The ZOMBIES proved that their name is topic. The show was just wired. Singer Dead Gein with his horror makeup was standing instead of sitting behind the drums. Also the face of the other band members were wearing a horror makeup. The setlist seemed long, but the songs were rather short and followed in quick succession. The hall was really packed now, the heat level was increasing even more and anyone in there was having a good time. A show you should attend, really! // Setlist: 1. Intro / 2. Radio Active / 3. Giant Spider / 4. I Wanna Hear You Scream / 5. TUC / 6. Burried in Barrels / 7. Plainfield Love / 8. Camp Crystal Lake / 9. G.H.O.U.L. / 10. Mondo Video / 11. Linda Blair / 12. Deeper Shade of Red / 13. Dr. Freudstein / 14. Kids of the Apocalypse / 15. Werewolf in a Girl’s Dormitory / 16. Monster Mutant Boogie / Encore: 17. Oasch & Leiwand / 18. Moonlight Sonata / 19. Poison // https://www.facebook.com/BZFOS / http://www.zombies.at

The Creepshow - Täubchenthal [DV]
Canadian THE CREEPSHOW were closing the Horror Punk / Psychobilly evening and many people wanted to see their show, especially new singer Kenda who joined the band in summer 2012. The band is one of the most important Psychobilly bands of Canada. Their lyrics mostly deal with horror movies and their monsters. Founded in 2005, the band released six recordings so far. The latest album dates back to 2013 and is called ‘Life after Death’. The new singer made a really good impression on stage. She performed with lots of power and obviously had fun entertaining the audience. The setlist contained a nice selection of all albums. Also the rest of the band was in really good mood and so, the last show of the evening turned out to be a success for band and audience. Due to the heat in the packed venue, I left the show before the end to meet up the rest of the crew at Moritzbastei, where the evening was closed by ROBOTIKO REJEKTO. // https://www.facebook.com/TheCreepshowOfficial / https://thecreepshow.bandpage.com/

Robotiko Rejekto - Moritzbastei [BP + DV]
ROBOTIKO REJECTO are know from the late eighties where they were a name in the Techno scene. The project was founded 1987 by RaHen (Ralf Henrich) and Talla 2XLC (Andreas Tomalla), who worked together already in other projects. ROBOTIKO REJECTO represents the early Techno sound of the Rhine-Main-Area and also was successful in other European countries. In that time, the musical style of the band was categorized as Aggrepo and EBM. Already their debut album ‘Rejekto!’ was sold very well. During their WGT show, they presented of course several old classics like ‘Rejekto!’ and ‘Umstirz jetzt!’, but also songs from their latest album ‘Corporate Power’ that was released in 2012. // https://www.facebook.com/robotiko.rejekto / http://www.robotiko-rejekto.com/

Full Gallery
Pictures by Bettina Pietschmann, Karsten Schulze & Daniela Vorndran (http://www.vorndranphotography.com / http://www.facebook.com/blackcatnet)
Witten by Bettina Pietschmann [BP] & Daniela Vorndran [DV]