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monoinc nimmermehr
Artist: Mono Inc.
Album: Nimmermehr
Genre: Alternative Rock
Release Date: 9th August 2013
Label: NoCut/ SPV

Album Review

Even after a band history of 13 years the German band from Hamburg is still not tired to rock which they prove at their concerts as well as with their 7th album that was released just a couple of weeks ago. Usually the lyrics of their songs are in English but on this album you will also find some songs in German. And on this album they have a special guest appearance: no one less than the legend of my youth JOACHIM WITT giving the song ‘Kein Weg zu weit’ a very special and emotional feeling by his voice. And now, just let us dive into the album and check out a few of the songs…

Their first single release from this album, ‘Heile, Heile Segen’, and opener of the album starts really rocky although the part with the kid singing reminds very much of the OOMPH! song that was once a hit single and this singsong makes you think for a moment that it sounds a bit silly but then at the second thought you are reminded of CLAWFINGER’s ‘Do what I say’, too, which was really a cool song. But with hearing it for a second or third time you are reconciled and you start to ignore this song line as the song really rocks. Surely it has a touch of mainstream music.

The guitar playing and the sound of a bell in ‘My deal with God’ makes you think of SISTERS OF MERCY but here there is more easiness and despite the title it is not about a severe or depressing topic. It’s an appeal to be what you are despite what others might think of you and enjoy your life. And so is the music, rocky and easy going. As mentioned above, ‘Kein Weg zu weit’ (No way too far) is sung by JOACHIM WITT starting with whistling and a guitar melody that gives you an impression of a soundtrack in a western but the song is not about the lonely cowboy somewhere in the desert grieving his sorrow but about a relationship that is so strong that nothing could come in the way and all wrapped in a catchy tune that is almost more pop than rock.

The music of ‘Euthanasia’ has such lightness that you might easily forget what the lyrics are about. With ‘The clock ticks on’ the mood changes to rock again accompanied with driving guitar sounds and underlined with Katha Mia’s background vocals. ‘A better way to die’ is a song to slow down as it is a rock ballad. A good song to lit the sparkler and sing along. ‘Days like this’ is an up tempo song again obviously inspired by some sound elements of the Neue Deutsche Welle. With ‘Ich teile dich nicht’ (I don’t share you) you can hear that spending quite an intensive and creative time with JOACHIM WITT left its marks although.

The title track of the album ‘Nimmermehr’ (Nevermore) is also the last song .As a melancholic ballad dominated by the piano play and strings later on the album ends quietly and leaves you a bit musing. All in all, the album is a good mixture between rock songs and some quiet, slow songs, diverse and entertaining. It is available as a standard and a limited edition. The limited edition contains a DVD with two clips, several live versions of songs from their former albums as well as the making of the song ‘Kein Weg zu weit’.


01. Heile, Heile Segen
02. Seligkeit
03. My Deal With God
04. Kein Weg Zu Weit
05. Euthanasia
06. Alles Was Bleibt
07. The Clock Ticks On
08. A Better Way To Die
09. Herzschlag
10. Days Like This
11. Ich Teile Dich Nicht
12. Nimmermehr

Line – up

Martin Engler – Vocals
Carl Fornia – Guitar, vocals
Manuel Antoni – Bass, vocals
Katha Mia – Drums, vocals

Joachim Witt- Guest singer

Website /

Cover Picture

monoinc nimmermehr


Music: 7
Sound: 9
Total: 8 / 10

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