28th October 2016
L’Âme Immortelle & Eden
The concert started with a Melodic Metal band from Moscow called EDEN. The band combines melodic heavy riffs with orchestra arrangements and female soprano. Each of their song contians nowadays stories from the real life and stories from the past based on books. But the heroes of this wonderful night were of course L’ÂME IMMORTELLE and as soon as the band finished their show, applause was loud and everyone started scream two names only: “Thomas! Sonja! Thomas! Sonja! Thomas! Sonja!” Their show was opened with ‘Life Will Never Be The Same Again’ and I was immediately covered by goose bumps. L’ÂME IMMORTELLE concerts for me are always like returning to my home. It is always amazing, touching and beautiful with genuine emotions. I wanted just pause that and live these pleasant moments over and over again…
L’Âme Immortelle
http://www.lai-music.com / https://www.facebook.com/LAI.official
All pictures by Ekaterina Yakyamseva
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